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Condolences/Prayers/Best Wishes to Reuben Kee's Family

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I'm starting this thread so those who wish to can express their condolences to Reuben Kee's family.

  • Please refrain from discussion and only direct your post to his family
  • Responses will be compiled and, if/when logistics allow, communicated to Reuben's family

UPDATE: I've contacted Reuben's father with printouts of this thread as well as a link. If you haven't commented yet, please still feel free, as we will leave this thread up as an announcement indefinitely, for all to see.


Once more I'd like to iterate that our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Kee and his family as well as his friends.

Those lost with him as well, including their friends and family.

Too sad an occasion.


Reuben was a wonderful young man.

It is most unfortunate for all of us to lose such an amazing person.

Myself and many others will never forget him.

I cannot begin to imagine how this tragic turn must make you feel, but please allow me to express my most sincere sympathy.

Reuben will always have a special place in the hearts of many.


Words can offer no true meaning in the face of such sadness. I would like to extend my deepest sympathy and sadness. Reuben was an inspiration and an artist worthy of praise, so it's only fitting that he's in our hearts and in our prayers now.

He will truly be missed.


Reuben Kee's commitment and contributions to a small budding community such as OCRemix has revealed much about himself as a musician and a person. I personally have always been excited to see his works become released on the site. It was probably his remix from Street Fighter that motivated me to collect more his songs. As a fan, he has done more for me than I could have ever done for him. I can say with some confidence that he is certainly a source of influence for aspiring musicians and will continue to be for years to come.


I have always felt Reuben's work carried with it such fervent emotion; for that it has and always will find a place with me. His talents were truly amazing and his passing can be summed as nothing short of a devastating loss for both his family and the communities he was involved in.


While I never got to know Reuben as well as I would have liked, it's obvious that he was an incredible musician and a very friendly guy. I only pray that his friends and family make it through this tough time and hope that his music continues to touch and inspire people. My deepest condolences.


I would like to extend my condolences. Reuben was an exceptionally talented individual, who's art has influenced the lives of many people. The world is a lesser place without him. His memory will live on through his music, and in the hearts of everyone who listens to it.


I registered on here just so I could say this.

I have tears in my eyes writing this. I discovered and downloaded Reuben's Ryu for Four Pianos a while back and never knew his name. It saddens me to only discover his name after he died. This song was always one of my favorites and I felt such compassion and power though it. I played fighters competitively in the past and this song always reminded me of the good old days of my life in the past. This hurts me more then I think it should.

Maybe it hurts also to know he was the same age as I am. To think of passing away so young...it's tough to even think about.

I will continue to enjoy all of his music. I have Ryu for Four Pianos on loop right now, with my heart broken.

He will be missed. My heart goes out to his family and friends, whether they knew him personally or through his music like myself.

Rest Well Reuben, you left a great mark on many people.


I, as others, only knew him through music, but what better way to know him? His 'Ascension to Cosmo Canyon' is especially beautiful and will forever hold new meaning.

My sincerest condolences to all who were lucky enough to know him better.


I would like to send out my condolences to Mr. Kee's family. Though I too only knew about him through his music I can only wish for the best for his family. Upon first hearing his music on this site I was motivated to start the piano, and this news... brought me to tears instantly. He was an inspiration and his music was heart warming. He will forever live on by his music and in our hearts. I will keep him in my prayers, rest in peace Mr. Kee you will not be forgotten.



Reuben Kee was an absolutely amazing artist. His work had such brilliant emotion and feeling poured into it--so much so that there are several of his songs that I still associate with certain events in my life.

It's hard to put my thoughts into words at this. There have been very, very few artists I've appreciated this much. He'll be very missed. My prayers for his friends and his family, and for all those to whom he meant so much. KF


Like many others, I only know Reuben through his music here on Overclocked Remixes. But considering there's so much of us impacted by his music alone signifies the talent he had, and how he has made his influence upon the OCRemix community. His songs were definitely unlike any other, tugging out emotions within myself I couldn't have expressed myself. Reuben was such a great musician, and will definitely be missed.

I send my condolences to his family, friends, and everyone else who could truly experience his blessing upon all our lives. I truly am sorry for the loss.

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