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Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History

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So we just passed our second-to-last deadline, and I am very happy with the progress that we saw for this deadline. Not only do we have a handful of tracks that are nearly finished, we also saw a good amount of new WIPS and a few folks reaching out to get a bit more time for their updates. So thanks all, let's keep it up!

Unfortunately we didn't hear from everyone, and that also means a track that previously was claimed has become available again. Anyone interested, I Closed My Eyes, the dreamy Game Over tune, is now up for grabs again!

Next deadline is July 2nd. It'd be a good idea to shoot for a near final version of your track so you don't have to rush it towards the final deadline in September. Stay tuned! :)


here we goooo
What I'm going to need live instrumentation of (I can manage to replace some parts on my own w/ whatever works best. I'm not dead set on having these be 1:1)

Bari Sax

Bass Clarinet




Drum Set

Two Acoustic Guitars (I'm capable of doing these myself)

4 electric guitars (someone can just double for all of these parts; most of them aren't too difficult)


Bass Guitar

Choir (...probably gonna get a friend to sample these; just four)

A Cello

...Yeah some of these are definitely going to have to be changed, but I'd like to at least at tempt to hit all of them with their instruments or at least something close.


It's that time again where I get to remind you of an upcoming deadline! The next deadline is July 2nd, so about 2 weeks from now. We already had a few people check in with us to update us on when they expect to have a new version, but for anyone who didn't do so we'll be expecting something :)

Also I figured this would be a good idea to update you guys on some other things. First of all is artwork. We had a few changes here, but the good news is that we found a new artist! Please welcome Tabby aboard as our primary artist. She worked on the &Knuckles album earlier and we already saw some cool sketches for the Mana album artwork-in-progress. Can't wait!

Also we have another new finished track; DS394 just handed in his finished remix of "Steel and Snare", and with its title "Steel and Wubz" it definitely delivers on the very interesting EDM promise. I think you'll love this track :)

See y'all around deadline time in 2 weeks! 


Time for a roundup! We passed our second-to-last deadline with great results, and as you may have seen in the opening post, we've seen a lot of updates, new WIPs and finished tracks! A quick overview:

  • Tabby made great progress with the artwork, with a far advanced version of the front cover artwork that is nearing completion. \o/
  • New challengers! We've got a claim from Charles Ritz for "Did You See the Ocean" and a (temp) claim from @Rozovian for "In the Dead of Night".
  • Initial WIPs from @Heavy Viper ("Spirit of the Night"), @Blake Inc. ("The Dark Star"), @Kylok ("Fear of the Heavens") and @Rozovian, and even though they are initial WIPs, some of them are actually pretty close to being finished already. Great stuff! 
  • Good progress was made by @Sagnewshreds ("Danger"), @Sbeast ("Prophecy"), @JonnyAtma ("Leave Time for Love"), @Jorito ("Fond Memories") and @PabloComa ("Calm Before the Storm"), they just need a bit more work to be finished.
  • The tracks from @DS394 ("Steel and Snare"), @RebeccaETripp ("Still of the Night"), @Hylian Lemon ("A Curious Tale"), @Kylok ("A Wish") are (as good as) finished and they sound amazing. I bet you'll love them :)

So all in all a LOT of great progress! Unfortunately not everybody was able to check in for this deadline, but most people were good in communicating about it, which is much appreciated. There is one more deadline left, and this is the big one, the really really really final deadline, followed by the release of the album.

Final deadline is September 3rd, 2017.

Even though we only have 1 more deadline left, we'd like to encourage you not to wait until the very last moment. If you have something ready sooner, and/or if you'd like to get some feedback on your work, please don't hesitate to share with us. We're here to help. And don't worry about forgetting the deadline, we will be in touch with you about it ;)

Best of luck with this final lap, go kick ass and give Secret of Mana the tribute it deserves!


So about a month for the final deadline, and we're making good progress so far! The artwork for the front cover is now finished, and if you look at the opening post, you can already see a sneak preview :)

Other than that, @evktalo claimed "Together Always" and I myself claimed "Whisper and Mantra" and "Flight into the Unknown". We also saw some check-ins from people already, with @HeavyViper, @Blake Inc., @Thirdkoopa, @Starphoenix@Rexy and @djpretzel showing some very promising updates of their tracks. Really looking forward to the final versions; what we've heard so far is great stuff and I can't wait to get the album out :D

Good luck with the last stretch, and keep up the good work guys!

  • 2 weeks later...

So we've sent the album off to OCR staff for evaluation last week. Now it's a matter of waiting for their feedback :)

In the background we're hard at work finishing off the track order, the artwork and miscellaneous bits 'n bobs. so that we can make the release as smooth as can be. No final confirmed release date as of yet, just stay tuned for any updates on the regular OCR channels!

  • 3 weeks later...

Man, its been a while - first off I'd like to apologize for everyone for dropping the ball on this. I could not give this the attention it deserved ultimately, especially after embarking on my career almost 5 years ago. I'm in a good place now, but way too exhausted & busy to do much except maybe build websites, my domain of expertise.

I'm glad to see that it has sped up to completion over the past year! I am excited to see what everyone has whipped up :) .

  • 3 weeks later...

In the past 2 weeks, we've been wrapping up work on the album, received some track updates, finished the artwork and other bits and bobs. In short: we just sent over the final package to OCR staff so they can do their thing and bring it to y'all. To celebrate, I updated the first post of this thread with the album art as a teaser for the good things to come. Only a bit more time before we can finally share the good stuff with you all :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History
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