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Mini-spoiler: Life for Link begins in his small rural hometown of Ordon. Spending his days as a ram wrangler, things begin to get a little weird when strange monsters are spotted on the borders of the village. Link is tasked with taking a journey to the main city in Hyrule to consult with the folks there about the recent troubles.

That premise is so close to the game I'm developing that it's not even funny.

Stop stealing my ideas, Nintendo. :x

In other news, good review scores for TP! Whoot!


I think I might buy my friend's GC for $30 and then get this game. I watched some videos of Link riding the horse and it looked a lot like Shadow of the Colossus. I could go for some more o' that. I haven't played a Zelda game since the first one when I was 4 years old or so.

I think I might buy my friend's GC for $30 and then get this game. I watched some videos of Link riding the horse and it looked a lot like Shadow of the Colossus. I could go for some more o' that. I haven't played a Zelda game since the first one when I was 4 years old or so.

And play OOT when you get the time.

OoT -> MM -> TP -> WW -> PH -> Oracles -> LoZ -> LOZ LA -> LttP -> Link's Awakening

I don't know exactly where Four Swords fits in.

As for the holes, the biggest gap so far is in between WW/PH and LoZ, with the Oracles game being set on small islands meaning it could be where the WW crew touched ground and started the new Hyrule.

It is also hinted that before LttP, there was a war with 3 knights, 8 sages, and the hero. He was the one who put the master sword to rest in the forest. That would be somewhere between Link's adventure and LttP.

Also, somewhere between WW and Oracles, Ganon was freed and permenantly cursed. Somewhere between Link's adventure and LttP, Aghanim was killed, Ganon was banished to the dark realm after getting to control the triforce.

By having Link's Awakening at the end, however, it puts a whole new twist on the story. In fact, a part of me likes to believe that the link that wakes up on the broken ship is not LttP's link, but rather WW's link, and that everything after WW was just a hallucination.

EDIT the nightmares would explain the CD-I horrors.

Four Swords and FSA fit well right before Minish Cap, which isn't there. Minish Cap would fit right before PH.

OoT -> MM -> TP -> WW -> PH -> Oracles -> LoZ -> LOZ LA -> LttP -> Link's Awakening

I don't know exactly where Four Swords fits in.

As for the holes, the biggest gap so far is in between WW/PH and LoZ, with the Oracles game being set on small islands meaning it could be where the WW crew touched ground and started the new Hyrule.

It is also hinted that before LttP, there was a war with 3 knights, 8 sages, and the hero. He was the one who put the master sword to rest in the forest. That would be somewhere between Link's adventure and LttP.

Also, somewhere between WW and Oracles, Ganon was freed and permenantly cursed. Somewhere between Link's adventure and LttP, Aghanim was killed, Ganon was banished to the dark realm after getting to control the triforce.

By having Link's Awakening at the end, however, it puts a whole new twist on the story. In fact, a part of me likes to believe that the link that wakes up on the broken ship is not LttP's link, but rather WW's link, and that everything after WW was just a hallucination.

EDIT the nightmares would explain the CD-I horrors.

Four Swords and FSA fit well right before Minish Cap, which isn't there. Minish Cap would fit right before PH.

Four Swords and FSA don't connect to Minish Cap at all. Minish Cap actually introduces Vaati, and FS and FSA take place long after it, with MC serving as the background story for them.

Also, PH is pretty much a direct sequel to WW so MC doesn't fit in there either(Considering MC takes place in Hyrule and Link's grandfather in this game is the royal blacksmith)

Yes, they share similar graphical styles, but that doesn't mean they somehow share the same characters.

It was released on some limited edition disc or something, right? Are those easy to find?

Relatively. If you can't find it at a local EB/GS there should be a plethora on eBay or so. Make sure you're looking for the Ocarina of Time/Master Quest set, not the Collector's Edition set, because the latter is much rarer and consequently much more expensive.


Ok guys, the first three reviews are out:

GameSpy: 5/5


Quote: Link's debut on the Wii pays tribute to Ocarina of Time and is nothing short of an instant classic.

Lawrence 9.9/10


Quote: One of the greatest gaming experiences of all time

UGO: A, A+ being the highest mark.


Quote: It may not rewrite the series, but it's freakin' Zelda!

Looking promising. :D

It was released on some limited edition disc or something, right? Are those easy to find?

Relatively. If you can't find it at a local EB/GS there should be a plethora on eBay or so. Make sure you're looking for the Ocarina of Time/Master Quest set, not the Collector's Edition set, because the latter is much rarer and consequently much more expensive.

0o I have the collector's edition. I looked it up on Ebay, and DAMN!!!! I didn't realize it was worth $50+

It was released on some limited edition disc or something, right? Are those easy to find?

Relatively. If you can't find it at a local EB/GS there should be a plethora on eBay or so. Make sure you're looking for the Ocarina of Time/Master Quest set, not the Collector's Edition set, because the latter is much rarer and consequently much more expensive.

0o I have the collector's edition. I looked it up on Ebay, and DAMN!!!! I didn't realize it was worth $50+

I got mine for free thanks to Nintendo of Europe and their point system. I wonder if they're planning on using it for Wii as well. It's a good game, the PAL version is locked to 60Hz for some reason though(Just like Metroid Prime 2 and Geist)

Also, because I feel like posting an image:


I also have box, manual or both for most of the cartridge games.


Yeah, that guy from Joystiq is just trolling. Every time he says anything even remotely unflattering to Nintendo, he gets lots of Nintendo fans (and fanboys) commenting on his articles. That way, he gets lots of readers and attention, making his stuff look like they're more popular.

He's like Evilhead, but not as sexy.

It was released on some limited edition disc or something, right? Are those easy to find?

Relatively. If you can't find it at a local EB/GS there should be a plethora on eBay or so. Make sure you're looking for the Ocarina of Time/Master Quest set, not the Collector's Edition set, because the latter is much rarer and consequently much more expensive.

0o I have the collector's edition. I looked it up on Ebay, and DAMN!!!! I didn't realize it was worth $50+

I got mine for free thanks to Nintendo of Europe and their point system.

Same, I also got a couple of shirts and whatnot.

This guy didn't like Zelda very much. Good thing we don't have to agree with him.


It sounds like he's just grabbing at anything to complain about (pressing A to read signs WTF?) which tells me that there really aren't many major problems with the game.

This was the same article posted in the Wii thread no?

Anyway, yeah, the whole sign-reading gripe is bs, considering (as had been pointed out in the Wii thread) the signs are written in Hylian and you wouldn't be able to read them no matter how huge they make them. Then about the color palette, whatever. The colors used were intentionally picked to create a certain atmosphere. Just because it's the next console Zelda after Wind Waker doesn't mean it has to be a continuation of its style, so it's pointless for him to compare the two IMO. His arguments don't really make sense to me.

This guy didn't like Zelda very much. Good thing we don't have to agree with him.


It sounds like he's just grabbing at anything to complain about (pressing A to read signs WTF?) which tells me that there really aren't many major problems with the game.

This was the same article posted in the Wii thread no?

Anyway, yeah, the whole sign-reading gripe is bs, considering (as had been pointed out in the Wii thread) the signs are written in Hylian and you wouldn't be able to read them no matter how huge they make them. Then about the color palette, whatever. The colors used were intentionally picked to create a certain atmosphere. Just because it's the next console Zelda after Wind Waker doesn't mean it has to be a continuation of its style, so it's pointless for him to compare the two IMO. His arguments don't really make sense to me.

Looks like he had to dig pretty deep to find the slightest flaws, which further suggests that this game will fucking rock.

I can't frikkin wait.

Also, because I feel like posting an image:


I also have box, manual or both for most of the cartridge games.

SMOKE. Where is Majora's Mask??

You can play it on the Promotional Disc.

Also, because I feel like posting an image:


I also have box, manual or both for most of the cartridge games.

SMOKE. Where is Majora's Mask??

You can play it on the Promotional Disc.

You're also missing the Master Quest bonus disc. Unless it's part of your limited edition Wind Waker.

Has this been posted yet?

Warning spoiler for some


Im really happy they brought this weapon back

Love how they put spoiler warnings on videos at the site. No shit Sherlock.

Liking that too. But is that thing at the beginning of the video across the lake the twilight, or a rather poor waterfall?

Looks like a waterfall with a bizarre choice of transparency to me.

You know, I had to watch the video 3 times before I noticed what the spoiler warning was for. Not much of a spoiler if you've even seen all the concept art released thus far :D

Gabe over at Penny Arcade had some choice words in response to the joystique bit-picking. A recommended read, since it (like usual) takes the nonsense joystique posts and responds in human reasoning. Here.

Also, my frothing desire or this game increases.


Ack! I just remembered that I'm missing more than the four-sword-LttP advance game.

Heh, I'll soon have a schedule of work > Minish Cap On Subway > TP til wee hours.

Heh, I work at subway too, so 24 hour green (give or take a wolf).

It's late now. I'm gonna shut up now...eventually.

Also, because I feel like posting an image:


I also have box, manual or both for most of the cartridge games.

SMOKE. Where is Majora's Mask??

You can play it on the Promotional Disc.

You're also missing the Master Quest bonus disc. Unless it's part of your limited edition Wind Waker.

Yeah, the European version of Wind Waker launched with the pictured Limited Edition, which is a dual-disk box also containing OoT/Master Quest. Also, I don't have Majora's Mask or OoT in their N64 cart form because I no longer have an N64. I used to own them though.

And some stupid trivia: The Dutch WW LE box has two variants. The one pictured, and another one showing the rating from a different magazine(9/10) The ratings themselves are actually printed on the insert, so they're not stickers.

Also, pictures of the limited edition:



Yes, the entire box is gold plastic. The regular edition has a black box, and the Player's Choice version has a silver box.

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