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I think I found a problem. Liontamer did a mod edit to a post I quoted back on the phpBB boards. But when I actually quoted it on this vB version, his edit doesn't come up in the quote. Scroll up a couple posts to see what I mean.

Yeah, we're all having problems with that. It only quotes the person, and not their post. You can "fake" a quote nexus, but it's a lot of work.


Not really an issue, more of a feature request now that its available. In other forums I have seen the use of spoiler tags. It seems to be custom mod though, here is what a quick google search turned up:


There might be better mods out there, this one seems to just create a black box so you have to highlight the text to view it. Other, more common ones require you to click the box in order for it to open up, which is much better IMO.


Looks great!

I'd like to see one thing added.

Next to a forum topic, you get 1, 2, 3, Last Page option to pick where you want to look.

There's a function in these boards where you can set it to 1, 2, 3,...6, 7, 8 so that you can pick from the last three pages instead of just the Last Page.

Turning that on will help us forum goers see how fast the thread is moving. I often remember that "I was on page 8" and then if the page rolls over, I can just go to page 8 by clicking 8 and not having to click Last Page and then backtrack.

Just something simple that I think most people would appreciate.

Thanks! And I hope this new board puts a stop to the spambots!


I can't change the topic, as I had feared.

This is a big issue, especially for contest-runners. I can't post deadlines, highlights, results, stuff like that. Is there any way to fix this? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

Looks great!

I'd like to see one thing added.

Next to a forum topic, you get 1, 2, 3, Last Page option to pick where you want to look.

There's a function in these boards where you can set it to 1, 2, 3,...6, 7, 8 so that you can pick from the last three pages instead of just the Last Page.

I looked for this option; I can control the total number of pages displayed - I set it to 8 and then lowered it to 5 - but the last page still just says last page, it doesn't list the last three pages, which I agree would be useful. I'm still learning the software, but if there's such an option, it wasn't located where it logically belonged, next to the max pages option I'm referring to. Any additional info you can provide would be appreciated.

I can't change the topic, as I had feared.

This is a big issue, especially for contest-runners. I can't post deadlines, highlights, results, stuff like that. Is there any way to fix this? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

This is also a problem for Site Project threads, as there's no way to add/change due date announcements and the like in the thread subject. It looks like vB does at least have the functionality to allow topic editing, but according to that link, it might be buggy.


Mods can change topic titles, and I'm assuming it just needs to be figured out how to give that permission to SP mods in SP, or it's just such a low priority right now that it hasn't been done yet.

Mods can change topic titles...

I've got a mod in action to help me out here, but it's aggravating to run a contest or league and need the help of a mod to run everything just the right way.


I could've sworn there was an option for that, but maybe not? I looked at the OUS boards and it's not set up like that.

Maybe I dreamed it.

Maybe vBull should add that.

Or maybe I'm a lion.

Whether or not it's an in-box option, I'm sure it can at least be modded. But it's probably a low-priority issue and won't happen for some time.


I don't know if it's been mentioned I did a cursory look at the thread and I used the new search thread feature (neat!) - but it seems like a lot of posts are showing up as unread when, in fact, they have been read.

Like, I just posted in PPR, viewed it - and in the forum page, it said it was read, but in the forum index it was showing new posts in PPR when there weren't any.


Actually, I forgot, but the "Go to first Unread" button really helps you keep track of where you were in the thread, so really, the issue I brought up isn't a big deal, djp. But adding the first five pages is nice because it'll broaden things up a bit.

Thanks for addressing my concerns!


Yeah, ditto on the whole "not being able to change the title of a thread you made" thing. I want to update the pkmn project thread, but I need to change the title as well.

Also, this caught my eye:


Are you supposed to see your name first? I don't recall seeing this happen on any other forum running vbulletin.

Or am I getting some sort of special ting for being such a great poster!?


MMmmm these forums smell good now. You smell that? That's the smell of... no spambots! HURRAH!

A quick suggestion though-- is it possible to have the names of people on your buddy list appear as a different color? The only discernable difference I have seen is a + that appears by their name in the Active Users list. Not that it would serve any real functionality, but it would be cool anyways.


The user information at the top is alright, but what's really weird is that big white space in the middle of it. Does that serve any purpose? Changing it to a darker shade might look better.

Also, If you are using the "Default" forum style, there is no link to take you back to OCR's main page.

Is there any way that could be fixed? :???:

And another thing...the smillies are screwed up terribly. But maybe its just my computer.

The smilies are the vBulletin defaults, not the phpBB smilies and OCR-specific smilies we're used to.

Are we gonna add some more over the time? I've grown attached to the variety of smilies we had before.

Also, what happened with all the tag buttons you could use when you made a post?


"You have included 15 images in your message. You are limited to using 4 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again."

This is a burden when posting in the avatar thread. I posted 4 just now but have 11 in reserve, and it feels cumbersome to postwhore. Can the limit be lifted for that thread?


I can't login to my old forum account- Barnsalot - It's not on the member list and I can't make a new account with the same name. Help would be appreciated.

I can't login to my old forum account- Barnsalot - It's not on the member list and I can't make a new account with the same name. Help would be appreciated.

Uh, it most definitely is on the members list. In fact, here's the user right here:


You're not banned, nor are there any visible lockouts on your account. Maybe you just forgot your password?

Uh, it most definitely is on the members list. In fact, here's the user right here:


You're not banned, nor are there any visible lockouts on your account. Maybe you just forgot your password?

Yeah, it seems I am still on the memberlist. I just hadn't scrolled down far enough before. :(

So, I had my password reset and stuff and now I can log back in. I could have sworn that I knew my password. I guess not.

Thanks for the help DarkeSword.

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