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Personally, I think this is a worse offense than his musical theft shenanigans...it's like being stabbed in the brain with words. And the scary part is that there are two more chapters. Let's hope he sticks with his music career, 'cause at least it's a crime he can get arrested for.

That's funny enough to sig. Which I just did.


Ah... that's a shame, I was really hoping to see that gay-stripper-at-14-year-old-boys-house footage, think how him and his family would have reacted? Not like anyone would get hurt... but the looks on their faces... ohh maan.


This plagirism not only pains me but I have a few facts to add up:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4

1. He lives in Rossland, B.C.

2. My parents own a cabin in Rossland, B.C. that is about a 3 hour drive from my Cheney, WA home and I can easily get across the border.

3. 14 years of age is no excuse in the digital age for being STUPID!

4. I know where his school is in Rossland.


I can personally smite him I were so inclined very easily. For $5 I'd be willing to find him after school and kick his ass.......NOT.

Being a nonviolent person and huge fan of Psychological warfare, I believe that any sort of prank would be counterproductive to the OCR cause. As much as I would love to be the one to hire homosexual prostitutes, send them to his house, film them and put the video on youtube (I am an Electronic Media & Film major, so I can do that well...) I say no. Personally I think there are easier ways to let this guy know he has done something wrong at the very least and at the most put the fear of god into him from on high.

What is this mystical answer I speak of.....?

I got nothing. But, if a more serious response is required by the OCR community, I would be more than happy to deliver it personally to his front door.

Of course the smart thing to do is what we've already done; got him banned from...everywhere; flamed the hell out of him; and thought about punishing him. The only other smart thing to do would be to send a letter to the principal of his school and let him/her handle it internally. This not only gives us the personal benediction of seeing him punished, but all we have to do is write a letter, sit back and drink our Dr. Pepper. Or at least, that's what I'd do.

Plus, it is important to note that Rossland B.C. is a town of only a couple of square miles with a population of less than 1,000 people, I believe. When the community finds out about this kid, he's going down.

That's my $0.02 on this matter.


Forget pranks and whatnot, talk to his mom. Show up with absolute proof that he's stealing shit and if his mom doesn't refuse to believe you then chances are he's grounded until he's 18.

oh and btw:

go remove the songs yourself then i don't have the time nor do i know how and piss off i work verry hard on my drawings that IS MY SIGNATURE my freinds have seen the real ones so ask them ~Matman40uber i am Bluebomber the Lucario.
Yeah DS, calm down. You're the one overreacting here. Maybe, MAYBE, if it was some asshole that just stole and stole and stole, never made any attempt to right things, he was an adult, and he gave us a giant, collective "fuck you" for our efforts to get him to take OCR stuff down... MAYBE it would be an idea. It might be feasible and even entertaining. Again, let me use a big MAYBE here to get the point across.

You need to calm yourself, DS. You're reading way too much into this.

now you are just being silly

This plagirism not only pains me but I have a few facts to add up:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4

1. He lives in Rossland, B.C.

go remove the songs yourself then i don't have the time nor do i know how and piss off i work verry hard on my drawings that IS MY SIGNATURE my freinds have seen the real ones so ask them ~Matman40uber i am Bluebomber the Lucario.

Well, this means only one thing. We must cleanse the entirety of Canada with thermonuclear hellfire. PURGE THE NORTH!

hey PISS off alright they stole the songs from me.

I was looking through his deveint art, and apparently this is his response to one of our plagiarism comments. I call for massive butt rape with the Eiffel tower. The cocky little bastard is calling down the thunder.

go remove the songs yourself then i don't have the time nor do i know how and piss off i work verry hard on my drawings that IS MY SIGNATURE my freinds have seen the real ones so ask them ~Matman40uber i am Bluebomber the Lucario.
Well, guys? Seems legit to me. His friends seem like a perfectly reliable source of information, and even if they weren't, I think we can trust someone who says he works verry hard. I mean, it is his signature, after all.

Edit: okay seriously, I was on Darke's side with the whole "this is going too far" thing, but I mean come on. This kid needs some kind of a lesson, if he can still claim a song as his own AFTER TEN MONTHS without blinking.

Well, this means only one thing. We must cleanse the entirety of Canada with thermonuclear hellfire. PURGE THE NORTH!

Hey, fuck you. The north is where I keep all my stuff. Sure, it's in an igloo, and there are polar bears all over the place, but at least I know no one's going to steal anything. Go nuke somewhere else.

So, he's not 20 years old, but he's meeting the complete asshole and gave us a big "fuck you". Yeeeeaaaah, my over-the-top idea just came down to earth a bit.

School, you say? Principle, you say? Mother and grounding, you say?

Maybe a few well-worded and presented letters to the right people are in order. Just a nice, polite request that he just do what we ask. And then... Eiffel Tower butt raping.

Hey, fuck you. The north is where I keep all my stuff. Sure, it's in an igloo, and there are polar bears all over the place, but at least I know no one's going to steal anything. Go nuke somewhere else.

I understand that there are decent people there. We will give them a chance. D, flee, now. Do not look back, lest ye be turned into a Pillar of Salt. RUN! Or you will most surely perish on Dies Irae!


From IMEEM's ToS:

You acknowledge that Member Content transmitted on or through the Network may be protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. imeem respects copyright law and expects you to do the same. Member Content identified as belonging to a third party can be transmitted on the Site or Service so long as you obtain permission first and the ownership and rights are clearly indicated

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So, does IMEEM know about this kid, or are we just fighting some stubborn pubescent emo? If we want to do something about it, give it to the people that can do something about it.
From IMEEM's ToS:

So, does IMEEM know about this kid, or are we just fighting some stubborn pubescent emo? If we want to do something about it, give it to the people that can do something about it.

I know I, and probably others, reported him to Imeem. I'd say it's likely that's why his music pages were taken down.

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