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the last part of sonic 2 was pretty hard when you played as knuckles becuz he couldn't jump high enough to hit dr.robontic

... Knuckles was in Sonic 2? And you could play as him?

I dont remember fighting him, but you could be him if you had sonic and knuckles plugged in with Sonic the hedgehog 2

If you opened the top of the cartridge for 'Sonic and Knuckles' and put 'Sonic 2' in the slot thing, you could play Sonic 2 as knuckles.

Ah. Gotcha.

The mexican boss in Timelord. It takes at least 3 months to kill him.

Jason in Friday the 13th is also a hard boss

:lol: The Mexicans are always the hard bosses :lol:

Ha ha. True, usually, but not in EarthBound!


Just earlier I remembered a little meeting in pikmin 2 with the spider/robot gun turrent thing.

100 pikmin cruely punished by a surprise attack of a biomechanical weapon of doom. My first instinct was -CHARGE- But as I watched ranks of pikmin get slaughtered in groups to that gun I quickly changed my mind and it turned into -FLEE!-. But even as I was running away it was shooting down the slower pikmin. Between its gun, its feet, and its aggressive chase after my split up groups of clueless pikmin, I lost all 100 of my pikmin.

After retrying about 15 times, I finally managed to defeat it, but not without severe casualties.

Just earlier I remembered a little meeting in pikmin 2 with the spider/robot gun turrent thing.

100 pikmin cruely punished by a surprise attack of a biomechanical weapon of doom. My first instinct was -CHARGE- But as I watched ranks of pikmin get slaughtered in groups to that gun I quickly changed my mind and it turned into -FLEE!-. But even as I was running away it was shooting down the slower pikmin. Between its gun, its feet, and its aggressive chase after my split up groups of clueless pikmin, I lost all 100 of my pikmin.

After retrying about 15 times, I finally managed to defeat it, but not without severe casualties.

Now that was a cool boss. Bitch, too, with it's rather efficient killing techniques. Got it second time after clearing the rooms above it beforehand, came down with a full 100. Was left with 30 by the end of the battle, and only just enough to carry it's treasure.


If you play Ninja Gaiden Black on hard mode Alma is incredibly difficult. But because she doesn't fight the same everytime you try it makes it possible.

Near as I can tell you just have to keep trying till she lets you win. Get lucky.

Then again.... I probably just suck. There's alot of strategy to that game. lol

Just earlier I remembered a little meeting in pikmin 2 with the spider/robot gun turrent thing.

100 pikmin cruely punished by a surprise attack of a biomechanical weapon of doom. My first instinct was -CHARGE- But as I watched ranks of pikmin get slaughtered in groups to that gun I quickly changed my mind and it turned into -FLEE!-. But even as I was running away it was shooting down the slower pikmin. Between its gun, its feet, and its aggressive chase after my split up groups of clueless pikmin, I lost all 100 of my pikmin.

After retrying about 15 times, I finally managed to defeat it, but not without severe casualties.

Now that was a cool boss. Bitch, too, with it's rather efficient killing techniques. Got it second time after clearing the rooms above it beforehand, came down with a full 100. Was left with 30 by the end of the battle, and only just enough to carry it's treasure.

you found man-at-legs hard? wait until titan dweevil....he's the toughest thing on the planet

  • 2 weeks later...

You know, not long ago, I picked up the PC version of Taito Legends. For those not familiar with it, it's a compilation of old and oldish games from long time Japanese developer, Taito. Games like Space Invaders, Operation Wolf, Elevator Action and a host of others are on here. But this morning, I wanna talk about a boss from a particular game on this collection called Rastan.

Basically, you play a barbarian that has to hack his way through the land to reach a big nasty final boss. Along the way, you have to beat mutant creatures, cross fire pits, swing from vines, and all sorts of assorted fun stuff. While you might think the final boss is the toughest, this isn't the case. Instead, it's the stage three boss that gets this honor.

He has one attack, and one defense. His attack, is sending out a spread of large, blue fireballs. If these hit you four times, you're dead. However, to beat this guy, you have to hit him obviously... and that's where his defense comes in. If you swing at him, he begins basically blinking on and off. During this time, you can't hurt him, and he does this whenever you swing at him. He also starts doing this if you get too close half the time. It can be quite maddening after a while, especially after you've gotten to the point where you can get to stage three and only loose at most, one guy along the way.

I've thrown many swear words at this boss. However, he can be beaten... if you hit him in a specific spot. It took me a long, long time to find out how to beat him, as the tactic just never occurred to me until I came jumping in at him with my character's sword a'swingin'. The little light bulb turned on, and much joy was attained as I finally watched him die.

Much like the final boss in Quake, it's one of those things that seems impossible at first, only to have it revealed that in truth, it's pretty simple.

Edit: Typos.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to the newly released Capcom Classic Collection Vol. 2, I've been reminded of a new boss to bitch about.

Way back when, I used to play a game in the arcades called The King of Dragons. A simple hack 'n slash, that was designed to eat up quarters in a heartbeat. However, there's one spot that eats quarters more than any other... the final boss.

I honestly can't imagine getting to this boss on one credit. I can get pretty far into it, but reaching the end is still this way still looks like one hell of a daunting task. And beating the final boss like this? Oh hell no.

Basically, it's a very big red dragon. The only parts that attack you, are the head and the claws. The head has several fire attacks, ranging from dropping fire balls, to a massive fire breath (this one hurts in a big way). Of course, he can also grab you with his claws. I haven't gotten to fight him in a while (I refuse to go continue happy to reach him on CCC2), so I can't be sure if he's able to chew on you, or if I'm confusing him with one of the D&D game Capcom made. Regardless, he has a number of attacks, and all of them do "Nasty" to "FUCKING OW!" levels of damage.

Needless to say, this is a place where quarters would vanish at a steady rate. He's big, has a lot of hit points, and can deal out a lot of damage very quickly. I just don't see how he could be beaten without wearing him slowly down as you continue over and over and over.


Demitel in Tales of Phantasia is extremely annoying. If you're not fast enough to run towards him and hit him in the head, he'll summon Lich that pretty much decimates your life points to a very low level, and you'll also be KO´d if Mint isn't fast enough to cure you.

But it's overall a fun game. :)


Was playing the Punisher the other day while using a minimum of credits just to see how far I'd get without dying so much And well... All I have to say is...


I REALLY don't like Kingpen


I just recently beat the challenge of the gods in God of War. The goal of the last stage is to raise a platform high enough so that you can jump up on to another platform, which is your goal. Get there, and the level's over. Fall off the platform or get hurt too much, and you die.

To raise the platform, you've gotta kill the enemies that spawn on it. Any time you kill one, another spawns to take its place, so there's always three little mini-cerebrus dogs, and two of these nasty bastards with big pointy staves. The guys with staves can reach well over 3/4 of the platform with their attacks and have some of the most ridiculously long, ground-covering combo maneuvers I've ever seen. The dogs have the annoying tendency to just bop you off the edge of the platform when you were just about to attack an enemy.

You can't block for any significant period of time or you'll get knocked off the edge. You can't get hit while you're in the air or you'll get knocked way off the edge. You get hit once, and it's almost a complete certainty that you'll get hit again until you start blocking (taking no damage but still you can get knocked off the edge) or jump (taking the risk of getting hit in the air and falling off immediately). The enemies are all basically attacking constantly, so finding an opening is a real pain.

I know it's not technically a boss, but that level was definitely this-thread-worthy. I sat there for over two hours straight (at around 30 seconds an attempt) and just died, over and over again, swearing constantly at how retardedly hard the level was. Finally beat it with some random combination of insane luck and awesomeness.

  • 2 weeks later...

So there I was, doing semi-decently on Ninja Gaiden Black. Big horseback riding samurai, tentacle demons, a triple shot of some kind of raptor-looking monsters... fun stuff to be sure. They took a few tries, but I managed to get past them after figuring out ways around their attacks. Well, things has changed... fast.

I'm currently fighting a really, really big dinosaur fossil/bone dragon creature (this, after having to fight my way through the pain in the ass zombies... especially the archers). Besides being huge, this skeletal boss can spit bones, swipe his tail at you (sometimes twice in a row), and swipe at you with his claws. However, his most damaging attack has to be when he rears back, and lunges at you. If this catches you, you're basically bitten in a big way, and then thrown. Cooling looking to watch, but oh so costly to see.

This thing is kicking my ass, and it's only what... stage 5 or 6? Now granted, I'm not the best at games like NGB, but this boss is like hitting a brick wall as far as progress goes. There's probably something simple I missed, but thus far, this boss seems more of an endurance boss than the ones before it (in other words, it's a long battle and dodging and leaping to finally hack him down). Sure, I'm having fun, and the game has one hell of a challenge, which is something I love in a game. But if this boss marks the end of only the first third of the game, what lies ahead has got to be vicious.

Edit: Typos.

I've never played it myself, but I was told that Mike Tyson is unbeatable in Punch Out. Is this true?

No, Tyson is beatable, its just freakin hard and it takes practice. First of all, he's almost, or is, untouchable for the first 1:15 min of the first round, mainly because any hit he lands on you is a instant knockdown. So pretty much you gotta get the pattern down and avoid getting hit till that first part is over, then you got a shot cuz he doesn't dish out knockout punches with every swing. He's still a goliath, but...well you just gotta work him and try to finish it within the 3 rounds. A tough boss, but not unbeatable.


Bagular from Bomberman Hero...Wonky camera designs annoyed the piss out of me...yes...this game is CRAP!! But I bought it for about a good 5 bucks (since it's worth a buy if you still have an N64).

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