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Doesn't qualify as a boss, more of a forced battle.

In 7th Saga, some of the characters (that you could have chose) proceed to hand you a serious ass whoopin'. That's the only game I can remember that gave me a lot of trouble. I tried with another character, yet still no avail. It's kind of funny how I still want a copy of it and its successor on SNES.


The first Battletoads dark queen, Heck just getting through the game was hard enough, none of my friends could ever pass that bike level.

Of course this has been said many times already but Xenogears was definitely the hardest end boss for me. You couldn't level up anymore because it was maxed.

Anyone ever pass the Fantastic adventures of Dizzy for nes? If I could've saved I might have but it was too long and difficult.


This thread is OLD.

There's some pretty tuff shtuff in Skies of Arcadia (DC version).

The only ones that come to mind are Galcian and that damn bird thing at the end of Rixis, when you are supposed to get the green moon crystal. Gah. The second time through, I gained a bunch of levels, but Drachma was STILL the only one who could survive long enough to kill it.


I'm not reading through all 45 pages, so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet. The last boss from Illusion of Gaia. It was constantly shooting high-power shots at you, it had tons of HP, and it was incredibly hard to hit without getting hit yourself. I had to use a game genie. And then the ending sucked anyway.

  • 2 weeks later...


This infestation, is the final boss in the game Last Blade 2 on the DC. This guy, is... just a complete tool.

He carries a big sword... which means he has a long reach. He's suprizingly fast for being one of the largest characters in the game. He, in traditional SNK style, does copious amounts of damage to you when he hits. Because of his speed, he can trap you in a corner very easily and just keep hitting you while you block (you move, he hits you full on... you block, you're chipped away at). And God help you if you try and jump... he follows you constantly. No breaks, no pauses... just hounding you until you're dead and done.

This guy is a pain on "3" for difficulty. "8" must be a fighting game lovers hell...


The Song "FreQ Out" - the last song on Frequency (well there's two hidden ones but I haven't played them yet...). This song has been going in my head for weeks and I've tried to beat it constantly, but to no avail.

Otherwise, ME! Sephiroth!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted:

Posted: Sun 02-2-03 3:29 pm Post subject:


Impossible bosses? Battletoads anyone?

I second that! Did anyone ever beat Battletoads in Battlemaniacs? I couldn't get past that stupid level with the jetbike, you know the rat with his jetbike(had a buzzsaw in the front of his) chasing you through that entire level

Yea, I've beaten every Battletoads game. It... was... so... hard...

I'm not reading through all 45 pages, so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet. The last boss from Illusion of Gaia. It was constantly shooting high-power shots at you, it had tons of HP, and it was incredibly hard to hit without getting hit yourself. I had to use a game genie. And then the ending sucked anyway.

dude the final boss was easy all u had to do to dodge shots was to use that one ability where ur guy turns into a puddle


i dont know if anybody has said this yet, but the hardest rpg boss was that stupid secret sphere monster in ff9...this guy was made to be the hardest boss(by squaresoft at least). he had spells that would kill your whole party in one hit, even at lvl 99! i forget what he was called, but i know for a fact he is the hardest boss in the final fantasy series(because he was made to be the hardest). few have beaten him


yeah, thats his name....grrr that stupid cat tricked me the first time...and the first monster i beat up cause i thought it was a trick.


Obviously none of you have ever heard of or played the SNES game "Jim Powers". Not only is it the hardest game, but the last boss is fricken impossible. I used an invincibility cheat along with the ZSNES turbo button, but the boss still took at least 5 minutes of constantly using the "super bomb" of the game. along with another 5 minutes of just running through the level with the turbo button.

Shinryuu from Final Fantasy V for the hardest RPG boss.

There are no 'hard' bosses in most rpg games... a simple way of beating most of them is just to train yourself to the maximum level and they can all be taken down easily... :wink:

I remember in Soul Blazer, a long time ago when I first got the game, I couldn't beat the first boss. I spent days looking for that one swrod that could cut metal because that's what I thought you needed. Apparently I wasn't the only one, as I've met at least 5 other people that thought the same. I think the instruction manuel was misleading or something.

As to Soul Blazer... i know nothing about Jap and i had the Jap version of it (it's called Soul Blader there)... i had to play through the whole game without any game guides, only the instruction manual :oops: . It took me A LONG TIME to beat the game but i'm pretty sure i beat(and found) the first boss on my first time playing it. :D

Ehh.... no hard bosses is RPG games my ass... anybody here played Dragon Warrior (NES) It's damn near impossible to get above lvl 60, and even then killing the Dragonlord was a total bitch.

Ehh.... no hard bosses is RPG games my ass... anybody here played Dragon Warrior (NES) It's damn near impossible to get above lvl 60, and even then killing the Dragonlord was a total bitch.

For one, the max level in Dragon Warrior 1 is level 30. Next, the DrgonLord is pathetically easy if you level up that much. (btw, is your name from JTHM or Squee?)

I dont know his name but he was that Floating orb gear guy that was in the shield generator cave next to Barts home town. (i frogot the town name.)

You mean Shakhan? Yeah, he was a bastard. The only way I was finally able to beat him was by going into infinity mode, beating on him, then healing and defending while going into infinity mode with a different character, beating on him... And so on.

I still haven't beaten the final boss for Xenogears. I need money to make my gears un-crappy, and I rather loathe running around and randomly battling for no reason other than battling. So, yeah.

I dont know his name but he was that Floating orb gear guy that was in the shield generator cave next to Barts home town. (i frogot the town name.)

You mean Shakhan? Yeah, he was a bastard. The only way I was finally able to beat him was by going into infinity mode, beating on him, then healing and defending while going into infinity mode with a different character, beating on him... And so on.

I still haven't beaten the final boss for Xenogears. I need money to make my gears un-crappy, and I rather loathe running around and randomly battling for no reason other than battling. So, yeah.

I think the ONLY battle that actually gave me problems is the final fight with Ramsus (before he joins your crew... ironically, after that insane fight, he decides to join you... whatever...)

Deus was so easy for me.... all you need to do is simply level up with all the gears and just leave it to Xenogears to do their special moves (of course, you need to defend a few times to charge the moves up)


Im sticking with Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy 8, I still dont see the point in hitting a 3 person party 50 times for max damage every single hit. I dont care if it not a real boss, I treated it like one.

Another problem boss for me would have been...*thinks for a moment* cnat htink of one, im just that damn good. :mrgreen:

I think the ONLY battle that actually gave me problems is the final fight with Ramsus (before he joins your crew... ironically, after that insane fight, he decides to join you... whatever...)

He joins your crew? Did I miss something? After he killed Krelian and Miang, he just kinda disappeared, didn't he? I mean, I sure as hell haven't seen him...

Deus was so easy for me.... all you need to do is simply level up with all the gears and just leave it to Xenogears to do their special moves (of course, you need to defend a few times to charge the moves up)

...Say what? Did that make sense to anyone else?


The Executioner in Skies of Arcadia was a huge pain in the ass before I learned how effective Tackle was against him.

And there's Nightmare from Metroid Fusion...It's easy for about the first half of the fight, but then it starts to move around...and it does a HELLUVA lot of damage when it collides with you.


Yes, I know the discussion is about HARD bosses, but what about for (easy)...

DRACULA in SOTN? I mean, my god, my friends have seen me sit there with a Crissegrim and a Rune sword and beat the living sh*t out of Dracy. You just stand there and see nothing but 999 999 999 pop up all over the place.. anyways.. Hardest boss? I didn't particularly like the executioner in Skies of Arcadia, and some of those bounty fights were kinda rough... bounties level up with you. I'll post more when I think of more hardest bosses ;)


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