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Why are the OCR forums becoming so much worse :,(.

Global Warming.

Anyway, don't know your reasons for leaving the staff DS, but thanks for putting in the time for OCR. Hopefully you'll still post here with some semblance of regularity. But if not, just remember this...

Even if people forget your music, on OCR, you'll be forever linked to...




Hi Darke,

Sorry that you stepped down, I don't think anyone really wanted that. It pisses me off that it always seems like the good ones are always the ones that take a step away from the drama and leave. I am glad that you at least tried to understand what was going on. And thanks for not calling me a liar.

For what it is worth.

^^ the only funny part about not funny news. though its probably best for him... i remember zircon saying a month or so ago that he was close to burning out as a mod.

It's incredibly easy to burn out as a mod. I'm sorry to see Dark resign though, he was IMO a very good moderator as far as community interaction goes.

It's incredibly easy to burn out as a mod.

It's so true. One day, I just went onto the site I modded on for three years. One day, I just sat down, took a look at the place for a few minutes, and then sent a PM to the admin. "Yeah, I don't want to moderate anymore..."

Never went back since. It wasn't even a small forum either. It had about five thousand or so members, and I knew a good chunk of them personally, having met them in person over the years. It wasn't even that bad of a place; there was no "unmod" or equivalent, and for the most part, the membership was fairly decent. It just got to the point where I was tired of telling the same people to shut up, moving threads, fixing goof-ups, and having to babysit a bunch of random names on a screen. I just didn't want to do it anymore.

So yeah, I can completely understand why DarkeSword would just quit. Good for him. Modding can suck the life out of you. Hopefully he'll take some time, relax, do what he has to do, and maybe, just maybe, he'll come back, but as a regular member, and not have to deal with any of the stuff that made him leave.

You're welcome back anytime you want DS.

It's so true. One day, I just went onto the site I modded on for three years. One day, I just sat down, took a look at the place for a few minutes, and then sent a PM to the admin. "Yeah, I don't want to moderate anymore..."

Never went back since. It wasn't even a small forum either. It had about five thousand or so members, and I knew a good chunk of them personally, having met them in person over the years. It wasn't even that bad of a place; there was no "unmod" or equivalent, and for the most part, the membership was fairly decent. It just got to the point where I was tired of telling the same people to shut up, moving threads, fixing goof-ups, and having to babysit a bunch of random names on a screen. I just didn't want to do it anymore.

Mods in every forum need some sort of compensation.

So yeah, I can completely understand why DarkeSword would just quit. Good for him. Modding can suck the life out of you. Hopefully he'll take some time, relax, do what he has to do, and maybe, just maybe, he'll come back, but as a regular member, and not have to deal with any of the stuff that made him leave.

You're welcome back anytime you want DS.

ITT The Damned doesn't notice that DS is posting in GenDisc with significant frequency.

He posted that while I was fixing all the little typos in my last post. And I didn't notice any of his other posts until now.

I figured there was a good reason, I just thought it was amusing.

Also, I need the original "Nice Work Guy" picture.


I post like once every equinox on here, yet even I liked Darkesword as a mod. :(

Sorry to see you go, but as has been said before me, it's easy to hit burnout.


Ender never quit, Darke! ENDER NEVER QUIT AND YOU CAN"T EITHER!!

(except for that one time when he just chilled on the lake for a few months, but still!)

( I was swear, I was JUST reading about that book on wikipedia this evening....weird. Well anyway)

Darkesword, it's truly a shame that you've decided to step down. You really seemed to be one of those mods that was easy to get along with and kept things running smoothly from behind the scenes. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

Yeah, Darkesword's a pretty cool guy. While he may be the worst moderator this forum has ever seen (by his own admission, even - no need to be so modest with us, Darkie!), I must admit that he really isn't that bad. srsly

Essentially my thoughts.

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