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The only part I didn't really like was the scene where Rocket starts crying about how he's suffered because of the experiments that were done to him. He's a fucking talking raccoon with guns, I don't need to hear about his boo-hoos.

It felt really tacked on and completely betrayed the impression I had of him.

Well, he was drunk. What I really loved is the earlier foreshadowing scene when Rocket mopes into his cell wet and nude. It's an initially comical moment that turns on a dime when Quill notices Rocket's implants and scars. I think that moment alone exemplifies the masterfully balanced tone of the movie.


It was a really good movie. Very well done humour, and great action.

Funny thing when I saw it, there was a 6-8 year old sitting next to my wife, and he kept asking his Dad what some of the words were, and why the characters were using them.


Not exactly what wanted out of a Guardians movie after reading the stuff coming out of Annihilation, but I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless. The synergy between the team was enjoyable, Rocket was mostly played as an actual character and not an annoying animal sidekick, and it was humorous as well as exhilarating.

I like how Marvel now has a new Sci-fi franchise they can lean on when this Superhero movie popularity bubble inevitably pops. Hopefully Warner Brothers and Fox, and will take notes and ease off the dark and gritty a bit.


It's been a while since the overwhelming emotion you feel through a movie is fun. Captain America: Winter Soldier was amazing, and still my pick for best modern Marvel film, but you never have fun while you're watching it the way you do during Guardians. Go see this film immediately if you like fun of any sort.

I can't wait to see how they balance this level of comedy and lighthearted-ness with the Avengers in the third film, which presumably will draw absolutely everyone together.


Gotta say, went into this thinking that Drax would be the low point of the movie (because Dave Bautista), and he ended up as my favorite character of them all. Definitely surprised on that account.

And I gotta agree, I thought the movie balanced on the knife's edge between comedy and serious dramatic moments, and while it came close to whirling its arms and falling off that knife's edge it never did. I will definitely be seeing it again.


I was seeing all sorts of praise about this movie, and I saw it had a wise-crackin' raccoon in it, so I thought it a good idea to go see it. I'm very glad I did - it pretty much lives up to the hype around it. It's not a masterpiece, but the character synergy was great, the action was fun and the visuals were perfect, for what they needed to be. It's something I'll likely put on periodically (when it's released), if I just want to sit down and enjoy a movie in the future.

Very well done - I would recommend it. :-)


Caught the noon showing earlier today and I'm very happy I did. It's amazing how many different ways Vin Diesel can say "I am Groot" and that it didn't wear on my nerves like I might expect.

Correct me if my information is wrong, but is anyone else surprised that Bradley Cooper voiced Rocket in this movie? Granted, I haven't seen any of his other movies, but "sarcastic gun-happy space raccoon" doesn't exactly sound like a role I'd see Cooper portraying.

I'd go on, but I don't wanna spoil anything (or at least anything of actual importance).

Really enjoyed the soundtrack on this movie. Been listening to it quite a bit these past few days

Speaking of which, I just now realized that the soundtrack album is subtitled Awesome Mix Vol. 1 even though "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" is technically on Vol. 2. Yep, I've officially watched this movie too many times.

Caught the noon showing earlier today and I'm very happy I did. It's amazing how many different ways Vin Diesel can say "I am Groot" and that it didn't wear on my nerves like I might expect.

Groot definitely gave me an Iron Giant vibe pretty much because of Vin Diesel

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