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King K Rool on Donkey Kong 64.

I always get to the Diddy part of the fight, but the control is so loose and hard to hit the targets, I just end up shutting the game off in fear. I can't even imagine the other parts of the fight.


The Dragon bosses in Golden Sun and The Lost Age.

Maybe it's just me doing it wrong but I always end up totally dead at least once.

(I can't even beat TLA though :( )

King K Rool on Donkey Kong 64.

I always get to the Diddy part of the fight, but the control is so loose and hard to hit the targets, I just end up shutting the game off in fear. I can't even imagine the other parts of the fight.

Not that the battle was that difficult, but I had the hardest time with Lanky's part. I think it took me like 3 tries before I even figured out how to defeat K. Rool.


Shadow of the Colossus' last fight was rather difficult. I finally figure out how to get from its hand to its back. After that it was fairly simple.

Also, FFX's Lady Yunalesca is tuff.

I'm going on a leveling binge so I can get Ultima and actually do some damage.

  • 2 weeks later...

During a thunderstorm a few days ago, I decided to pick up my little GBA SP, and pop in Gunstar Super Heroes. I'd been stuck on level four for a while, and I figured I'd give it another whirl. Sure enough, I got passed level four... only to have my moment of victory crushed by a boss that, if I recall, you fought earlier in the game.

Seven Force. That little son of a... I remember this boss from the original Gunstar Heroes on the Genesis, and yet I don't recall having this much trouble with the damn thing back then.

For those no familiar, Seven Force is a boss that literally has seven different forms. Each form attacks in it's own unique way, and it can change into any of these seven forms on the fly. So one second you're fighting a bird-like robot, and the next you're fighting a huge buzzsaw blade robot. This makes for a pretty intense fight, as you're jumping, sliding, upper cutting and shooting nearly constantly. However, for the life of me, I can't get this thing down past the 200 health mark. I start out doing alright, but along the way, the various tail whips, laser spreads, dash attacks, punt kicks, back flips and the like take their toll on my little character, and she goes screaming into the night.

I know I'm missing something. In the Genesis game, he was a tough fight, but I was able to best him without taking too much damage. And while the attacks on this one are somewhat similar at times, I'm not getting the timing down (that bird shape is what really kicks my ass with it's two attacks).

I'm this close to getting to see the Normal ending. I'll figure this bastard out yet...


I dont know if anyone has mentioned these ones yet, but they are EXTREMELY HARD!!!

First, the SOMBRERO GUY that you fight at the end of the third level in a really obscure NES game made by Milton Bradley called Time Lord. I DARE you to try beating him without a turbo controller.

Secondly, and even more difficult is the final boss of Ninja Gaiden II. He has like 4 INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT forms that you have to fight in a row. You'll have a hard enough time trying to kill just one of these f***ers, but THEN, after you've lost all your damn health on the previous form, your health carries over to the next. TRY beating him without using emulator savestates or exploits - I dare you!


I'd have a bunch of bosses to list, but the first that most actively pops into my head like... right away?

Mizar. From Jet Force Gemini. That sunbitch is HARD if you didn't go weapon crate hunting for Juno before hand. Even with all the Tri-Rockets you can muster, Mizar's still really a challenging fight. He can just last for so long and do so much damage to you with that Lightning Claw attack. Good thing you get a save point IMMEDIATELY before him, because the Asteroid level's a bitch too.

Then there are basically any of the end bosses from the R-Type Series. R-Type is freakin' hard... but addictive.


sorry if this has already been said...

but the dragon lord from dragon warrior 1 was pretty tough attack, healmore, healmore, attack, healmore..repeat and hope for an 'excellent move' or 7

oh yeah..and bison in alpha 3 with the difficulty all the way up and his BS full screen activated as soon as you jump x-ism super


The boss that was the hardest for me was from the orignal Chrono Trigger. HE WOULDN'T FRICKEN DIE! I had to fight him in forms of all the mini bosses through out the game. I don't know about you, but I don't like taking a half hour to kill the main boss of any game.

On a side note, trying to beat Kefka from FF3/6 when all your characters are only level 17-20 is a real kick and a tickle, too.

Also, FFX's Lady Yunalesca is tuff.

I'm going on a leveling binge so I can get Ultima and actually do some damage.

I can't tell you how many tries it took to beat her...then I found out that using Bahamut in the third phase nearly guarantees victory...

I dont know if anyone has mentioned these ones yet, but they are EXTREMELY HARD!!!

First, the SOMBRERO GUY that you fight at the end of the third level in a really obscure NES game made by Milton Bradley called Time Lord. I DARE you to try beating him without a turbo controller.

Secondly, and even more difficult is the final boss of Ninja Gaiden II. He has like 4 INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT forms that you have to fight in a row. You'll have a hard enough time trying to kill just one of these f***ers, but THEN, after you've lost all your damn health on the previous form, your health carries over to the next. TRY beating him without using emulator savestates or exploits - I dare you!

I've done it, and I have the mental scars to prove it! Also, anyone try beating Final Joker in Batman: Return of the Joker for NES? You have 80,000 HP compared to his 250,000, which sounds like a lot til you consider his attacks do 5000 damage to the 5-10 your attacks do to him. Still haven't beaten it.


Nah, Ninja Gaiden II isn't that difficult. Maybe it's because I play those games like they're going out of style though.

Anyway, I've been playing Dragon Quest VIII recently and just got to where you get to actually fight Dhoulmagus. What I'm going to put here is probably one of the most frustrating fights I've ever been a part of (not like any game in this series is really easy anyway). So when the battle starts against him his very first move is probably the gayest. He clones himself...twice. So now you have three Dhoulmaguses to deal with. Luckily the two clones don't have near the HP that the real one does, but they're just as strong, and they sometimes get to attack twice in a round, so you're dealing with anywhere from 3-6 attacks against you in one round. Once you take down the clones the battle becomes much more manageable, and once I leveled a bit and took down the clones the real one fell easily. I was overjoyed and half spent on HP and MP. And then it happened...

He transforms into a bird-like demon and attacks you again, without the chance to heal. And this form has more HP and is considerably more powerful than the last. This form always gets two attacks per round, and it could either be a harmful area attack that does 50-80+ damage to everyone, a powerful combo attack that does about 100 damage to a single character, or a wave of ice that cancels all status bonuses for the party, including psyche ups (the previous Dhoulmagus could use this as well). So psyching up is not advised in these fights, since by the time you get to a 20 or 50 tension level, he'll probably cancel it out and you'll have wasted three turns.

If you can beat this guy without dying, congratu-freaking-lations. By not giving you the chance to heal, the game puts you in two very difficult fights back to back, and I just didn't have enough healing to outlast the second form. Good luck.

  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats again on bringing down the evil jester, Warmech.

Now, have you ever had a game where after so many tries, you questioned what it was exactly that made you buy it? I had just such a moment two days ago while playing the questionable in quality Playstation game Jupiter Strike. Sure, it was $2 and complete at Funcoland long ago, and curiosity made me grab it, but...

Basically, what this game tries to do, is be like an updated version of the Sega classic, Galaxy Force II. Graphically, it's alright. Musically, it's pretty rough. Control-wise, it could benefit from a good tightening up. It's not even really a hard game... up until your reach the boss of stage 6. Then the game decides it hates you like the Jewish community hates Mel Gibson.

The boss is really just a funky looking polygonal wasp-like creature. It has a few attacks, with one being a string of homing lasers that fire, come out from the boss, and then one by one, home in on you. That's not the attack that gets you. It's the one where the boss "births" smaller versions of itself, and these smaller wasp-like bastards proceed to bounce around, and fire a homing missile at you. I believe they also charge you shortly after firing. I say "believe" because I'm too busy watching explosions and dodging like mad to be 100% sure, even after getting my ass kicked repeatedly there. I have burned off so many continues there, you'd think this boss was designed by SNK.

How many stages are in Jupiter Strike? I honestly don't know. I know there are at least six though, as I always get to that sixth stage whenever I get the urge to try see if I can get by this boss once again. I will find a way to beat this boss, you can be sure of that. I know the game's rough in just about ever aspect of its programming, but much like the final boss of MechAssault that took me a long time to finally beat, and that stage in Omega Boost that kills my character as it flies backwards down a tunnel, I will get by this wasp-like monstrosity, and at least see the next stage if nothing else.

It's basically a matter of principle now.

...and that stage in Omega Boost that kills my character as it flies backwards down a tunnel...

FYI, Stage 5 is the fucking win good sir, and not just because of the kickin' soundtrack.


Warmech- Thus far, my main character is level 32, and I'm about to go to the island after the whole Casino murder deal. I've still got a ways to go I'd wager.

And yes, you're both right that Omega Boost is a cool game. But that doesn't change the fact that the tunnel stage kicks my ass every time :lol:

Also, FFX's Lady Yunalesca is tuff.

I'm going on a leveling binge so I can get Ultima and actually do some damage.

I can't tell you how many tries it took to beat her...then I found out that using Bahamut in the third phase nearly guarantees victory...

She was actually one of the easier bosses I fought on my NO SPHERE GRID GAME. ^_^

Lately bosses haven't been tough for me, but I will consider the DEMON CHESS BOARD near the end of Devil May Cry 3 on Dante Must Die Mode a ridiculously hard "boss".


...and that stage in Omega Boost that kills my character as it flies backwards down a tunnel...

FYI, Stage 5 is the fucking win good sir, and not just because of the kickin' soundtrack.

The whole game is too easy but I gladly replay it every so often due to the killer soundtrack. Omega Boost ftw.


Hmm, in my opinion the hardest boss I have ever seen is either Kolvar or The Elite Guard.

Both creatures from the game Myth of Soma, they were so hard that it took about 10 or more people at level 80+ to fight them.

lol, I miss playing that game but the private servers are so boring and the original is dead...


I say, Juggernaut from Spiderman and X-Men on SNES. You could not dodge his attacks.

I kicked Mike Tyson's ass but I couldn't beat Mr. Dream...(go figure?) They are the same, I know, I don't get it either.

The last boss of Chrono Trigger was pretty difficult (especially when you fight him with only Crono and Marle for that one funny ending)

Cluex from Super Mario RPG was pretty tough, once you take out the crystals, you are in business.

Chrono Cross- It's a tie between Ozzie/Slash/Flea, Omnidragon, Miguel, and Dario. Numbers 1, 2, and 4 were supposed to be hard, the only reason I say Miguel is because there is a little man wearing a hat who is challenging you to a fight. So I was caught offgaurd. Occasionally he'd try to punch me and stuff, so I didn't heal. Big Mistake. As I reach for my Pepsi, I see Miguel shooting his fist in the air as the message-HolyDragnSword-appears on my screen. Lynx=dead.

Please, someone tell me you played Chrono Cross on new game + and tried to kill Serge, Kid, and whoever else was in your party when you first turn into Lynx. I did it on new game +. I was so pissed, I killed all three (the third in my case was Glenn). I walked over to Kid, and all she does is stab you.....same outcome.....no extra experience....no cool elements.....nothing.....

Kindom Hearts- the Second to last Ansem was pretty difficult, just cause he flew around the stage. It's the one after you fight Darkside for the 42nd time. Even harder in the same game, Dark Riku after you kill Maleficent when you first discover that Riku is Ansem.

Chain of Memories- Again, Dark Riku

KH2- Xigbar was pretty difficult (the guy with the ridiculous side-burns that you fight at Beast's castle.)

Pikmin 2- every machine you encounter (usually the shoot you with gatling guns or launch bombs at you in an incredible rate making it impossible to get back up.)

Megaman (all of them)- usually the last stage is insane. Fight all the bosses while the are hopped up on roids, crack, and spinach. Then fight Wily with 24 forms. As for the X games, same deal, except with Sigma.

KH2- Xigbar was pretty difficult (the guy with the ridiculous side-burns that you fight at Beast's castle.)

That's Xaldin.

Coop - So you have already been to the Dark Ruins then? Just trying to find your way in now?

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