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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2016 in all areas

  1. damn, i thought this was done on monday. oh well. Just gonna post my mix on soundcloud and link it here, that way it wasnt entirely a waste. Im mostly just proud of the clever title.
    2 points
  2. Just posted my WiP. Feedback is appreciated!
    2 points
  3. Recently, someone told me that I have 'wasted money' buying games when I could have used the money for 'better things.' When I was growing up, I had very few games to play (mainly because my folks were haters), but the games I did have I played over and over again just to squeeze every bit of enjoyment I could out of them. I bought my first SNES which I bought with my own money on August 24th, 1994 - including Super Mario World - and I have been building my collection ever since. I now own about 140 hard copy games ranging from SNES to PC to PS3, 6 consoles, and 200+ soft-copies of games for both PSN download, PC games, and emulation ROMs... and let me tell you, I love my games and value them highly. I can still get excited hearing a Mega Man boss intro, listening to the intro to the boss theme in Link to the Past, or listening to the opening Corneria theme in Star Fox. I like to game for many different reasons, but they reason I tell most people is because I liken playing a video game to reading a book - an interactive book which to have to work at to see the next page and build your understanding along with the characters. I like playing the same game more than once, not just for the nostalgia of experience, but also because you never get everything a game has to offer with one play-through. For example, I played SaGa Frontier for the first time in 2000 and I HATED the game. Too confusing, no directions, battle system frustrating. So I put it down - but I didn't sell it. Three years later, a buddy of mine told me he had a copy of the strategy guide and let me leaf through it. Suddenly armed with a little bit of knowledge, I picked up the game again and this time, I got it. Seven different plots, lots of different ways to develop characters, open-ended setup to build them and your story how you want them to be. Today, SaGa Frontier remains one of my favorite games (Asellus' story rules!) and I still pick it up from time to time. Most of the friends I had who were gamers growing up have either stopped playing regularly or long since left gaming behind. When I talk to gamers who are younger than I, most of them don't own more than 5 or 6 games at one time, because they tend to trade them in after they're bored with it or they've beaten it once. Mainstream game stores rarely if ever carry games older than the current generation of console, because no one wants to hold the inventory. It seems that most people treat gaming as a 'plug in, play, then throw away' activity these days - and to me, this is disappointing considering all of that effort that when into the development and release of a unique story. Even nostalgia gaming isn't as popular for the PS2 or the Saturn as it was for the NES/SEGA or SNES/Genesis eras - old-school game stores in my area have tons of old PS2/X-Box games these days. My questions: Does anyone else feel the same way? Are there any other collectors out there? Does anyone else still enjoy playing older games? Or has gaming really become so disposable? Am I the curator of a library that no one cares about anymore but me?
    1 point
  4. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round 60: Escape From the Planet of Robot Monsters - Main Theme Midi: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP60_Escape_from_the_Planet_of_the_Robot_Monsters.mid Youtube: "Hi HoboKa! I think it's time to take a nostalgia trip back to 1990 to remix an arcade classic! It would be great to hear some remixes of the main theme of one of my favorite games from my childhood, "Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters". Sorry for the long title though!" - Xenonetix Deadline: Sept 18th Sun 1 PM Vote Ends: Sept 20th Tues 11 PM MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism Submit your remix Here when completed. **If you have technical difficulty with account activation at ThaSauce, please contact me via PM and I will submit your track and will also tally your vote** MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines 1. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. 2. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. 3. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met. 4. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). 5. Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. 6. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
    1 point
  5. You didn't vote for Trism so there's no problem. Just posted my vote as well. EDIT: I just listened to your MnP59 song and I must say that I really liked how you changed the instruments. If only I didn't miss so many rounds I would have voted in that round as well.
    1 point
  6. Hopefully my vote went through, but I voted before Trism's bonus was submitted. Not sure how I managed that, but get back to me if I need to submit it again! I love what both Trism and Esperado have done with the piece! Glad to see this piece getting such love and a variety of cool remixes through!
    1 point
  7. Had to get mine in as bonus entry as I started working on something for this round then completely forgot about it right up until the deadline. Phooey!
    1 point
  8. Been a whiiiiile since I posted in the WIP forums, how's everyone been? I ended up getting stumped on an orchestral remix commission and took some time to transcribe a tune from FFT (with probably more on the way) to help get me past the blockage and stay productive. I added a bit of light interpretation in the form of a pizzicato double bass section for some low end support and some choir chords for added harmonic coloration, based off of the implied harmonies in the source. I included a MIDI download in the description on soundcloud as well as some additional notes for anyone interested. This was mostly for my personal studies (and for fun), but I figured someone might enjoy it anyway
    1 point
  9. Wow - this is some glitchy fun. Great pads and cut-off effects. Dat bass and beat too. Like the ass and tits of a Kardashian, only real. I'd have a HARD time placing you as there were several other entries who also deserve 1st place hahaha. This round has been real dope. Wish I participated as well. But #reasons...
    1 point
  10. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 3 entries this round. There are 1 Bonus entries this round There IS a voter bonus this round. Xenonetix has a vote worth 2x Don't vote for Bonus entries please Participants may not vote for themselves Vote ends Sept. 20th @ 11PM comments:
    1 point
  11. Alright guys, according to my time zone, the deadline is gone, and... We've got only 4 WIPs so far (from Jorito, KingTiger, Bowlerhat, and Sterlyng Powell - thank you!), and that's only less than a quarter of the all stuff that is in progress. This means I've gotta wait for some more works. Meanwhile, the next deadline is on October 30th and it's important as hell, since this is a final deadline! So, please, try to focus on your tracks as much as possible. Cheers
    1 point
  12. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
    1 point
  13. Got a good bit of work done on my WIP and posted it in the private forums. Phew, deadline met
    1 point
  14. Duuuuuuuuuude. Fun stuff! I ran sound on a Series Two for several years at my church, that's a fantastic board. Also have that same computer case, too, haha. Thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  15. Esteemed colleagues, it has been a long while has it not*? For my part I must apologize for this long absence but it was one that was out of my hands...for you see I have been deeply entrenched in a battle with a particularly tenacious and vitriolic strain of the mummy's curse**! As for professor Lemon, I cannot speak for him but I trust he too is mired in his own battles. This project is still very much alive, though perhaps more on life support. Though I hope you are all still in this struggle to have our names published in the most reputable of archaeological papers***! Thank you****. *We dropped the ball **Clinical Depression ***OCRemix's project forum and frontpage ****Plis forgibe, am sorri.
    1 point
  16. Thanks for posting this man! This is the culmination of many months of hard work--I hope you all enjoy
    1 point
  17. You should sub something @evktalo . Help save humanity from those synthetic industrial Reptilons!
    1 point
  18. My space after recently getting around to actually setting it up. Not complete, but it works for the moment. Starting off with the DAW itself. A couple of HP ZR22w monitors, Neumann KH120A for monitoring, a Drawmer MC2.1 monitor controller, Focusrite Saffire Pro 24, and a pair of VU Meters from Crookwood. The computer itself is a custom built rig (i7 4770k, 32GB RAM, GTX 780, 256GB SSD, 2TB HDD, 2x 1TB HDD, in a Fractal Design Define R4). You can see the side of it on the bottom left. It is a really plain looking computer. However, when I turn around is when things get fun. Two tier keyboard stand with a Roland SH-201 and a Korg DS-8 (this thing actually needs work: new battery, keybed cleaned due to some sticky keys, Sysex dump, etc . . .) Synth rack! From top to bottom: Korg Radias, Roland D-110, 2x Yamaha TX81z, Korg TR Rack, E-MU Pro/Cussion, and finally an Access Virus Rack at the very bottom. Other synth rack, well more like a single synth and a patchbay (currently unutilized as I need to think of the best way to use it). The synth for this one is a Vermona DRM1 mkIII. Synth table!!! So, at the bottom is a 22-space Synthesizers.com Modular. Pretty much the Studio 22 one except with the addition of a Q167 LFO++ Module for a bit more modulation options. The top left is a Ladyada x0xb0x (TB-303 clone). Currently attached to it is a ProCo Rat for some Acid. I also have a Boss MT-2 that isn't pictured, but it is chilling to the right of the Alesis QX25. In the middle is a Dave Smith Instruments Mopho. You could see just a little bit of this guy in the last picture, but this is my mixer a 40+4 Channel SoundCraft Series Two (nicknamed Priscilla by the person who helped me to lift it because it weighs about 150lbs or 68kg and is the better part of 5ft wide or 1.5m). To my ears, generally neutral, pretty quiet, and ample headroom (can handle more level than my converters). And behind me is basically the DAW. Though I forgot to snag a picture of it, the rack between the mixer and keyboard stand is a processing rack. From top to bottom: Alesis MIDIVerb IV (Multi-effects), Kurzweil Rumour (basically a reverb machine), 2x Symmetrix CL-150 (compressors), Alesis 3630 (compressor), Alesis MicroVerb III (multi-effects), ART Pro VLA II (compressor), and finally a patchbay that is being used . . , yay? Under the mixer are its power supplies. And no you don't want to know the amount of cabling that went into this. All synths are controlled via MIDI and to do that I'm utilizing an Alyseum AL-88c which is behind the modular. And this is also why I haven't been working on my track Odai (sorry ).
    1 point
  19. Oh man. I remember seeing this arcade game in the wild back in the day. I don't think I played it, but it's very memorable. Some Matt Furniss goodness here! (If you like his stuff you should check out this Pixelated Audio episode!) Sounds like this tune is exclusive to the Atari ST version ... he seems to have written a different intro tune for Atari ST, Amiga, DOS (groovy monophonic bass riff there!), Commodore 64, plus one that's shared between ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC. That's crazy! Crazy awesome, I mean.
    1 point
  20. I'll have something good, and it'll be something. I didn't get a chance to do an over-the-top bonus track last round, so I'm probably doing an over-the-top track this round instead. Just gotta get some recording in. Nice source, though. Really easy to work with.
    1 point
  21. This is a pretty straightfoward source. Alot of sound upgrade possibility and practice with different sounds while sticking to the original fairly well.
    1 point
  22. I'm still being chased by a mummy and as such haven't been able yet to discover and uncover the treasure room inside this mighty pyramid that I found on my way. I expect to need to explore for a while longer to find it, if I can trust these ancient maps I have.
    1 point
  23. Needs more Tombs & Treasure (e.g. track 6, "El Caracol")!
    1 point
  24. Nothing too fancy. An Oxygen49 keyboard, BX5a monitors and a Scarlett Solo interface all crammed into a tiny room.
    1 point
  25. Awesome paint, your room feels like we're in Golden Eye !!
    1 point
  26. @Esperado: That small thingy on the external hard drive, next to the headphones? That's my wifi @AngelCityOutlaw: Yeah the previous tenant had a knack for green (there's some on the opposite wall as well). Unfortunately, he vanished really fast when he was supposed to re-paint them white after moving out. I don't care, I'll move out when I'm done with Uni and since he didn't paint, I don't have to as well!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Is that a JOYSTICK in the back there?
    1 point
  29. Metal Man's workspace looks super comfy. Here's mine ... I plan on building bass traps in summer and move some stuff around (like the closet on the left) to tackle accoustic problems with the room.
    1 point
  30. Home studio set up, picture in link, could not for some reason get it working as direct image URL paste here: http://postimg.org/image/b0qwnp9fz Computer & DAW Windows 7 64-Bit, Intel i-7 4970K 4.0Ghz processor, 24Gb RAM Fl Studio 12 Hardware BeyerDynamics DT880 Pro Headphones Novation Launchkey 61 MIDI controller 2 LG televisions for main (47") and secondary (32") screen Software/Samples Kontakt 5 including the most important libraries for me currently which are: Action Strings, Action Strikes, Session Strings, Studio Drums Nexus for virtual pianos and guitars Serum for most melody, growl and other sound designs Massive for some drone, growl and effect designs Sylenth1 for some lead and arpeggios designs Vengeance Essential House and Dubstep for most beat designs (apart from Studio Drum beats in Kontakt 5 and orchestral drums for compositions in Action Strikes) with the kicks, snares, hats and rides
    1 point
  31. Oh! so clean and organized. Digging the guitar rack on the back wall!
    1 point
  32. Just letting you guys know I started working on my track and I already have a 1-and-a-half-minute rough WiP. Will send an update in next week, or next week-end depending on my work schedule.
    1 point
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