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Quoted for emphasis and awesome.

It's also a bit confusing. From what I've heard, a different person goes crazy and kills the rest of the group in each different set of episodes. However, I'm in the second set, and it still seems like Keiichi is the one going crazy (well, the last episode I watched made it seem like Shion's apparently insane, but I'm too confused to piece it together).

I love Iria. Iria and Vampire Hunter D on SciFi's saturday morning anime (remember that from way back in the mid/late 90's anyone?) are what got me hooked on anime in the first place.

Saturday Anime :P. They pretty much moved it to monday night from 11-1 am now.

It's also a bit confusing. From what I've heard, a different person goes crazy and kills the rest of the group in each different set of episodes. However, I'm in the second set, and it still seems like Keiichi is the one going crazy (well, the last episode I watched made it seem like Shion's apparently insane, but I'm too confused to piece it together).

Spoilers? Probably.

In the second series, they explain (very vaguely though) that each story arc is actually some sort of "temporal loop", where one of the characters is trying to alter the town's fate. But something goes wrong each time, and things don't just repeat themselves (the town dying, someone murdering someone else), but even the reason for all the deaths changes. One time, it's an alien virus or something; the next, it's a secret government experiment with gas weapons; another time, it's all in one of the character's mind.

The person is question is actually Rika (sp?), the youngest girl, with the purple hair. She's some sort of bridge with the local god or something. They show another young girl in a miko uniform sometimes. It's why she's always talking in two different voices and personalities.

Basically, you need someone to walk you through the maze of confusing stories and characters and whatnot.

I charge $35 a tour, and there are no refunds.


Saturday Anime :P. They pretty much moved it to monday night from 11-1 am now.

Well, now they do, but for a while they pretty much stopped showing any anime all together, that is until cartoon network had success showing some.

Good man. Mushishi has a great soundtrack, and one new case with every episode with some hints here and there concerning Ginko's background made it a very interesting watch.

I've watched Hikaru no Go as well, but it feels like I can't really recommend it. For being an anime about a game which has the equivalent entertaining value as chess, it's surprisingly good, but I couldn't really stand how slow everything went during some points and how everything went towards being gay at the end. Add the fact that most characters didn't know how to hold a decent dialogue, and it became something that got some points, but wasn't overall that great.

And if you liked H&C, then I recommend Nodame Cantabile. Classy, funny, serious, enjoyable.

Mushishi is my number 1 favorite anime, believe it or not. There’s just so much about it that I like, I could recommend it to anyone. Whether that person likes Mushishi or not, is up to them entirely though. And yes, I wholeheartedly love the OST to Mushishi too. What blew me away with Mushishi especially were the underlying themes presented in like episode 9 and 21.

And yeah, Hikaru no Go was about average, but I liked it a lot despite the slow-pacing near the end (fillers between 63-67 and some others before it). I actually ended up getting a GO board and such, and the OST was surprisingly well done too. If you’re interested in sports anime, you should/might want to give Hajime no Ippo a shot.

And I liked Nodame Cantabile too, but I wished some things were done better like how they portrayed characters playing instruments. I wish the animation was something similar to how characters in La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~ Opus played theirs’.

Kind of surprised that Code Geass was originally intended to be a 26 episode series. I just can't imagine that since it seems like it was intended to be much longer.

If you wiki Code Geass, it was actually intended to be as it was – a standard 26 episodes. But, because they (the company’s name eludes me) made so much changes to try and gather a mature audience since there was a time slot change, it became a cult hit of sorts. There are other reasons, but basically, you can see the drastic tone change within Code Geass if you pay attention to the episode number and when the change occurred. That was when the time slot changed (like instead of showing Code Geass at 6 it was changed to 9 o'clock). The sudden popularity is kind of like how Haruhi Suzumiya got so majorly popular besides the nice manga, and surprisingly, Lucky Star too.

(Haruhi is getting a 2nd season, but I really am not looking forward to it if it has too many fillers or as much as the 1st season.)

With the top quality anime we don't get that. I have never heard someone call Trigun or Cowboy Bebop a bad anime. With stuff like DBZ or Inuyasha, people will enjoy it as light action, but no one will claim it as a masterpiece. But with the heavy stuff, like the ones I mentioned or Akira, I think there is pretty much universal agreement on their quality.

Because people are only able to form opinions based on the shows they’ve seen or only interested in. Most Americanized ‘otakus’ I've seen are too deeply obsessed for their own good and laziness especially some of those who take a Japanese language class to learn easily Japanese because they know "baka = idiot/stupid" or never bother with lack of conviction. They typically rant of the mainstream stuff like Bleach, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha and so forth but never bother with some cult classics or niche series like Air TV (surprised it even got a licensed here in the U.S. after so long) and end up totally bashing good series senselessly because of how ignorant they are to other titles/genres. Series like Death Note, while good, there’s more than enough people like me who loved the series but completely hated the 2nd arc yet people still say the series as a whole was simply the best thing they’ve seen since slice bread (the live-action movie of Death Note had a much better ending imo even to the 1st arc).

I’m just generalizing the people I’ve tried to talk to back in high school but to no avail. In the end, the anime you or anyone ends up liking is up to their own preference. Whether there can be a civilized conversation of the merits and negatives when comparing and contrasting or outright arguing what’s better is impossible for me to attempt to the likes of 'them' that I've encountered (I’ve tried when telling people of Air).

Yakitate Japan. Great anime imo. Never got old.

A very underrated and underappreciated anime just because of the concept alone people decide Yakitate Japan is utterly not worth the watch.

On the topic of bad animes, I haven't really watched any that I hated. Though i tried to watch Lucky Star one time, and i wanted to blow my brains out. But i'm sure it's a rather good anime (for stupid people).

It’s kind of like Excel Saga. You have to understand the many references of what animes they’re parodying and the ‘otaku’ culture in Japan to fully understand the quirks and blunt jokes. Da Capo and Kanon references were really funny. If you like Haruhi Suzumiya, you might want to give Lucky Star another chance. The one who voiced Haruhi is also the one who's doing Konata.

"Slice of life" anime is one of my favorite, if not the favorite, types of show. If you're saying that's what those are, then thank you very much! I shall go find them immediately!

Honey and Clover is considered a slice of life too if you haven’t watched it. In some ways, I’d suggest Hajime no Ippo to fall under that category. It’s quite an inspirational series imo.

Mushishi is my number 1 favorite anime, believe it or not. There’s just so much about it that I like, I could recommend it to anyone. Whether that person likes Mushishi or not, is up to them entirely though. And yes, I wholeheartedly love the OST to Mushishi too.

Thought you might like to know!

I have a Mushishi remix recently posted to Anime Remix.

Mushishi is my number 1 favorite anime, believe it or not. There’s just so much about it that I like, I could recommend it to anyone. Whether that person likes Mushishi or not, is up to them entirely though. And yes, I wholeheartedly love the OST to Mushishi too. What blew me away with Mushishi especially were the underlying themes presented in like episode 9 and 21.

I admit it is very well made, though it is a bit on the slow and boring side sometimes. Very good watch, just not that excitable IMO (reminds me of Seirei no Moribito). That, and they left the story hanging because the manga is still going.

And yeah, Hikaru no Go was about average, but I liked it a lot despite the slow-pacing near the end (fillers between 63-67 and some others before it). I actually ended up getting a GO board and such, and the OST was surprisingly well done too. If you’re interested in sports anime, you should/might want to give Hajime no Ippo a shot.

Both Hikaru no Go and Ippo are best served from the manga where they are fleshed out a lot better. Not to mention that the Ippo manga has about 20 more epic/crazy fights on top of where the anime left off.

And I liked Nodame Cantabile too, but I wished some things were done better like how they portrayed characters playing instruments. I wish the animation was something similar to how characters in La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~ Opus played theirs’.

Cantabile could've been way better because most of the time, it's the classical music playing with a still shot of characters. Very lazy animating compared to the studio's former effort Honey and Clover. Also, the live action drama is the optimal version of Nodame Cantabile IMO.

If you wiki Code Geass, it was actually intended to be as it was – a standard 26 episodes. But, because they (the company’s name eludes me) made so much changes to try and gather a mature audience since there was a time slot change, it became a cult hit of sorts. There are other reasons, but basically, you can see the drastic tone change within Code Geass if you pay attention to the episode number and when the change occurred. That was when the time slot changed (like instead of showing Code Geass at 6 it was changed to 9 o'clock). The sudden popularity is kind of like how Haruhi Suzumiya got so majorly popular besides the nice manga, and surprisingly, Lucky Star too.

I don't really see how the tone really changed. That was speculated but I don't think that ever became true other than the fanservice. Other than a few blatant fanservice shots and the infamous girl-humping-table moment, most of it was on par. Including the massacre and deaths that happened near the end.

Because people are only able to form opinions based on the shows they’ve seen or only interested in. Most Americanized ‘otakus’ I've seen are too deeply obsessed for their own good and laziness especially some of those who take a Japanese language class to learn easily Japanese because they know "baka = idiot/stupid" or never bother with lack of conviction. They typically rant of the mainstream stuff like Bleach, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha and so forth but never bother with some cult classics or niche series like Air TV (surprised it even got a licensed here in the U.S. after so long) and end up totally bashing good series senselessly because of how ignorant they are to other titles/genres. Series like Death Note, while good, there’s more than enough people like me who loved the series but completely hated the 2nd arc yet people still say the series as a whole was simply the best thing they’ve seen since slice bread (the live-action movie of Death Note had a much better ending imo even to the 1st arc).

I think it's pretty silly to jump into anime with the popular stuff up. I think a non anime fan would be awestruck by something like Kemonozume, Mushishi and Kaiji. Then you might have an appetite for the frillier affair and still appreciate them for what they are. But with kids' shows leading the way, I think that puts a lot of negative connotations for shows that are nothing like the stereotype suggests.

A very underrated and underappreciated anime just because of the concept alone people decide Yakitate Japan is utterly not worth the watch.

I think a lot of the genres that are shunned such as Yakitate and sports anime/manga are overlooked just because of the genre they are in (if you can call bread-making a genre). Too many great sports/competition anime to mention and they typically get ignored by people who are jaded by American sports movies.

Honey and Clover is considered a slice of life too if you haven’t watched it. In some ways, I’d suggest Hajime no Ippo to fall under that category. It’s quite an inspirational series imo.

No it is not. Honey and Clover is FAR from a slice of life show where it's about the ho-hum of everyday life like Sketchbook or Aria are. Honey and Clover definitely is a romantic comedy. There's nothing slice of life about it since so much drama is prevailing.

Imagine a castlevania anime made by the dude who does D. Why doesnt this exist?

Because the studio was busy making an anime of Devil May Cry, and the director wants to do another Vampire Hunter D movie, instead of Castlevania.

Besides, we don't need a Castlevania anime, because Paul Anderson is already blessing us with a movie!

....oh wait.

Oh, and Teknoman is good.


So that's where that post went.

Also watched Shakugan no Shana II episode 13 today. I'm glad that they've decided to finally pick up the story again, even though the relationship drama is noticeable better compared to the first season.

You guys ever heard of Tokyo Majin? It is a new series they recently came out with. Some of you might like it.

A post like this is worthless unless you actually explain what kind of show it is. Fighting, Giant-Robot, High-School Romance, Drama, Harem Comedy? What is it? Don't just say "hey I think you will like <x-show>."

If you can't be bothered to describe it at least post a LINK. :roll:


Oh geez.... I am fucking sorry for posting a worthless post.

Anyway, Tokyo Majin is an anime by ADV Films. It starts out at a high school, and out of the number of students attending it, there are 5 that are from different worlds. When they started to go there, and unknown demon or something starts to suck out the souls of alot of people, turning them into these zombie type creatures. These five students are destined to stop this unknown force from sucking out anymore souls. I would call it fighting.

Spoilers? Probably.

In the second series, they explain (very vaguely though) that each story arc is actually some sort of "temporal loop", where one of the characters is trying to alter the town's fate. But something goes wrong each time, and things don't just repeat themselves (the town dying, someone murdering someone else), but even the reason for all the deaths changes. One time, it's an alien virus or something; the next, it's a secret government experiment with gas weapons; another time, it's all in one of the character's mind.

The person is question is actually Rika (sp?), the youngest girl, with the purple hair. She's some sort of bridge with the local god or something. They show another young girl in a miko uniform sometimes. It's why she's always talking in two different voices and personalities.

Basically, you need someone to walk you through the maze of confusing stories and characters and whatnot.

I charge $35 a tour, and there are no refunds.


Somewhat. I do know that I am much less confused now. Time to go watch some more. :razz:


Current favourite series of mine are

BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad

Nerima Daikon Brothers

Ghost Stories

Hellsing Ultimate

All time favourites include, but are not limited to

Cowboy Bebop

Samurai Champloo

Record of Lodoss War

Armitage the Third



If anyone here has watched Genshiken (An anime about otakus and their lives, basically. Really awesome though.), they had a series in the show called Kujubiki Unbalance. It was made only for Genshiken, because they watched it in the show, and they only made 3 episodes for us real people to watch. What they should have done was continue Kujubiki Unbalance because it was really cool, not just make 3 episodes.


Please stop posting lists without anything else. Not only are they useless but annoying at the same time.

Genshiken is an incredible manga but only a decent anime. Kujubiki Unbalance would have to be completed..the episodes created were by no means the first 3. I forget the numbers, but they were like 16, 21, 25 out of your standard 26 episode anime season.


They were 1, 21, 26, I think... I hated the English voices on the DVD's; they were so bad. I am reading mangas 4,5,6,7 right now. I plan to watch the second season after I am done with the mangas. I hope they come out with the second season DVD's, because I like to collect anime DVD's.


I'm really enjoying persona trinity soul, the opening and closing is really great. Music is top notch. I've been wanting to watch Gurren Lagann but i don't have it.


I was worried that the were going to screw up Trinity Soul in some manner, but it definitely has that Persona vibe. Also, when they said it was "related" to Persona 3, I assumed they just meant "inspired by." I was pleasantly surprised when they reference the events in the game (also by the music cameos).

About the only thing I don't like about it is that the Personas are translucent. For some reason that bugs the hell out of me.


I'm basically down to my two boring mainstays for the last... 5 years: Naruto and Gundam.

However, Naruto's pretty hot right now, and Gundam 00 has some redeeming qualities and is an interesting departure in some ways from the SEED series, the second of which (Destiny) had a "main" character that was completely dismissable and uninteresting...

Devil May Cry was pretty damn good, imo.

I can agree to some degree, but, all you get is like what? One flash of a small devil trigger? That killed it for me, and Patty... oh lord... she annoyed me more than any boss battle from DMC ever could. I'm psyched to see the dubbed version since Reuben the game's VA/Mo-cap is doing the voice. But... the battles were far too short (even the final one) and every episode was something new, sort of hard to follow.

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