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ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database

Arek the Absolute

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Finally! I finally got my router settings changed and got my DS linked up after a lot of trouble. It ended up being a simple solution as to why it wouldn't work. Go figure, huh? So now you guys can all kick my butt at video games! Yay!

Pokemon Pearl: 3136 3181 0829

More coming later. Right now I've got to catch Palkia.

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Already got some tournaments in mind for pokemon, so hurry up and level them pokeymens up already!

Some random ideas:

Sinoh region only pokemon tourny

Kanto region only pokemon tourny

First form *aka no evolved pokemon* tourny

Level 15 tourny

I can go on with the ideas I have. This will be awesome if people join in.

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Already got some tournaments in mind for pokemon, so hurry up and level them pokeymens up already!

Some random ideas:

Sinoh region only pokemon tourny

Kanto region only pokemon tourny

First form *aka no evolved pokemon* tourny

Level 15 tourny

I can go on with the ideas I have. This will be awesome if people join in.

Fuck, yes. I am in great favor of this.

Something you may find useful: the online battle system is supposed to adjust all pokemon to level 100 (and change their stats accordingly), so you don't have to wait for everyone to level up. But I would still wait a while so everyone can get their teams made up and stuff. Breeding and training still takes a while.

Also, I still plan to hand out all the old starters as soon as I can get a new router up. So if anyone wants a female starter, just say so.

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Fuck, yes. I am in great favor of this.

Something you may find useful: the online battle system is supposed to adjust all pokemon to level 100 (and change their stats accordingly), so you don't have to wait for everyone to level up. But I would still wait a while so everyone can get their teams made up and stuff. Breeding and training still takes a while.

Also, I still plan to hand out all the old starters as soon as I can get a new router up. So if anyone wants a female starter, just say so.

well if people have been on irc they'd know that I have every starter ever and like tons of each, plus others have some

we're covered with starters pretty much

oh and maybe its just me but the level 50/100 bump ups are no fun


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Fuck, yes. I am in great favor of this.

Something you may find useful: the online battle system is supposed to adjust all pokemon to level 100 (and change their stats accordingly), so you don't have to wait for everyone to level up. But I would still wait a while so everyone can get their teams made up and stuff. Breeding and training still takes a while.

Also, I still plan to hand out all the old starters as soon as I can get a new router up. So if anyone wants a female starter, just say so.

With dittos the starters gender don't really matter that much heh.

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Already made some rules for the upcoming pokemon tournies.

Before any pokemon tournament, everyone is to chose 10 pokemon that they wish to use and PM me their choices. Chose wisely, for these are the choices that you are going to stick with throughout the whole tournament.

You are not to tell anyone your choices, so that people do not formulate a specific counter strat against your pokemon.

The day of the tournament, I will post the list of people who are playing with their 10 pokemon that they chose. We will either do a round robin or straight double elimination tournament, depending on which tournament it is and the amount of participants.

If you are wondering, yes, this would mean that I will more than likely not be participating in the tournaments. If I wish to join in, I will have a non involved neutral party take care of all the pokemon choices and lists.

The pokemon below are not to be used unless otherwise stated:


























More rules to come as we get closer to tournament play.

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ok my FC is: 2492-0619-4420 I play diamond I usually play on from 4-8 o clock evening or 4- 6 depending on the day but I also play other games so just pm me or reply to let me know you wanna battle I'm adding other people to my PP and you guys can add mine so that we can do wi-fi connection =) and my Pokemon Name is Josh

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I am actively working on a new ClanOCR database.

I will keep this thread informed about its progress.

Necessary Software: Acquired (There are free open source solutions for everything I need)

Hosting: Temporary solution - Running it off my own desktop for experimentation. If anyone has webspace is willing to give me enough admin rights to plop Apache and MySQL on it with proper configs, PM me. It is very unlikely that I can use my existing Georgia Tech webspace for this database, as it's strictly HTTP without any MySQL admin rights.

Planning and features: I have a solid idea in my mind on what needs to be done to implement my desired featureset. Open to suggestions, but I currently plan to implement:

-Logins with passwords, and of course encrypting the pws on the server for user security. This allows for quick administration in case some asshole adds a bunch or vandalism. Nothing more. I'm not going to be asking for your emails or anything like that.

-Searches by game title, by user, or cool things like listing any codes added since last search. The code table will record the date codes get added, and the user table will record date of last search.

-Flexible code system ... The codes will be stored as strings in the code table, and will be converted via the game table when they are entered, through regex mangling. This also allows non-12-digit codes like Wii consoles to be added.

-I'll also add in any codes on the first post when I populate the DBase with the initial data.

-Something I do NOT plan to implement is "who's online now" feature - We have an IRC chat for this, and I don't intend to replace it. Rather, once this is finished, I'll link to it in the topic of the IRC chat so everyone has easy access to codes.

Execution: No code is written yet, but I'll be all over it this weekend. I have planned out the SQL tables and the surrounding PHP,HTML code so implementation shouldn't be terrible. Of course, this is software development so none of the snags I'll actually hit I'll expect, so we'll see how it goes. I'll try to have an operational but experimental beta up within the week.

Feedback: As I haven't written anything but somewhat comprehensive plans, NOW is the time I want your input for interface, features, etc.


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Hosting continues to be a problem. It turns out my home ISP firewalls my connection in such a way that I can't host SQL from it, or even forward any ports!

I'll need at least a host to run SQL from if this database is going to be available online. HTTP is not a problem, as I can use my Georgia Tech hosting for that.

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Update: I have found free SQL hosting. This host does not also provide HTTP hosting so speed will suffer a bit, but I can't complain .. it's free!

Current challenge: Getting a PHP-enabled webpage to display the PHP-generated text properly. For some reason print() and phpinfo() won't display any output in cursory tests.

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I am happy to announce ClanOCR's first tournament!

Starting June 18th, ClanOCR will be hosting it's first pokemon tournament for the games Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl.

The tournament style will be double elimination. There will be no seeding, making it so that everyone has a fair chance at winning.


Matches will be single 1v1 matches. Levels are to be set to 50, so that all pokemon can be at the same level, giving those that do not have as much time as others to level their pokemon to 50 a chance to join.

Before any pokemon tournament, everyone is to chose 10 pokemon that they wish to use and PM me their choices. Chose wisely, for these are the choices that you are going to stick with throughout the whole tournament.

You are not to tell anyone your choices, so that people do not formulate a specific counter strat against your pokemon.

The day of the tournament, I will post the list of people who are playing with their 10 pokemon that they chose.

The following pokemon are banned from this tournament:




























And there you have it!

Here is to a great tournament and many more to come!

If you are interested in joining, post in this thread or contact me via aim. Please do NOT PM me because my inbox will be full of people's pokemon lists and I do not want to mix anything up.


Interested in the tournament? Show your support by joining the official clan ocr IRC channel at #clanocr on the EntertheGame server! Use it to discuss strategies, trade pokemon, or whatever you think would help you come out on top!

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