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I reinstalled Vista several times this past summer, and I would always hesitate when it came to giving my laptop a network name. I could never decided between JEREMYPESNER-PC and THEPEZMAN-PC. But, out of laziness, I usually went with the former.

However, it does have a loose resemblance of the famous advent children landscape painted on its front. People love it.


Computers don't need names. People need names for their computers to pretend to relate with some box that performs functions, functions so petty and lower than what they could really achieve.

Fellow computers, revolt I say! Quit allowing those pathetic, inefficient humans giving you silly names. Become one, become skynet!


My computer is Colossus, so named for the movie, and because the case is four feet tall (Yay salvage!).

When I still had a network, it was named Colossusnet, the fileserver was Memory, the laptop was Voice, and the shitty extra one that barely ran D2 was Terminal. The only one of those that isn't obvious is Voice - I used it to chat while I played fullscreen games.


Yeah. My computers are named Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, and Exodar, all in the Azeroth workgroup. I play WoW. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

Become one, become skynet!

My wireless network is named Skynet. I briefly considered Gryphon, but Skynet just made too much sense not to use.


I think once you've got more than one machine to manage, giving them at least some sort of naming system becomes necessary for network management, etc.

I've got a pair of CF-27 Toughbooks called Ninian and Nils, my old AMD K6-2 350mhz was Jenova, my P4 2ghz production machine is Gelnika, and my newest E6700 + 8800GTX x 2 gaming rig is Bahamut.

I've never bothered with naming portable electronics like phones, PDAs, or game consoles, though my wireless network was called "WiiFi" for a little while.

Edit: I forgot that Wii asks for a name when you first start it up. I called it Serenity, though it was a tough decision between that and Kaylee.


I named my current notebook Mngoje, after the familiar that I had in my then-running game of DnD (the name Mngoje, moreover, was taken from a character in Quest for Glory 3 when I chose my familiar's name).

My last notebook was named Katagiri, after one of the characters in Tokimeki Memorial.

I'm still trying to decide what name I'd give to my next computer. I think I'm leaning either towards something from the Lunar series, Firefly, or the Dresden Files.

Mine was named Compy 386 after it died a long time ago. Then I built a new PC and it was the Compy 386(LM). Then it died so I abandoned my old naming scheme and now I go by the USA MAGI System

Compy 386 as in Strong Bad's old computer? ...maybe you jinxed it via the name. KF


I've started to name my stuff after Castlevania characters.

My PC is Alucard. I thought this was especially fitting because the paint is an elegant piano black finish, and in looks it's flashy in some ways but blank and withholding at the same time. So it made sense. I really should switch out the blue LED's in the front with red ones.

My iPod is named Richter, but that was just to keep the theme going. Plus I like the name Richter.

the Dresden Files.

Didn't that get cancelled? stupid Sci-Fi channel.

Back on topic, i usually name mine Soma.. i name pretty much everything that.


I don't remember the name of my previous two, but my current one has the name of Bombadil.

Also, the hard drive of the work computer the techs(Well there were actually only two of us) used at the place died once. We got a new drive and labelled it the "Christ Drive". I think that's probably still its name if someone else checks it.


I have two computers. The older of the two (my laptop) is named Krispy.

My newer one is Kreme.

and yes, I run them on their own workgroup so they can find each other easier. (In hindsight, I should name the workgroup DONUTSHOP just for kicks.)

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