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Axelay 'Kick My Axe'

People, this is one fine remix. There's not much to criticize, and so much to praise - the excellent guitar work, the way the synths are incorporated seamlessly, the well thought out arrangement, the fact that things stay interesting the entire way through.... everything here sounds like it was done by professionals. Remixes like this one don't pop up here to often, so download and enjoy them when they do.


Not too bad, seems to me that DJP thinks that anything with guitars in it sounds good. :lol: Anyway, it's got some really nice stuff in there, reminds me of some eighties song I can't quite remember the name of. The guitar part's well done, some stuff sounds really good, some parts at the end catch my ear in particular. It's very well done. Recommended.


The strings gave the heebie-jeebies when I first heard them, they screamed "BAD ANIME BACKGROUND MUSIC" at me and I almost lost it. But thankfully the strings stay low for most of the track and the professionalism of all the other aspects of this piece more than make up for it. Besides, even I gotta admit it makes a nice contrast to the lead guitar.

Guitar/drum/synth work just proves once again that if I spent all the money I've spent on games on music and mixing equipment instead, I'd get laid a hell of a lot more than I do now.

The organ is fucking genius, especially at 2:20. Go buy yourself a round for that one, and another one for the bass showing off in the first :25.

The more I listen to this, the more I like it.

God I love you guys. Really. I wish I had any sort of skill at this. Oh well, there's always the mid-life crisis.


The strings gave the heebie-jeebies when I first heard them, they screamed "BAD ANIME BACKGROUND MUSIC" at me and I almost lost it.

Oh, so you don't like my violin playing, huh. Wanna step outside, string hata? :wink:

Anyway, this track sticks closely to the original stage 1 and boss music. Most of the riffs you guys are complimenting are in the original tracks, so I recommend downloading the SPCs and listening to the entire Axelay soundtrack if you haven't already.

Thanks for the comments, everyone.

Also, the only synth tracks were the background "stabby" synth, the organ, and the drums. The rest was live.


Geeez what was supposedly wrong with the strings? lol..I thought they were Superb. I really loved how this mix remained very faithful to the original. The 3:05-3:10 mark made me smile so much cause that was always the theme I hummed to myself throughout the years :-D


This song brought back a lotta memories, flyin thru space with my SNES, blowing crap up. This reminded me of the last level, u know, blowing up the whole armada, then u face tha giant last boss, really great tune!


This is a damn fine mix. Not perfect, but pretty frickin' close. The synth/guitar mesh reminds me of Vince DiCola's work. Vince DiCola, for those of you who don't know (probably most of you), did the score for Rocky IV and The Transformers: The Movie. Anyway, stellar stuff, Midee. I would, however, have liked the guitars to had a little more "power" (sorry, I'm not well-versed in music terminology--if there's a better way to say that, I don't know :oops: ) here and there...but for most of the track they're exceptionally well done. Not Ailsean, but pretty damn good nonetheless. Kudos!


This has to be one of the best remixes I've heard from this site. It sounds great to me more than the remixes that come from games I've actually played, or even in the least bit, heard of. Every part of it is appealing to me. Each part smoothly flows to the next. Very professional, like it was said to be.


I have to reiterate as to how much I love this mix!! I'm so friggin addicted to it and those strings are kicking my azz all over the place. I Especially love when the strings come in at the 1:18-1:23 mark, they'd melt frozen butter in an instant! I just love hearing the whole dynamics of the strings being played from the sounds of every note being stroked... I just get goosebumps when I hear that string part, hehe..

Damm I need to get a CD recorder ugh!

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Having had Axelay back in the day (and now as a ROM on my comp, so the tunes are still fresh in my mind) this track piqued my interest. Musical tastes notwithstanding, I love it. The transition to the boss theme--which I'm listening to right this moment, actually-- is pretty cool. I think I can hear violin in here; interesting choice. Fits well. If anything detrimental can be said, it's that it sounds a bit too much like the original...which may or may not be a bad thing. I'll always have that tune stuck in my head anyway, and this is fresh enough (with the damn GUITARS like it shoulda been in the game) to replace the sound of the original in my head. Overall: badass!

  • 2 months later...

Wow, oh wow. I have never played Axelay before, and to say that this music stuck with me is an understatement. Over the past few weeks, I've been humming this almost non-stop, and for me, that's very rare, especially if I had only heard it ONCE before going to school and then coming home six hours later and still knowing almost the entire thing by heart. That's how far this became ingrained into my skull. I can't even begin to rave about how awesome the guitar is in here--on par (and possibly above, at parts) with JAXX and Ailsean, methinks. You completely fooled me on the drums, also. I refuse to believe those are synth. And the strings, the synth, and the organ; I love how they seem to flawlessly combine and become one. What this review boils down to is that it's one of my favorite remixes on the site, and it will now end with my ranting about how Midee should make more. MORE, I say! As they say, 5 stars.


Fucking Awesome. This is just a PERFECT translation of the original tune from Axelay, and every little transition and detail is done just right and sounds great. I'm normally a little mad about the liberal use of strings in rock tunes, but they just add to the remix in this case. Otherwise, I can't say anything bad about this one at all.

  • 3 weeks later...

One of the things I like about mixes from games I've never played is that I appreciate them on a higher level, since I don't know the original music. This mix was so great that I DLed the SPC tracks for the SNES game, and I'm blown away by how well the Level 1 and Level 1 Boss tracks were covered. Like DJP said, the mix is incredibly professional sounding throughout, it also keeps very faithfully to original music and manages to stand on its own as just some solid stuff throughout. I hope Midee, prozax & Jeremy Johnson make more mixes from other game themes, because you know they'd do an incredible job.

  • 4 weeks later...

"Kick My Axe" kicks my axe! (and my ass i suppose) I love all the parts of it but most especially where everything stops for a while and then BLAM! I also love near the end with all the wierdness going on all at once, disonance and unusual syncopations, and then it all just stops. I give it the Twisted Evil :twisted: Award of WAAAAHHH!!

  • 2 months later...

This is probably bumping up an increadibly old thread, but the guys that made this remix are GODS. *ahem* Axelay was my favourite shoot em up ever on console, and to hear such a brilliant piece of this games music remixed in such a fashion is a phenomonal feeling. For me anyway :) Hurrah for Midee!

  • 1 month later...

i wasn't aware that this remix was on ocr as well!

i kind of feel obliged to write a review for this remix as it is one of the best pieces the amateur remixing scene has ever produced! wonderful enhancement, production and attention to detail all over the place. this tune is fantastic and many of my friends who aren't even into video game remixes highly enjoyed this piece, that is saying much.

could have easily been on a konami cd, as this piece is totally worthy of being labelled as 'professional'. fantastic planning by midee, and outstanding group effort and playing/mixing of live elements.

two thumbs up!

  • 8 months later...

Rockin' remix here, and with the strings at 1:18 it strongly reminds me of the classic rock band Kansas, which is pretty cool in my book.

A nice contrast to the other remix of this game, but of the same high caliber.

  • 1 month later...
Great remix, very nice sounding distortion there for the guitar agreed. Much love. Is midee a alias for someone, or is this actually his first remix here?

this was my first remix here.

and if anyone's interested, i released an updated version on VGMix here.

  • 4 months later...

I think I said above that I think this song is great. Combining the level and boss theme, staying close to the original, but amplifying the song in a great way. My only question is: What will it take to make you do the rest of the levels in the same way?


So I always liked this song, but recently I listened to the original soundtrack. It was very disappointing to discover that this remix is scarcely anything more than a cover. Its basically the level1 and boss1 music put together with live guitar. Everything else is note for note with minimal changes.

A fine upgrade, but alas, nothing more than an upgrade.

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