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Phantasy Star IV 'Millennial'

Starts out nice and quiet, totally different from what the rest of the song is like. The rest of the song is a fast techno-ish type thang. It works pretty well, but the opening theme to PS4 was never really that great in my opinion. But djp gives it some lovin' and would be right at home on a Phantasy Star 4 arranged CD. It's good, yo, better than the original by far.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

I picked up this remix on WinMX while trying to find the last track to the Phantasy Star Sound Collection 2, long before I even knew what OC Remix is. I thought it was awesomeness incarnate, but found it a shame that I'd never get to credit whoever made it (I'm not smart enough to check the ID3 tags). But, now I've found its place of origin...

I give it three thumbs up.

Yeah, I had to genetically mutate myself to do it, but it's worth it.

  • 1 month later...


Hearing the more recent Rosencrantz & guildensterN ReMix, which comes in over 800 mixes after this one, I clicked the link provided by DJP for this kicking tune.

Wow. And the reason I haven't downloaded this before is? One of those things where I probably thought I already downloaded and accidentally didn't. Huh.

Regardless, check this tune out. What I liked about the R&G ReMix was the "feel" the ReMix had. While this one doesn't "feel" like PS4, it certainly delivers on a different front: The Beats.

The kickin' bass that you loved so much from the intro? Right there, man. And it's TIGHT.

Nice, spacey intro. Love those "chime" noises. The music grabs you and refuses to let you go.

It's blood pumpin', foot stomping, dance floor rushing goodness. Grab this one. :mrgreen:

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Wow, sounds like infected mushroom at :29, that's nicee!!

This song sounds like its actually from PSO rather than PS4

It's fastpaced, exciting, you have to download it

  • 6 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Begins very mysteriously, the bells really echoes in eternity. It's first later on it decides to kick off with synth, beats and all the special equipment to make this as much ”millennial” possible. It's a new adjective for me, all I think about hearing this is a pursuit of some sort. This remix doesn't achieve a certain level where the techno (or trance) reaches a climax. The arrangement has its own pace, and it sticks to it until the end....OF THE MILLENIUM.

Sorry, got caught up in the moment. Overall, a decent remix from the pretzel himslef. Give it a listen will ya?

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

This mix is pretty driving. Very catchy, as well. Bass line that comes in at :29 really works well in this setting. I really liked the part around 2 minutes or so with the rising bell.

Panning at the beginning made me a little dizzy when I really tried to listen to it. Overall the song also has a very loud dynamic level that doesn't really change, aside from the very beginning. Some sort of breakdown would have been nice in that regard.

Nice job.

  • 10 months later...

A djp mix! Always a pleasure to hear one of those, even the archaic ones - it seems Dave's mixes from back then standout moreso than most other old ones, which is a testament to his ability.

One thing that caught my ears is that there doesn't seem to be much going on in the midrange frequencies. I do love the driving energy that is brought to the mix after the intro though. I do think that it could've been expanded on though.

  • 2 months later...

If there's one thing I had to pick out about the Phantasy Star series I loved most it would have to be the music. 'End of the Millenium' is one of my favorites from PS4, and the overall series. Even before playing any of the games, I had the theme on cassette and would listen to it.

As was stated by zircon, loud. That's my biggest complaint about the song. My speakers aren't turned up high at all, but the music came blaring out. The music blaring out, at least, isn't grating as the volume levels. XD The beginning is very trippy and quiet, then bam, the song is all kinds of groovy. I can't help but bob my head to this as I listen to it.

There are points where this song runs the risk of being too repetitive, but I think Mr. Pretzel did a good job of throwing in just enough variation to keep it from getting boring, without deviating overly much from the original, which wasn't exactly driven by melody anyhow.

This is really catchy and upbeat and I recommend it, especially to those who love their Phantasy Star.


OWW! This one's way loud, I got quite a shock when I listened to this for the first time with the speakers all the way up.

The intro's pretty trippy but unfortunately I don't think it transitions very well at all into the actual song. The growling synth bassline is relentless and gives the mix most of its bulk. It grows repetitive toward the end but I guess it's not as bad as some other songs I've heard from this genre :tomatoface: The ending was kinda neat, too.

  • 1 year later...

Hey djpretzel. :D

I donwloaded this song back in 2003. Must say this song is lovely for me.:oops:

I just don't know what you did, but every time I hear this song I feel like I'm traveling in time backwards and start to make a journey on my childhood, more precisely in 1994. Really. Maybe it is teh kind of electronic you used in it. The song itself is vry nostalgic for me.

One of my favorite tracks arround here. :)

I would love to see a "Trick Track" remix by of Phantasy Star Online EP2 ;)

  • 3 years later...

That bass is terrific for melding with the beat and bells that dance around it. Has a little bit of an ominous tone at some points, which was cool to hear with a rave arrangement like this. A little bit too loud at times, but other than that, it holds up fairly well.

  • 1 year later...

I was expecting something totally different and spacier with that intro... but it's djp of course its gonna get electro-fuzzy and funky! and that's fine too.


I really like the buildup, how it kept building up even after the opening soundscape. The big 'release' at 1:23 probably isn't as big as intended, but I like the intent behind the arrangement a lot. Oh and now the elements of the beginning are interweaving into the groove! Some of this clashes a little, but the majority sounds really neat! I love love the mood of this song, the spooky dark mysterious with some bittersweet chimes to light the way, but for how long? I also wish this didn't just kind of bounce away at the end as soon as it could, although this IS one of the better 'old OCR' endings so far :v

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00089 - Phantasy Star IV "Millennial"
  • 1 year later...

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