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This question has been bugging me for a while. Will OCR always be here till the end of time? Will it fade out? Will some big lawsuit overturn it someday? What is your prediction?

There is part of a game title in this post. Kudos to whoever finds it.

DJP said somewhere that he won't be doing this forever

I forget where

but yeah I dunno hand it over to Joe Redifer lol (´∀`)

Joe Redifer? Why Joe Redifer if I may ask?


im not quite sure if it will survive, fade or just get busted but if it does keep on going after he quits it will most likely be handed down to either the judges and mods or to a particular judge(which could definitely be Larry). although there is an unlikely case it could be handed over to a family member, i sincerely doubt that.


I sure hope it will be around if not forever, for the rest of my life. OCR has become a pretty big part of who I am as a person. Most of my best friends these days are OCR peeps. OCR is as much a part of my daily routine as my job is.


till the end of time

There is part of a game title in this post. Kudos to whoever finds it.

Woulda been better if it were something more obscure ;)

bah, this is a fairly pointless thread.

...To somebody who doesn't care about OCR, which IS YOU, you fat son of a bitch!

In all honesty, the future of OCR is always a pertinent subject, and always worth talking about. Collectively, we've put a lot of time, love, and dork-fueled energy into this place. We would like to see our investments tended well and gently.

I imagine one of two scenarios:

Scenario 1

DJP sires an heir apparent, somebody with a lot of back-end programming and web savvy who can perpetuate the site without too much guidance. DJP hands over all the pertinent access, and then heads into the sunset, gathering the smoldering ruins of his social life along the way. OCR, under its new regime, continues (ostensibly) largely unchanged.

Scenario 2

DJP announces an end date, and essentially closes OCR from any new submissions, and everything exists in a sort of suspended animation. The forums remain active and perhaps new projects are highlighted. But OCR is, effectively, in a deadened, dormant state.

Each of these scenarios has their own branching sub-scenarios, but that's about as realistic and accurate as my crystal ball allows.

bah, this is a fairly pointless thread.
...To somebody who doesn't care about OCR, which IS YOU, you fat son of a bitch!

listen now, you hunky junkpile of sexy arial-propulsion-deprived meat pizza. First of all, my obesity is no trifling matter. Second, I <3's OCR like no other. I was just simply stating that (with the exception of your surprisingly realistic and probably pretty accurate predictions) that it was unlikely that anyone would say anything meaningful. Rather, I was expecting a fleet of comments akin to some we've already seen, such as "meh, who cares--OCR sucks" all the way to "well, perhaps DJP will probably sell it on eBay". I also see that day as being far enough away that it's not really worth worrying about for now.

That, madams and sirs, is my $0.02. Now excuse me, for I have a date with a treadmill and some bicycle shorts.


i think ocr will extend to the afterlife. the bad remixers like Prot will go to OverClocked Hell and the good remixers like GrayLightning will go to OverClocked HeaVen.

i also think djp & larry will make a baby somehow. and this child will be like jesus or the kwisatz haderach or someone important enough to take over the site.

i also think shael riley will become a judge.


interjection to lone ranger: stfu and l2intarweb

It's funny because OCR hasn't even been around 10 years and we're thinking about more than twice its current lifespan. That's like asking HEY GUYS HOW WILL THE UNITED STATES BE IN 500 YEARS


and yes they are equivalent because internet makes time flow faster.


djpretzel tracks down graylightning and tells him to take over or he shuts it down. gray then takes over as the dark lord of the mix and ruins any career he has.

or liontamer gets pissed he lost his "super moderator" title and points a gun to mr. david lloyds head until he signs the deed over to him. assuming ocr actually does get incorporated.


OCR is going to make its own tv channel once the whole possible law suit thing gets sorted out. Then there'll stupid video game reality soap operas and dating shows with the video game music being played only at night while vgmix will show up and have it's own channel and actually play video game music all day but no one really likes it anyway because it'll only be on satellite and all the teenie boppers will still be into OCR instead of vgmix because it makes them think they're cool when they actually aren't and screw up society even more. Also, tits.

And if tl:dr, I'll sum it up with one word.


Scenario 2

DJP announces an end date, and essentially closes OCR from any new submissions, and everything exists in a sort of suspended animation. The forums remain active and perhaps new projects are highlighted. But OCR is, effectively, in a deadened, dormant state.

That tops it, thats the most chilling thing I have ever heard. Every hair on my body stood up when I read that.

That tops it, thats the most chilling thing I have ever heard. Every hair on my body stood up when I read that.


dude that's totally possible

this is djp's site and he doesn't wanna stay with it some time in the future and doesn't wanna pass it

its over

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