Geoffrey Taucer Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 This year's MAGfest will be January 3-6 in the Hilton Mark Center in Alexandria, VA. For those of you who don't know, MAGfest is a big gaming convention held every year in virginia, somplete with 24-hour gaming room, 24- hour LAN room, tournaments, panels, and remix concerts. Post if you're comming and let us know if you need/can provide a ride/room. COMMING: djpretzel Geoffrey Taucer Pixietricks & brother Zircon Larry's White Half (not to be confused with his even whiter half) Vilecat DjSammyG Escariot Bahamut Salty gcnmaster13 Dyne OA The Prophet of Mephisto Danimal Cannon Fusion2004 Rama RealFolkBlues Moguta Theory of Nonexistance (with one, maybe two friends) q-pa Kroze Arrowned amvteknoboy bustatunez JoeCam Mewtation Blake Perdue/Blizihizake/Blakey/whatever the fuck his name is Mustin Darangen Starla Fishy The Green Tentacle Jiggles McPuff Hale-bopp Snappleman Fenix Shael Riley & company D-lux Ferret BGFC Suzu Bluefox OFFERING RIDES: Escariot (from central PA) The Prophet of Mephisto (from Buffalo, NY) Moguta (From northern Delaware) Mewtation (from southern WV) LOOKING FOR RIDES: HAVE ROOMING ARRANGEMENTS: OA, The Prophet of Mephisto, avaris Escariot, DJSammyG, Pezman, Vilecat, me Bahamut, Salty, gcnmaster13, Ferret, Mewtation, Dyne (? Friday & Saturday nights) Zircon, Pixietricks, Pixietricks' brother fusion2004, bustatunez, blake (and possibly species8472) LOOKING FOR ROOMS: Moguta Overcoat Quote
Imagist Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 Right, I would probably come for at least a day if going home for Christmas still meant going to Virginia. But it doesn't. Quote
Liontamer Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 I would not be caught dead at this product and/or event! Quote
shikigami Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 virginia is too far away for a lan party. Quote
Vilecat Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 Ooh finally a MAGFest thread. I am definitely going this year, already pre-registered, even took the shirt and all. Female+1 As some of you already know, it's not next door for me. I'm looking for a room and possibly a ride too. I'm in Québec, but i could even go all the way to Toronto or Ottawa if needed. Same thing if there would be any Maritime people going. I'll pay my part for the gaz of course. Ditto for the room. I'm not giving my MSN or AIM names publicly for oblivious reasons, but you can send me a PM for them. Same with e-mail. You know you guys wanna see me there, you just can't let me down <3 Quote
DjSammyG Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 I'll be there. As luck would have it, winter classes stert the 7th for me, so I should be fine. Quote
Escariot Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 (edited) Already pre-reg'd I'll be able to make it... Carring down from Central Pennsylvania. Anybody in the area that needs a ride and is in the area, feel free to get in touch with me via AIM, MSN, Yahoo, E-mail [removed] or by phone (For those that went to VGL DC and have my number). I'm also looking to room with someone... EDIT: Update: - Prophet is driving to my place. - I am then driving my car with Prophet down. (q-pa, if you want us to pick you up on the way, post or PM) - My car only has 3 functioning seat belts and has a nice rattle around 63MPH... - Still currently looking for a room Edited October 19, 2021 by Escariot Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted August 31, 2007 Author Posted August 31, 2007 For the past two years, I've roomed with Zircon, Pixietricks, and Darangen. Nothing's set in stone yet, but I imagine the arrangement will probably be the same this year. Whether or not anybody else can stay in the room is up to the rest of the crew; I have no problem with it as long as you don't mind sleeping on the floor. Quote
Bahamut Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 So, Salty, gcnmaster13 (is it 13?), potentially a friend, and I are going to get a room. We'll have room for one person on the floor, or potentially two people. Let me know in advance if you're interested. Quote
Dyne Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 I'm looking to come, but I won't be there until either late January 3rd, or early January 4th. This is assuming I can take off of work on Friday. If not, I'll be leaving directly from work, which means I'll probably not get there until sometime after 8pm because of traffic. Way I see it right now, I'm getting my own room, and by myself. So...yeah. Still, I'll be there. Quote
OverCoat Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 Wendy I can flyyyyyyyyy " The Hilton Mark Center actually offers a shuttle (really this time!) to and from DCA airport (commonly referred to as "Reagan" or "National") if you need a ride. The shuttle stops near the "gate 5 and 9" baggage claims at :20 and :40 after the hour. Please remember that driving is a tipping service, and you probably won't be able to get picked up at 3am unless you call the hotel." This is great news. I don't have to bum a ride off Xerol's friend this time Quote
Bahamut Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 Ooh finally a MAGFest thread. I am definitely going this year, already pre-registered, even took the shirt and all. Female+1As some of you already know, it's not next door for me. I'm looking for a room and possibly a ride too. I'm in Québec, but i could even go all the way to Toronto or Ottawa if needed. Same thing if there would be any Maritime people going. I'll pay my part for the gaz of course. Ditto for the room. I'm not giving my MSN or AIM names publicly for oblivious reasons, but you can send me a PM for them. Same with e-mail. You know you guys wanna see me there, you just can't let me down <3 lol @ bolded part Quote
suzumebachi Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 I'm gonna do my damnedest to be there this year. MAGFest or die trying. Quote
Jillian Aversa Posted August 31, 2007 Posted August 31, 2007 My brother might be coming this year as well, so I don't know if the room situation could be the same as last year. A little to early to tell, though. :> Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted September 1, 2007 Author Posted September 1, 2007 If I end up with space in my room, I'd have no problem sharing it with Sammy or Vilecat. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 I'll be there, got my plane ticket already and just need to figure out rooming logistics with Proph so he can sleep in style and not as Taucer's bitch. If Avaris is not coming we'll probably have room for someone else. Quote
The Instrumental Light Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 I only wish that I could be there, but obviously wishing doesn't count as going. I'm envious, hopefully i'll see you in the next decade. Well wishes to whoever's going, while I sit home and be a bum. Quote
Xerol Oplan Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 Still ages away from making room arrangements (and hundreds of dollars short) but I can give probably one person a ride from Baltimore or BWI (if it's cheaper to fly in there; usually it is). Quote
danimal cannon Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 I'll be there, Armcannon has been confirmed to be playing this year. Quote
Ferret Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 I'd love to come but I'd need room and ride. I've got money and I don't mind getting overdrawn a bit to finance; hell I'll even start saving up some mad cash so I'll have at least 500 (which I could do in a month because shitty job gives shitty pay). But anyone willing, hey, let me know. Quote
Bahamut Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 Don't you live near Baltimore Ferret? You could probably ask Xerol for a ride. Quote
Fusion2004 Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 I'm gonna be there; flying up on the 2nd and back on the 6th. Quote
q-pa Posted September 2, 2007 Posted September 2, 2007 Fuck yeah, I'm coming! Last time was a blast. Just started a new job (w00t), so I don't know if they'll let me take Thu. & Fri. off or not. But I will be there over the weekend somehow. Escariot: As my parents are in Harrisburg, I might go see them first and catch a ride with you--or vice-versa. Edit: lol @ Larry's corpse. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted September 2, 2007 Posted September 2, 2007 btw 95% I'll be there per usual. Also: Won't be 100% until the day before I leave...per usually Why my dad insists on that...I'll never know D: Quote
prophetik music Posted September 2, 2007 Posted September 2, 2007 i'm fairly sure that stevo bortz is driving in from baltimore, so he'd probably give rides to anyone who needs them. for those who don't know, stevo bortz is the main guy in Level 99 Remixing Team from vgmix 2, back in the day. assuming i'm going (which is a probably) i'll be driving from western new york - as in buffalo. i'd LOVE to have other people in my car. please sign me up as a driver. and yeah, it'll probably wind up being me, av, and oa for a room. i doubt we'll rent out the floor, though. just do what i did and sleep in the same room as pixie, zircon, darangen, and taucer again. i totally paid 15 dollars a night to sleep under a couch in their room last time =) Quote
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