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try streets of rage.Id love to hear a funky instrumental of that game particularly sor 2. If you decide to do it you might want a live drummer to go with you and your guitarists skills.


play soul blazer



there is only one remix of it here

not so well loved

one of the best games ever though and with happy happy music

and you said xenogears is mentioned more than once but everyone loves that already


Fable (original, not the crappy remake)

I don't think there was a remake of Fable, if you're thinking Lost Chapters, it's the same game.
Shadow of the Colossus

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


I'll vouch for Tetrisphere as well. Check http://www.hcs64.com/usf/ for the USFs (emulated audio gamerip). If you've got chipamp installed, then Winamp will play the files for you, since 64th Note is in the chipamp package. There's no Tetrisphere mixes on the site, and it's got 23 songs.

Certainly, some good OSTs/games have been mentioned, but personally, I'd love to see a Tetrisphere remixed album. That'd be awesome.

Anyway, good luck on your decision. Mouser X out.


I got here really late but take a look ot the soundtracks Im suggesting

King of Fighters '96 (Neo Geo)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (SNES/Arcade)

Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)

Advance Wars Duel Strike (NDS)

Thanks for your consideration. I wish you luck in whatever you choose.


Secret of mana tends to be done quite often - yet I've seen few mixes for Legend of Mana. I don't know if LoM has a smaller soundtrack, or if people simply dislike it - but I found the musics to be fairly decent when I first played it.

Personally I'd almost kill for some Everquest remixes. Too big of a list on that one, however.

Just trying to mention stuff that isn't being bandwagoned.


Last post of the night, I swear.

Secret of mana tends to be done quite often - yet I've seen few mixes for Legend of Mana. I don't know if LoM has a smaller soundtrack, or if people simply dislike it - but I found the musics to be fairly decent when I first played it.

LoM is awesome stuff, and sits at 32 tracks, by my last count.

This site needs more LoM love (which is none.)

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