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I don't know how relevant this is here, but considering the guy was a major game fan and even appeared in a Zelda commercial with the daughter he named after said game series, I figured it was at least somewhat appropriate to pay some respects.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/11/robin-williams-dead-dies_n_5670050.html - confirmed to not be a hoax.

Before I got into music, I studied acting first, and unlike music I was actually good at it at the time I was studying it. Robin Williams was one of my main templates for that similar to how Hiroki Kikuta and Motoi Sakuraba exist as templates for me now. I don't usually get bummed out about many celebrities/entertainers that die, but I do feel unusually gut-punched by this one.

Anyways, just wanted to leave a little mini-shrine here for those interested to contribute to it.


You know, celebrity deaths rarely both me that much. There are a short handful, though, that hit me particularly hard. Jim Henson was one. Robin Williams has now beed added to that list. In some ways, I felt like we were from the same planet. I pulled these out of my closet this evening and smiled.

Posted (edited)

Well this outright sucks.

I've always been a fan of Robin Williams. From his stand up performances, to his acting, and how much the guy could improve on just about any topic and turn it into something funny. I don't know what it was that drove him to this point, but the world of comedy just lost yet another big star in its universe.

R.I.P Robin Williams, and thanks for the many, many laughs.

Edited by The Coop

I don't usually get affected by news of celebrity deaths, but Robin Williams was one of my favorite actors/comedians, especially when I was a kid. The news really hit me like a sucker punch, didn't even see it coming. My condolences to the family.

Man, this really upsets me. Something about Robin Williams always just made me really happy, and hearing that he allegedly took his own life is unbelievably sad. I'm going to spend tonight watching some of his great standup performances and see him as the incredibly funny and bright guy that he was, and try not to focus on his untimely death. R.I.P.

Same... I'll be racing in the OCR MK8 tournament tonight in his honor, then looking for stand up on Netflix. Hopefully it's there. Just watched Bicentennial Man on there a few weeks ago. I'm sure there's something on there I can watch.


I just grabbed the phone to check why it buzzed me awake, only to find the internet in mourning. RIP man, I hope you really go to that place where dreams may come :'(


I was hoping so much that this was another terrible internet hoax. Man...this guy was in some of the funniest and most inspirational movies of my childhood. He gave the gift of laughter to entire generations!

Apparently, the last words that the world at large saw was a tweet wishing his daughter Zelda a happy 25th birthday.

and I was like "Awww. He's describing his grown up daughter like a princess! That's the sweetest thing ever!" and now it's too hard to watch.

Man, Aladdin, Jumanji, Flubber, Hook.......his movies, his comedy, and the fact that he loved Zelda so much that he named his daughter after the princess (which is a wonderful thing for a father to do), so much about Robin Williams that I loved and enjoyed throughout my life. Regardless of what led to his passing in this way, I just hope he has found the peace he was after. My condolences to his family.

Yeah that reminds me, my favorite movie of his was What Dreams May Come, watching it now may seem a bit sour

Gonna watch it tonight with the GF anyway. It's been sitting on the shelf just begging to be seen (she hasn't seen it yet) and quite frankly I can't think of a better moment.

There is no overcoming it, merely accepting it and moving on as best as I am able.

Also Zelda (his daughter) tweeted this out earlier.


What's also really sad is that his very last tweet was a birthday message to her.

Those are some really beautiful last words. A little bit haunting, yeah, but man-tearily beatiful. RIP man :cry:

Posted (edited)

Was truly shocked to hear this.. The irony of life, so many famous, succesful and beloved artists&comedians who make millions laugh are actually depressed in their personal life and resort to suicide, though in this case it's not yet confirmed. Damnit, makes you think of the old sayings about fortune&fame not making you any happier.. Wish things had gone differently for him.

I'm grateful for the memories, Mr. Williams, you made me laugh countless times, too.

Edited by RiverSound

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