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Consider me a fan of this one. I'm sure in the future there will be many times where I'll be falling asleep to this or be called any variation of a homosexual by my friends while listening to it in the car.


It's a beutiful song from the beginning to the end. Definatly a calm chilling song, and theres not many vocalist that I like, and I prefer songs without one, but this one is excellent. In my opinion, perfect for coming home after a stressfull day. It's worth getting, and ignoring all your friends who would call you a homosexual person. Then again, theres nothing wrong to be one, not that I am one ;;>.>

Anyway, Good song, I love it, Definatly going into my iPod today before I go to work.

And indeed, this is a good lullaby song too. :3

Thank you for this remix. <3


I doubt there's any stripped down version of this mix available without the singing, eh? The lyrics are entirely too cheesy to stand hearing. It completely ruins what would otherwise be an excellent CC remix.


The vocals are amazing, as always, and it's always refreshing to hear Pixie's voice again in a new mix.

That being said, I have my gripes. The drums really do bug me, because they constantly feel awkward, and just don't quite fit. Pretty much what the judges said in that regard. A second gripe is that the piece doesn't really feel like it goes anywhere, but in listening a second time I don't think it's entirely supposed to go somewhere, so that's more of a personal choice.

Back to the positives, the lyrics are well-written, and a nice fit to the melody. I don't know if I personally like that they are different lyrics from the original, but again, personal choice, and despite that the new lyrics are very imagery-filled. Finally, I will always commend Pixietricks for her ability to sing as well as mix, as I am totally clueless on the latter (and the former!).

Good job, defiantely a keeper.


An excellent piece, I've been waiting for this one to be officially released, from when I heard the WIP. I'm glad that some more chill-out, downbeat stuff is making it onto OCR, and even more so that Jill's the one doing it! I applaud you Jill, as this is one of the few solo pieces you have on OCR. A piece like this shows that not only do you possess a lovely, entrancing singing voice, but that you are also well talented in the producing of the music itself. This will be immediately added to my sleep playlist.

On another note... this would have made for a great Valentine's day release :P It's strange... the lyrics to this song mimic very closely a poem I wrote, just two days ago for Valentine's Day. The start of not being able to sleep at night, and the reference to a ghost, reminded me immediately of it. I guess i've seen stranger coincidences :P Good luck on the recital tommorow!


It's difficult to make a remix with lyrics that's any good, but this one is one of the few exceptions. I think the lyrics really add something to the song, and without them it would sound kind of bland. Good job overall. :)

Consider me a fan of this one. I'm sure in the future there will be many times where I'll be falling asleep to this or be called any variation of a homosexual by my friends while listening to it in the car.

Rofl ditto, Pixitricks you made yet another oh so sexy song. Mmm mm, if only it were made of candy :(

I doubt there's any stripped down version of this mix available without the singing, eh? The lyrics are entirely too cheesy to stand hearing. It completely ruins what would otherwise be an excellent CC remix.

Her voice is such an important tonal element of the mix, why would you strip it out? Lyrics are lyrics, their enjoyment subject to personal taste.

Personally I really liked the almost drawled delivery, it made it easier to focus on the voice as instrument and not analyze the lyrics. Good comparison to Björk on the write-up--this also reminds me of the obvious Sarah McLachlan's ethereality. And the delivery of the line with the word "otherwise" (and the way each verse ends--some kind of bluesy or RnBish cadence or something?) reminded me a lot of Morcheeba, specifically, the song... "Otherwise." Very cool. :D

Lots of small beautiful touches in this, like the whispering. The layering of vocal tracks results in some downright haunting harmonies. Gorgeous, gorgeous song. OCR needs more trip-hop, plz and ty.


Definitely dig the mix, pixietricks :) It gives the haunting melody of Radical Dreamers somewhere to look to when the lyrics are attached - nicely done.

I also like how all of the accompaniment is really static until the last minute of the song because it allows the listener to really focus on the melody and the lyrics (it reminds of me of klangfarbenmelodie in Schoenberg's works, where there's only one chord through the whole orchestra for like 10 minutes and you can hear it move from colour to colour, but that's a whole other thing...). On the other side of that, it makes a the switch at 3:05 a much bigger deal, and it's like "yeah!" I really dig the harmonies during that part, because it's less intrusive but still really, really nice.

The kick drum is a bit loud for my taste, but that's cool, the production is really good for the rest of it. Awesome job, I really it!

(Good luck on the recital!)


I really don't like the beats in the middle, but the rest is sublime; Great atmosphere and attention to detail in the vocals. Beautiful work throughout.

The beat at the end is nice, so I wish we'd heard a bit more of that, and that filtered high hat makes me all nostalgic. :D

The lyrics are great, and if it wasn't for the drums throughout the middle, i'd say it was perfect. Still as is, it's a great song, nice work.


OK first listen I was kinda like uhh it's ok. Of course that was at 5am after I got woken up. But then I gave it a 2nd listen and I really like it. :)

These are normally my favorite types of songs. Ethereal female vocals with texture shifting synths and DT beats. So I am def glad I gave it a 2nd listen.

That whispering at 1:32! I wanna know how to do that!

The mix is a lil rough around the edges in certain areas but it has way too many good aspects not to like it. Thanks pixie for making this song I really like it, I have been waiting for a song of this type to come out on OCR again for awhile.


This mix sort of took me by surprise. It started out good and then kind of lost it's beauty a third of the way through, but then it picked up again halfway through the song and turned out be a good mix.

Good job and it's always nice to hear your voice, Pixie.



The way your voice goes with the music sort of reminds me of "Everytime You Need Me" by Fragma.


I'm glad there's another vocal lo-fi DT remix. I love this type of music when done right, & not overly boring. Which this isn't... overly boring I mean, yo.

Though, as I was listening to this, I get what the judges were saying about the drums. I keep hearing breaks & fills in my head as I listen to this, really wish the file hadn't corrupted, else this would be frikin' great! Also, that filtered hihat section of the drums was a bit too... it took me out of the song for a for a second.

Beautiful lyrics, great atmosphere, nice effects on the backing vocals. JTown seal of Down-tempo-longing-for-teh-loves!


If it wasn't for the lyrics this remix would be some regular, boring song. Not that the instruments aren't good but it is pixietricks's amazing voice that make this remix special.

I doubt there's any stripped down version of this mix available without the singing, eh? The lyrics are entirely too cheesy to stand hearing. It completely ruins what would otherwise be an excellent CC remix.

P.S. Anyone have the lyrics to this remix? And awesome job as always pixietricks!

If it wasn't for the lyrics this remix would be some regular, boring song. Not that the instruments aren't good but it is pixietricks's amazing voice that make this remix special.

P.S. Anyone have the lyrics to this remix? And awesome job as always pixietricks!

The lyrics are on one of the tabs on the mix page.


Really delicate work. Imma likey. The part that stood out for me was at around 1:41 with the ostinato in the vocals. The harmonies there are especially pleasing for my ears. Great work!!


Interesting. A hard melody to remix, especially when the original was so beautiful. But I think you made some good choices here and maintained the sense of sadness and wonder that surrounds this theme.

My only complaint is that the beginning is way abrupt. Coming in straight away on the beat with the voice... I don't think that was a particularly inspired decision.

Overal, this is a well done piece, and I'm glad you didn't mix Japanese and English like you did on the Chrono Trigger Mix.


I'm not sure what to say. I expected something differen't which is why i suppose the mix doesn't touch me the way most guys prolly want it to...haha, Ok, being serious the pads overlap the vocals alittle. The beat has nothing to it and its progression is too chill to be romantic. I feel like shes the ghost, stalking someone. The vocals aren't as good as i see credited. Its an ok mix...in a point of view or mindset it sure can relate and yes its pretty good. Not enough passion progression and hmm another p word...paraphyllic?....beat stings my ears....not as bad as i make it sound, everyone else loves it. It just can be much better. flatlined.

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