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Hey all,

I'm a long time listener, but I've only recently decided to try my own hand at remixing and maybe posting some original works down the line. I'm a live audio engineer and sound designer, but I've recently decided I never want steady money again and I'd be much happier composing. A lot of game composers I respect, including (but by no means limited to) danny B and Big Giant Circles, seemed to have really honed their skills here, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Right now I'm hitting the books, learning theory and taking composition and piano lessons and writing as much as I can, but at least initially I'd like to spend some time just listening to other people's work and giving feedback, since I've been told that feedback can be in short supply here at times. I figure that would be the best way to get a feel for what kind of work people do and get to know some of the regulars.


Wrote a lengthy introduction that got killed by a minimum character count error, so I'll keep it short.

I'm a flautist with 10 years experience, very little composing capability or talent, if anyone needs something played I'll do it although I haven't tested my flute with my latest microphone.


Wrote a lengthy introduction that got killed by a minimum character count error, so I'll keep it short.

I'm a flautist with 10 years experience, very little composing capability or talent, if anyone needs something played I'll do it although I haven't tested my flute with my latest microphone.


Samples! Surely thou shalt provide us with samples, good sir!


  • 2 weeks later...

Hurm.. I know I already introduced myself, though because of the sudden overconfidence from last April when I first joined so here's my actual introduction of myself:

Hello, I'm Jon the EuroNerd, a newcomer of OCRemix. The reason I joined in is because I want to learn and experience in remixing songs from different video game franchises, particularly with the use of SuperWave P8 and Synth V112 in FL Studio. So yeah. That's all the introduction I could give out, well except for the overly-confident part. :)


I'm Spark, and I run "SparkTunez". I came here for the same reason you all probably came here: I love VG music and remixing it! I work with Fl Studio and a little bit with FamiTracker. I've also been a fan of OC Remix since I was about 10. I've always wanted to make music for them. Speaking of music making, I guess you could say I'm pretty good at it. If you'd like to see a demo of what I can do, just ask. I'm still a student, so don't expect anything ridiculously awesome, yet. I still have a lot to learn, and I hope my experience on OC remix teaches me these things. Great to meet you all! :D


Hi guys, I'm Darkroman, and I've been messing around with music stuff for a long time now. I know this site is more about remixes of video game music (which I want to dive my hand into), but I was wondering if you still allow people to show off covers (I know OCR doesn't accept cover submissions because of possible copyright infringement due to ripping MIDIs) and offer critique on more specific mixing and mastering techniques. Most of what I've done are remasters (mainly pokemon).

Before I provide a link to my youtube channel, I'll await an answer. If this isn't the place, I'll turn back and only come here if I have an original remix. Thanks!


Hello. I've been going to this website for years (no, seriously, years) and decided to join the forums. I love this website very much. I think I started loving it after hearing "Kong in Concert" since it's such a great album, and I love Donkey Kong Country. I know some people here, and I think this place is great!

I am also musical myself, and think it would be cool if I were a ReMixer one day... (hey, it could happen!)

So, anyway, you might see me posting here sometimes. Cheers! :-o


I've been visiting for almost a decade, especially as I am a gamer, mostly for adventure games and MMORPGs. I may have been just an observer, but I hope I can contribute using my skills as a learning graphic designer. There are some areas I am good at and others that I do terribly or would need/want additional help with.

I also have been interested in producing variations of music, although I have never done it before.

Not sure what else to say. There are probably many questions that should be answered.

Hi guys, I'm Darkroman, and I've been messing around with music stuff for a long time now. I know this site is more about remixes of video game music (which I want to dive my hand into), but I was wondering if you still allow people to show off covers (I know OCR doesn't accept cover submissions because of possible copyright infringement due to ripping MIDIs) and offer critique on more specific mixing and mastering techniques. Most of what I've done are remasters (mainly pokemon).

Before I provide a link to my youtube channel, I'll await an answer. If this isn't the place, I'll turn back and only come here if I have an original remix. Thanks!

While I don't know how well posting covers in the remix workshop forums will go, you can always try posting any original works of yours in the Workshop forums (Post your originals!). You can also ask any questions regarding mixing and whatnot in the Music Composition and Production subforum.

Cheers, and welcome to OCR!

Posted (edited)

Hey Y'all!

My name's Casey, and I'm from Vermont. 22 years old, no musical talent to speak of, but I certainly love listening to it (and I can play the first few seconds of "Piano Man" on harmonica, so that's gotta carry some weight, right?)! Love your stuff.

I found this site when I was searching for random Final Fantasy IX-related stuff, as it's my favorite game. I'm super excited for the FFIX remix album to come out! I have a blog at www.FinalFantasyIX.com (a domain that I can't believe was available), where I hope to start a discussion of Final Fantasy (and video games in general) as art, philosophy, literature... Culture, basically. I love blogging - I've been writing every day for about six months now, and it's a very interesting way to write.

I loved reviewing Balance and Ruin (which is AMAZING), and I'd like to get into the WIP-reviewing biz. Even if I can't do it myself (at the moment), I'd love to contribute to creating awesome finished products :)

Let's see...

Favorite Game: Final Fantasy IX

Favorite Band: Cloud Cult (their history along with their music... mind-bogglingly positive and powerful. Do yourself a favor and listen to "Chemicals Collide", or any of their later albums. Seriously. :puppyeyes:)

Favorite Food: Beer

Favorite Drink: Beer

Favorite Book: A.S. Neill's Summerhill

Philosophy: Control What You Can Control; Judge Actions, Not People

And that's basically me in a nutshell! If anyone wants to play some Steam games (I've been playing a ton of TF2 and Awesomenauts recently), add me on Steam (name: {PC} Catnip_Fatty) and we'll meet it up!

Thanks :)

Edited by catnip

Hello good folks of OCR, my name is Ben Parrott, I'm Nineteen I live in the peak district in sunny England, I joined OCR in the hope that talking to others would inspire me to start writing music whether it's working on an original or a remix, I have a fair amount of experience playing music, I just lack experience working with DAWs and haven't got a lot of plug-ins to work with. And my recording equipment is getting a bit outdated to say the least.

When I'm not listening to music I'm working as a tour guide down Peak Cavern where I make yarn rope, which is quite fun actually.

When it comes to music, I listen to a lot of NWOBHM and Thrash, my favorite band has to be Iron Maiden, if I ever do start a remix project it will mostly have either Maiden of Megadeth elements. but I will hopefully diversify my work in different genres like gypsy jazz and some other cool stuff.

Anyway I hope that I can help out with some projects in the future and help make me become a better musician!


Um, hello, I'm Ana. I'm 21, but I don't look it (People say I look like I'm in junior high). I've been a gamer since I was a small child, and I love music. My musical abilities are... awful, actually. I can play a little bit of piano, but not much. I'm better at singing, I guess. My real skill lies in art and writing. My favorite kinds of games are JRPGs, Metroidvania-style games, wide open sandbox games (Minecraft style, not GTA style), and platformers. As for what kind of music I like... I like almost everything. I do not like rap, country, disco, or jazz, though there are a few rap songs I do like (they're all game-related).

I'm kind of shy (to the point that it took me a week to muster up enough bravery to actually post an introduction). I've played a lot of obscure games and indie games, and I'm a fountain of knowledge about the subjects. In fact, I'm working on an indie game of my own. ...at least, that's what I tell people. Really, all I'm doing is designing the characters and writing the story, knowing that the project will never get off the ground without a proper team. The formation of a proper team is prevented by my aforementioned shyness. I also tend to type the way I talk, using more words than necessary, going off on tangents, and generally being a nuisance with my mannerisms. I love humor, especially if it's silly. However, I strongly dislike parodies, as they rarely show any respect at all to their subject.

Please do not ask me to join you in an MMO, as I don't want to go near those at all. I will, however, be your friend on Steam.

I strongly dislike conflict, and if an argument breaks out, I'll probably be the first one out of there. I try to find the good in nearly everything, which is why you'll sometimes see me say something like "Oh, I don't particularly care for that game, but I do like ____.".

I've been visiting OCR for years, and only recently was convinced to join. I'm especially excited for the Final Fantasy IX album, and for the rest of the Final Fantasy V remix project. Once those are out, all my favorite Final Fantasies will have remix albums. (4, 6, 9, 5, and 7, in case you were wondering. If you try to start an argument about them, I will ignore you.)

I've gone to ConnectiCon for three years in a row. Yes, I cosplayed. No, it wasn't anything special. White Mage the first two years, Derpy Hooves from MLP this year. It's amazing how you can dress as one of the iconic character classes from a reasonably popular game series and get absolutely no attention, then dress as a cartoon character from a show that's either love it or hate it, and have people walk up to you and hug you, ask for photos, high-five you, etc. It really was a surreal experience...

Oh wow this was a long post. Sorry about that...


Hey Peeps. I am a nerdy music kid. I've played piano for 14 years, and am still playing. I've accompanied for soloists in national competition, my high school's men's choir for two years, played in a band (a good one, mind you) for 3 years, and yeah. Roughly the end of 2009 is when I first began composing music, and I started on good ol' staff paper and I carry some form of it wherever I go (just in case something hits me). I use Finale 2011 for all my "traditional" writings, and over the last 7 months, I've gotten into electronic music with FL Studio 11 (producer), which has consumed my life for the time being. I'm currently co-writing a musical (though that's all I'm allowed to say at this point), and am working on learning more about things like FL and that kind of stuff.

On a completely separate note, I'm a member on two other forums, both of which are for the RCT3 Communities. I'm on ShyGuy's World (shyguysworld.com) and vPyro (vpyro.com). If you play RCT3 still, both of these forums are fairly active and still pumping out new content. They are great resources for custom content.

That's about it for now. See you guys around.

- StickyGum32


what up

this was me, and i guess technically is me, and as you can see that account is over six years old, which means i'm at least seven years old now.

in the interim period of time between not posting here anymore and posting this post i got a job making music for a webcomic you might have heard of

it's this one

some of the music i've done for it includes:

these tracks for the felt, which i also co-produced alongside clark powell

stellarum salve

green lolly (based on a composition by tyler dever)

whistling jackhammer

ugly betty

jane dargason (with clark powell)


plenty of other songs

in addition, i've written a game soundtrack, organized a ridiculously successful charity album, and produced the vast majority of an obnoxiously loud chiptune album, among much else.

i also rap

my name is robert j! lake, i frequently go by rj, and this is what i look like


this is my tumblr

this is my soundcloud

this is another link to my bandcamp

hello. here i am. my favorite video game is cave story. how are you.


Hoo boy, that's a tough one to follow.

I'm Will Collins, just a wee lad of 17. Mostly I write real, portable-to-Famicom chiptunes (did I mention they're REALLY REAL?) such as THIS one, but recently, as in about a week ago, I ran across the Great Robot Master Remix Battles and stuff, and thought that would be a fun thing to do. Currently I'm in the process of learning to use FL Studio 11, so hopefully I'll be up and running and ready to compete by next year...

I got started writing music about 3 years ago when I wanted to make a fan game having to do with a certain blue guy who shoots lemons. I got as far as writing the soundtrack and designing the characters and then I got bored of it and quit, but I sure as hell learned to make a good melody. I still do that sort of thing, for other people's projects, and I often partake in OHCs down at ThaSauce under the username hectictesseract.

Oh, and I guess I should link you to my profile on the Famitracker Forums too, for any other chiptune guys.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

What's up fellow gamers alike.

I remember nearly 10 years ago now, Summer 04, I first found this site through a search for a Bloody Tears remix. Any remix would do, I didn't even know what video game remixes sounded like yet. I remember finding some badass covers and arrangements by "The Minibosses" way back then of some Castlevania material, but that was it at the time. Google took me to this site, where it showed me the "Alexander Prievert - Castlevania 2 Bloody Tears OC Inspired" remix. I grabbed it, was hooked, and never bothered to sign up or come back ever again. 10 years later, at this point of my life, I realize it's one of the biggest mistakes I ever made.

I had video games and their music with me from infant ages with the Nintendo Atari and Sega all the way through to this day. I loved the music, I always wanted to create the music, but never pursued as I was growing up because it seemed so impossible, I was only 14 at the time. Fast-forward 10 years later, and here I am today. After many jobs, studying for different careers, and seeing that it may not be such an impossible thing to obtain I'm here to properly introduce myself this time as your video game composer, Vinny "Gwee."

Gwee has been an alias with me since about 14 and still goes on to this day. It's been my alias for just about every website I've signed for or video game I've played, we've probably even played in at least 1 video game online at least once. Getting back on track, I'd like to use the knowledge and skills that I've been learning and crafting to start making music for video games. Everything has been dancey music up to this point, but I'd like to take on much different projects than this. Indie or big-budget, I would really like to start as soon as possible.

With all of that being said, It's nice to finally feel like I'm including myself as a part of this forum after so long now. Please feel free to get in contact in any way, check out my soundcloud, or just get to know me better. Sorry for the snore fest :sleepzzz: thanks everyone

Edited by Gwee

Greetings! Seperoth here!

It's been quite a while since I registered, but I suppose it's never to late for a first post.

I first started remixing with OpenMPT and SynthFont 'bout 8 yoars ago. Since then I've used Guitar Pro, Finale and Sibelius but now I'm using Reaper; with wine now that I've finally switched to Ubuntu:).

Back before I started using Sibelius most of my work was metal, but now it's all symphonic!.


Hi everyone! I'm Benoit, but please call me Ben :). I have been following OCR for a few years now and decided it was time to join.

A little about me : french is my primary/first language so pardon my english. I used to make music which is still hosted on Newgrounds. I am a man with little talent, very few musical knowledge (specially terminology) and not a lot of tools (FL studio and soundfonts) but my interest for learning and my love for music/music creation surpasses all that. Even though my setup was rudimentary i managed to see some evolution in my 5 years or so of composing music. Don't get me wrong, I know I still have a lot of work ahead of me.

I have stopped making music, it's been a few years now. I got bored of clicking, inserting every single note of every single instrument with my mouse. The process of making music had become a chore so I decided to take a break.

In a year or so, when budget permits it, i am planning to buy a synthesizer (right now thinking about Yamaha MOX6), take piano lessons, learn about basic music theory and start composing again.

One of the reasons I'm here is because I was watching but more importantly listening to the FFVI Balance and Ruin Artist Reflections and the messages at the end addressed to newbies like me are very encouraging. Thanks for that. Reading on the forums a bit, I feel that the community is very open minded. Also, instead of just downloading some ReMixes and telling myself "Wow that's an awesome beat", I was thinking it would be nice to let the artists know.

Well that's about it for now, hope I didn't bore you too much.

On a side note, I don't want to resurrect an old thread but that prank inspired me to make this :razz:


Hey Overclocked!

Faseeh/~Faseeh~/GottaGoFas here.

I'm very new to music so I look up to all of you guys here. Only started a year ago, but I can compose and remix now. All my skills are limited to digital music.

Anyways, I hope sometime soon, I can be in some of the projects here, become one of you guys and jump into the fun!


I've been a long time listener/downloader. I've been a massive fan of OCR for quite a while now. I've had this account for a little while, though I don't think I ever made posts with it [in fact, I've just checked - I registered 2 years ago to enter a contest apparently - so that answers that!]. Still, today I got the Eevee EP and realised I haven't at all integrated myself into a community that I listen to so much.

So, I'm Micky. Hi! (resisting the temptation to say "Hey!" massively there) I'm not a musician of any sort. Purely here as a fan of the music posted here. I'm a Uni student. I'm in my mid-twenties. I live in London when I'm off Uni and Wales when I'm at Uni. I'm a big film geek and probably what would be termed a "casual gamer."

Anyway, hope to integrate myself into this community somewhat. So if that goes successfully, I'll see you around.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello OCR. I have to praise you on the amount of information and traffic this site has. Most of the composers and re-mixers I follow are involved in this community. Thank you for maintaining this fine resource.

A bit about me. I have experience in composing music for orchestra, wind band, piano, harpsichord, various types of metal, jazz combos, and electronic synthesizers. However, In the past year I've committed to writing electronic music full time; I plan on covering video game music as obviously it is the best music... ;p. I release my content online under the name Dark3den on various sites. Feel free to contact me for fun or work anytime.

  • 2 weeks later...

Whats Up People of Overclocked, my name is Mike (Aphelion) or by my Username Abyssmalitermission, i found this site buase i was looking for midi files to remix a new song and im golad i found this site, ive already posted remixes and my own content in the forums so look foir my work, praise, hate, what ever.


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