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Hm. Well, I was mostly going for non-platonic love, but I suppose sisterly love is good too. I'll mull it over a bit.

I doubt Din and Nayru were in love with him either. :P

That said, we still need some Wind Waker coverage. Did Tetra have a theme? I'm sure she had some sort of burgeoning crush on him under that tough exterior. It'd be cool to have Majora's Mask too, although I'm not sure if it actually has any new music that would work. Still, those shopgirls had the total hots for his pre-pubescent bod.

I doubt Din and Nayru were in love with him either. :P

That said, we still need some Wind Waker coverage. Did Tetra have a theme? I'm sure she had some sort of burgeoning crush on him under that tough exterior. It'd be cool to have Majora's Mask too, although I'm not sure if it actually has any new music that would work. Still, those shopgirls had the total hots for his pre-pubescent bod.

AUGH bad image.

Their theme is this I guess.

EDIT: Totally thinking of the wrong girls, I think (hope?). Whatever.


Well, there was the whole creepy Anju/Kafei thing which I'm sure had a couple songs associated with it.

And the shopgirls I was referring to are the ones you see at the mayor's house and the treasure chest minigame. I think there's more, but they all make these really provocative gestures and noises.

That said, we still need some Wind Waker coverage. Did Tetra have a theme? I'm sure she had some sort of burgeoning crush on him under that tough exterior.

The pirate ship theme could probably work for that...I'm sure someone good enough could show the development of their little "relationship" with music.

Majora's Mask was kind of a slutty game, wasn't it? Cremia, those "shopgirls", the great fairies from Ocarina of Time...ha.

Fishy and I have actually already been talking about doing a Lost Woods collab (in the style of Freezepop) before you posted about this project. Would that fit the bill? He's gotten a good start on the instrumentation.

Not sure about Freezepop's style in terms of a love song. Seems a bit cheesy, if you know what I mean. :\

As for Wind Waker, nobody's really applicable. I'd thought about it, but nothing really there. And Tetra = Zelda already.

In any case, I'm not looking to add more tracks to this, and it's by no means the definitive album. If it's successful, maybe I'll organize a sequel album with more themes, but I want to avoid letting the project grow to the point where it's going to be a pain to organize.

What's wrong with a cheesy love song? You said you're looking for love songs of all styles.

If you can make it work as a song about Saria and Link, then I'm all for it. I'm still skeptical about Freezepop's style in terms of instrumentation and texture and how that will fit into the context of a love song.

Regardless the genre choice, I definitely want to avoid tongue-in-cheek, "cheesy" lyrics for any song that will have lyrics. As much as I love Funky-Monkey Love, that's not the kind of song I'm aiming for, especially since I don't think any of the characters would really fit with that.

The mixes on this project aren't just remixes of themes, they're remixes about the characters.


Dude, there's a fucking lot more chicks in OoT that have the hots for Link. In fact, pretty much every female in the game aside from Impa and the Cuccoo Lady.

Anyway, I am officially interested, but I'm not going to commit to it until I know when the deadline is and have a solid idea for a mix. I'm busy as hell with music these days.


Hahaha, I forgot about the great fairies. Man, a porno fairy theme would be the best.

You know, if OoT were to be redone with modern graphic capabilities, those faries would be hot as holy hell.


You know, I'm a softy for a good love song. I really am. Honestly, I'm rather hopeful some of you with guitar experience would get together with someone who can either program percussion really well, or can actually play drums (like Beatdrop).

I'd actually be happy to hear a song in the style of Bon Jovi or some other artist.

Just a thought.


Actually, if anyone wants any ideas of what I'm starting to think Shariq is looking for, here's a list of some of the top love songs out there Love Song Top List.

Have at it.

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