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  • 1 month later...

This wasn't the first remix I've downloaded on this site, but it hasta be one of the best. The lead into each section is done to perfection and I've always had a soft spot for the synth guitar. A mix worthy of the Mega Man X name.




  • 1 month later...

I'm playing through Mega Man X for the first time right now (late to the party, I know), and this is the first remix I've checked out for it. Protricity is in fantastic shape, as always. Excellent work. :D

  • 3 months later...

I got excited when I saw that Prot had remixed this one, and since I know I couple of his works, I knew that this would either rock or be beautiful. It turned out be Freaking Awesome!!

I haven't played MMX, so unfortunately I don't have anything to compare with. It didn't sound very special in the beginning, it was first after the screaming synth kicked in that I knew that the techno madness was about to begin. It kept on rolling with drums and beats, and I enjoyed every single part of it. The change-overs to the other robot themes just enhanced the adrenaline level, first out came Storm eagle and then apparently Spark Mandrill. It's fast paced, has variety, and all the instruments are weaved into each other like a carpet. For some it may be hard to enjoy, since it's so much going on with all the instruments, but when it comes to MegaMan remixes, all you can do is stuff it up. That's how it's supposed and will be. At least if you want a fast going mix like this one.

Protricity, excellent work.

  • 3 weeks later...

I like this mix alot... the intro is very nicely done IMO, but I didn't like the way the transitions to the next song felt, it just threw me off. The end wasn't anything to get excited over either, but I enjoyed this mix a good amount. I'd say the three songs in the mix are some of my favorite in the game, and he did very well in remixing them.


  • 2 months later...

When I was around 11 I was completely obsessed with the megaman x series, and went on napster since it was around back then, and downloaded this song not knowing what it was. I listened to it over and over and the name "protricity" was in the back of my head forever, since it was simply called Protricity - Brainsick metal. When I found out about the site a few years later and saw "protricity" I went insane. This remains one of my favorite songs, plus the nostalgia helps.

I like this mix alot... the intro is very nicely done IMO, but I didn't like the way the transitions to the next song felt, it just threw me off. The end wasn't anything to get excited over either, but I enjoyed this mix a good amount. I'd say the three songs in the mix are some of my favorite in the game, and he did very well in remixing them.


Strongly disagree with your take on the ending. I thought/think the ending is incredible and it's always been my favorite part. To each his own, no worries.

At anyrate, saw this mix up on the board and thought I'd drop in and see what the more recent reviewers thought. Still an all time greatest in my opinion.

  • 6 months later...

This here is definitely one of my favourite remixes on the entire website.

Mega Man X has always been a game I like to play every now and then, and it has always had the same great soundtrack. Brainsick Metal takes some of the better songs from this soundtrack, merges them together, and greatly improves them!

There's been days where this song just looped and looped and looped and I didn't want to change it because it fits my preferences for music so incredibly well!

For me, the song really comes on strong halfway through the Storm Eagle section of the song where the rest of the instuments come in, from then on out it's just so intense that it has my foot tapping constantly.

An excellent remix here and by me, at least, it's highly recommended! For those of you who don't like rock songs though, or the Mega Man X soundtrack in general... you won't like it. :P

  • 8 months later...

A few things...

(1) It already is instrumental. Maybe you meant "acoustic" instead.

(2) It is highly unlikely that Protricity still has the file for this and could actually change it, since it is years old.

(3) Even if he did, it is usually frowned upon around here when you ask a mixer to redo an older mix - especially if it's in a big way like changing the instrumentation in its entirety.


Well I think that an electronic version not does justice to the track...and I was not meaning an acoustic version but a instrumental version with a real guitar (and bass maybe)...


It's definitely a faux pas to ask an arranger to heavily redo a track, especially an older piece, like zircon mentioned. I wouldn't expect anything to come of the request, to be honest. The best you could hope for is someone else deciding to do it, which is doubtful, though more unlikely things have happened.

  • 6 months later...

I love how absurdly synthy these guitars are. It's like 16-bit amped. I seriously wonder if someone submitted something arranged this well but with samples like this for today's OCRemix standards if it would actually pass. I would go out on a limb and say probably not. But hey, now we've got remix tha sauce as well as this site so it's all good.

This song totally makes me want to tackle some mega man music but with the sounds that I have :)! I have a strange love for synthesized metal stuff when it's done well. :)


ALRIGHT! I'm glad to see this remix getting more reviews. This has been one of my old favorites for a very long time. I agree with what Kidd Jredd said about the current standards. I don't know if it could make it now, but either way, it's just so damn fun and it's got a lot of style and character and that goes a long way with me. It's fast too. I love the three themes that were chosen. I would have LOVED to hear some Spark Mandrill integrated into this. Oh yeah! Someday I hope to be able to make something like this with real guitars and played even faster. ^_^

Edit: Wait a minute! That IS Spark Mandrill. Thanks Appiraition. What the heck did I think it was...? Hahaha.

  • 3 months later...

This remix gave me goosebumps. Take it from a guy who has both Storm Eagle and Spark Mandrill tattooed on his body when I say this remix does the original justice. I loved the transitions and the lead. Thanks for the track!

  • 3 months later...

Starting out with the fact that the Opening Stage arrangement alone belongs in the actual game track instead of the original, thats just what I thought at the beginning. But then I listened on and all of the arrangements capture both the action and the mood so much better than the actual game. Not only did you go where the songs brought you, but I feel like you pretty much expressed the heart of the songs better than the orginal artists did themselves. This piece is worthy of being three different pieces separately rather than the whole of just because each arrangement is done so well. Well done Protricity, I also loved the Forest Birdcussion piece for DKC2. To sum my opinion up more simply, I made an ocremix forums account just to comment on this piece ;)

  • 3 months later...

I agree with axem that the beginning of your song belongs in the game more than the one that is actually in there. You totally nailed the synth sounds used in the game's music, while adding some great guitar sounds that exude energy. Love the fast paced bass as well, and the drum rolls interspersed throughout add a nice change of pace. If they ever do a remake of Mega Man X, Capcom should contact you for some music. You nailed everything that Mega Man X's Music is about. Simple, clean energenic fun. I wish you'd do another piece from Mega Man X just to see what you could do with something like Chill Penguin's stage, Boomer Kwanger's stage or Zero's theme.


  • 1 month later...


Just plain awesome!

It doesn't start that great to me... But it ends incredibly!

Exactly at 3:00 is when it really starts to sounds awesome...

One of the best Mega man Remixes I've ever heard...

Up there in my top remixes of all time...

I is in awe!

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Brainsick Metal seizes your mood and doesn't let go. Drums are super attentive as they fill in as 4ths, 8ths, 16ths, 32nds, and maybe even 64ths in sugar-pumped spurts. The guitar and square wave leads match their raw power with definitive grinds and wails of their own. Guided by a constant tempo, they tear up the sound field and thrash through the Maverick-infested levels.

I imagine X not only running, but jumping and wall-jumping to the beat while the background changes to the level being remixed. Sources are loud and clear, with a few piecemeal embellishments to repeating portions using layered synths (i.e. the beginning of Storm Eagle's stage [2:28-2:48] and the prelude to Spark Mandrill's [4:16-4:36]). 1:47 and 2:07 both sound pensive and anticipating, the former by way of a hesitant, reverbed synth and the latter using what sounds like gated reverb and light strings. At 3:55 the lead mellows down into a siren-like herald to the final source, and the bells are brighter and more polished. And at the end, the waves from the guitar thrashes leave us out of breath but completely satisfied after a round of hard rockin'.

Packed, pumpin', and powerful.

  • 7 months later...

Simply the best MMX remix I've heard so far. Making short work of not one, but three X themes and doing justice to them, I gotta hand it to Prot, he's gold at these mixes. The Spark Mandrill part is the one I think was done the best, to be honest.

  • 6 months later...

Not really digging the synth guitars, but the rest of this is awesome. The intensity of the track definitely shines through, and the attention to the leads really pays off. Nice section changes, there is always something interesting going on. Storm Eagle is especially well handled, and the transitions between sections are solid too. Pretty much this makes up for the weak backing samples and sound quality with pure adrenaline.

Really great stuff. :-)

  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

This track has such drive! :D I can never quite believe it's over 6 minutes long. It's that good. ^__^

Just when you think it's slowing down, it picks you right again. A rocking track you'd listen to during a speed run. :)

Edited by swansdown

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