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It's been awhile since I've heard from Star, but I love his work. He is notorious for taking a crappy videogame song and turning it into something beautiful. His Ducktales remix is a perfect example of this. This new piece does not deviate from the trend. He took a song I hated and remixed it into one of the most beautiful remixes I've ever heard. I rarely say this about male artists, but his voice was mesmerizing.


You so did not call the Moon theme crappy.


All I can really say is mega, mega talent and production values.

Additionally, my favorite aspect of the song (even though everything sounds fantastic) is the intricacy of the bass line. It's not often that so much detail is put into something that most people overlook when mixing, and it has the smoothness and porto of a novation bass-station, and the harmonic richness of a fretless.

Awesome job, I feel dirty for not paying for this ;)


This is overall excellent with a capital E. Why didn't I just say Excellent? Well, that wouldn't be good from a grammatical stand-point.

But anyway, back to this remix. Star, I'm glad to hear the fruits of your long hiatus. This mix is smooth. I assume that you used real guitar beacuse it's so clear (those are some amazing samples, if you didn't.) Percussion is kicking; It really keeps the peice from dragging at parts.

You did a fairly good job a splicing the piano solo and guitar and then adding vocals. The three seem to mesh pretty well most of the time. However, there are instances when the piano sticks out and it isn't really doing anything interesting (just playing the same 3 or 4 notes, which seems kind of anticlimactic.)

And needless to say, your singing is amazing. I'm always glad to hear a competent male vocalist. Especially around OCR.

I really hope this is a your return fanfare instead of a your swan song, Star.


Wooooo, the EMPEROR of OCR has returned. Another ridiculously good starsong that strips the crown away from all other would-be remixing greats and places it squarely back on Star's gigantic head. Way to go Star!!!!



I know I'm basically repeating what everyone's been saying here, but this remix is kick-ass stuff indeed.

I've been asking myself, "who does Star sound like?" in terms of his vocals. I can NEVER put my finger on it. You could say that he has a unique singing voice. Overall, the vocals here are definitely Star's best work. Just when I thought he can never top what he did with "Pillar of Salt". I mean, sure, the lyrics aren't as unique as Pillar...but the delivery is simply awesome and his best yet. I was surprised by his range in this remix. I was like "wow" when he started singing "you, you're walking backwards..." very emotional and powerful delivery in that verse especially, along with other areas which are as powerful. I also like the few "tricks" he pulled off...like the "rewind" bit (never would've known that the word was rewind spelt backwards if it weren't for the lyrics) and the reverb at "I hope you don't mind temporal anomalies" since it really fits with the verse, almost made me feel like you're actually caught in some sort of temporal rift/abyss, floating endlessly as your voice echoes in the distance. My only gripe is in one verse, "Someone let me out of here"...sounds a bit muffled compared to the rest of the lyrics...in my opinion it should've been the loudest area, would've been cool if you screamed that part out and added an effect or two...

As for the music itself, very catchy stuff. Synthy, melodic, and rockin' all in one. I can see why this remix reminds me of the 70s/80s-influenced rock, most notably bands like "Air Supply" and "Alter Bridge" (modern band yet influenced by 70s rock). The synth sounds are pretty cool, yet its the piano and electric guitar which I enjoyed a lot more. I was immediately reminded by "Coldplay" and "Five for Fighting" in some parts because of the piano. The guitar though...wow...man give your friend who helped you out a nice pat in the back...excellent work with that...

Congraulations on getting this track finished and posted, Star. Looking forward to your future work.


Absolutely hated it.

There's nothing more annoying than people that can't compose original music to their lyrics like that. Why do they have to piggy-back on original music like that? A remix is one thing. But an exploit to catapult yourself as a singer? Unbearable.

Tried listening trying to ignore the vocals, and the music itself is not that great a tribute.

And hello, board! Been a long time...


I loved it - I thought that you tastefully added your vocals to the work! The melody was good, maybe could've had a bit more direction or motion, but it really contributed to the really busy backgrounds (and vice versa, you know what I mean :P)

Really strong lyrics, particularly "space and time are friends of mine", good line!

I don't think I have a whole lot of constructive things to say, maybe a bit more direction in the melody, but other than that minute suggestion, I think that you did an incredible job! Keep up the great work!


Very cool. I can definitely hear the '70s prog influence in this. For my ears, it mainly lies in the production and instrument sounds, especially the guitars. They sound like they might have jumped through a time warp to meet up with you in the future. That's a cool thing.

Some people might jump on the vocals for being a bit over-compressed or whatever, but I think they're fitting for what you're going for. They're crystal clear, have their own space, are never invasive and sit nicely as well while complimenting the surrounding instruments with their presence, so it all works out just fine of course.

Those drums are so awesome. The changes are unique. I especially enjoy some of the surprising stops and starts, which are fitting for the style you're emulating.

This is a track that needs to grow on people before they can ultimately come to a conclusion as to what they really think of it, I think. Upon my 2nd listen through, it's a separate journey altogether. I'm sure after a few more listens, it'll sink in real nicely.

Excellent work. :)


Yes! Yes yes yes yes!

That should sum up my praise fairly well. My reservations? Only one, and that is that I feel the singing could've been a bit more haunting along with the harmony. With the haunting back melody, I was suspecting something a bit more like Secret of Mana: Dragon Song.

It wasn't the worst song in that game, but it was still bad.

bah, let's try not to get into preference debates in someone's song review thread.

as for the song, i remember it didn't seem quite as impressive as the first time i listened to it, but it's still quite well done, and otherwise pretty spit and polish. not too shabby!

(although, i'm not too sure i'd be that proud of a song that makes doug want to have sexual friction with your leg...) :)


For the past few months, every time I've decided to check out the latest mixes I have consistently felt the these latest mixes have represented the best work the OCR community would ever produce, and each time I've been wrong. Especially now.

Everything about this mix is rock solid: The arrangement is varied and interesting, the lyrics are not only appropriate, but the voice is also perfectly balanced in volume with the instruments. Some of the production values I've bothered to talk about in previous reviews, such as clipping, panning, etc. seem pretty silly to talk about now; of course it's solidly produced.

It's hard to pick a favorite part because everything works together perfectly. However I couldn't finish this review without mentioning the guitar part at 1:40. It may not seem important, but bringing the guitar out here is a refreshing change of pace, allowing the song to run to 5:30 minutes without any hints of boredom.


This is my new favorite OC ReMix. It used to be Tactical Freefall, but now it's this. I don't think I have to explain why.

I love the attention to the melody and the bassline! "And the hourglass is working upside-down" is fun to listen to. The only thing I take issue with is the piano note velocities at the end seeming too harsh. But that's a very small potato.

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