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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2017 in all areas

  1. Welcome to OCR. My only comment really is that the lead guitar is a LITTLE biting imo. You can probably round it out by cutting around 8k just a touch. That's probably more of my personal preference for warmer sounds than anything else, but since the lead guitar is so present and loud in general I don't think it would affect the overall mix other than making the lead a little less abrasive. I know you were going for that Ska-ish lead tone but I guess I'm used to those being recorded on tape so are naturally a little warmer haha. God if for some reason you could get some live horns on this that would probably make my life, otherwise... yea great arrangment, great mix overall. Working with what you have, and you madei t sound great.
    2 points
  2. EVAL Nah, Soundcloud works for here, though if you plan on submitting it either link the track to your e-mail or make the track downloadable in some form or another. I'm liking the style that you've got going here - Goat Ska works great for me. Definitely takes it to a different level, as far as tone goes, and I'm liking it. Great way to introduce yourself to OCR, that's for darn sure. Nice, solid guitar playing and tone, and the style is slick to boot. The brass sounds pretty fake and unbalanced, but once everything gets going it's less of an issue. I could go the easy route and say get some live players, but that's not always an option for people. You do get some life out of them by playing with the dynamics and articulations, but when they're exposed in the beginning the articulation makes them sound like they're honking. It doesn't sink the track, but it does sound strange. It's hard to give this anything other than a pass on the panel, though, even with the less human brass in the beginning. Welcome to OCR, by the way, and I'm hoping to see this get to the front page.
    2 points
  3. Link:https://app.box.com/s/qy2ypsucjoiw3fwbm3xlbmzy2loi8pm0 Hey guys, I'm working on an EP to be released by May 5 this year. I posted on the facebook group for some online vocal lessons, but I'm probably gonna have to get my hands dirty and just go do some more at a nearby school (expensive! lol). But I figured while I wait for that, maybe people here wouldn't mind giving a review in the meantime. Tell me things you like, hate, etc. I realize the last line I sing is a little off, it was kind of rushed, sorry about that! If you are a seasoned singer I'd love to hear some comments thank you. Lyrics
    1 point
  4. Can't lie - Guzma's fight theme is just too awesome. GUZMA ZUGAIKOTSU (YOUTUBE) GUZMA ZUGAIKOTSU (SOUNDCLOUD)
    1 point
  5. I don't know which program you use, but if you use FL Studio, there are some things that can't easily be automated from a simple right click on a knob. This is usually with some 3rd party VSTs. So you'd grab the knob and move it wherever, then go up to Tools > Last tweaked > Create automation clip. There are some VSTs that don't even allow that. If you don't have FL Studio, then this info might be useful for someone who does and doesn't know.
    1 point
  6. Ugh, I would love to do this but my whole month is spoken for.
    1 point
  7. swansdown

    Nintendo Switch

    Splatoon, Zelda, and Mario all look awesome. I like how the business people in New Donk City are normal sized, but Mario's this little guy. XD Eh, I'll wait years until it's $150-200 CAD. I can't afford to buy new games often, much less $400 consoles. And $480 is too high for me for the system and one game. I'd rather buy some of the handheld Zelda and Dragon Quest games I've missed. Would love to get the Switch and Zelda at launch, though! Looks pretty cool.
    1 point
  8. Anorax

    Nintendo Switch

    I think you forgot about Splatoon 2.
    1 point
  9. This seems like it's gonna be a bit of a challenge! Not my usual style but I've got some ideas. Looking forward to see how other people remix it.
    1 point
  10. EVAL Ah, Undertale, a personal favorite soundtrack of mine. Let's see where you took it. I'm tasting some electronica, and there are some very nice vocal synths in there (wub wub WA wA), and you handle those excellently. The arrangement plays pretty straight, though - a little TOO straight. It leans on the 'Too Conservative' side of things, with the wubs being close to the only thing that isn't simply an enhancement of the source. The piano, when present, is incredibly mechanical. If you're going to incorporate instruments like that, dynamics can help a great deal in making it sound more human. For piano in particular it's a good idea to emulate the sustain as well, as that is something that makes the piano unique. As it stands, the piano is flat and less like a human played it and more like notes were plugged into a sampler. The sound design is a bit hit-or-miss on this one. I again commend your wubby and ya-ya synths (I forget the name of them off the top), but the overuse of saw and square throughout drags this down considerably. I don't have an issue with saws and squares personally (I mean, look at my music for crying out loud), but if you're going to use them it's important to utilize them in a manner that makes them interesting and flavorful, and not just to fill the space and hit the notes. See if there is anything that you can do with your sound design to make it dynamic and interesting, or take what you have and justify its use by really pushing what makes square and saw synths unique. The percussion is pretty bland, and overall is tough to hear in the mix. The bass simply hits the beat 95% of the time, and the snare is virtually impossible to hear (and if there is anything else going on outside the periodic crash I can't hear it). The drum track really needs more attention paid to it so that it doesn't sound like it's droning, and the mix needs to be overhauled to bring it to the front. If I saw this on the panel this is what I'd tell you to improve: drums, piano realism, sound design and make the arrangement a little less conservative. There are some good ideas to build off of, though, in some of your more complex synths and SFX, but it isn't there yet as far as submission goes. Best of luck!
    1 point
  11. Maybe I should give everyone using ThaSauce a 3 point bonus. I entered the PM votes in my vote and added the scores manually. It takes 1 minute or something. ThaSauce is easier for me but I can understand that especially new people don't want to sign up on multiple sites to enter a compo therefore the rules are changed that it is not necessary to use ThaSauce. The new schedule of the contest (I know the source of the next round before voting of the current round ends and the longer voting stage) gives me time to organise things, make the contest more flexible and add the stuff to ThaSauce. PRC340 starts later today or this weekend.
    1 point
  12. Thanks. I'm a little proud of all sounds except for the weird pad in the background being mine. Also, I'm surprised you remember those.
    1 point
  13. Yeah, reverb is done using a plugin or outside hardware, not part of the samples themselves - sometimes VST instruments come with a reverb built-in. The DKC soundtrack in particular actually didn't use the SNES's reverb, instead Dave Wise used delay (a doubling of one of the instrument channels played slightly ahead) for that effect. To pitch bend, you can use slide notes in the piano roll if you're using an FL native plugin (ex. Fruity Soundfont Player), or otherwise through automation clips. I whipped up an FLP of a portion of the guitar lead in Gangplank Galleon as I was curious myself - it has the slide notes, delay, and volume automation. http://www.mediafire.com/file/j3920jsal06lsni/gangplank+galleon.flp
    1 point
  14. Had a great time at MAG, and it was great hanging out with all the OCR peeps! I'm also glad I went to the panel, there are a couple new projects I still need to go download. Good stuff.
    1 point
  15. To all who haven't yet heard the news, I'm pleased to report that the album is finally FINISHED. The project is currently on Bandcamp, with other distribution channels pending. Thanks to all for the support for Kickstarter; now, go check out the final product! https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/american-pixels
    1 point
  16. Skrypnyk


    Automation is a process, so the term doesn't do anything, it's what you automate that does something. Say you want to fade out a track, you pick a point in which you want to start the fade, then as the track plays you move a slider or turn a knob until the track goes silent, then you stop. Automation is exactly that, but instead of you doing it manually you're telling a program to do it for you.
    1 point
  17. How about I call it Seagull Sonata? Even though it's not a sonata... Edit: Thanks for the feedback, everyone in this thread.
    1 point
  18. Ah, now I really like this. I really liked the gliding synth at the beginning to segway into the theme. Awesome.
    1 point
  19. Sounds like you could almost put the character select theme from Super Mario Bros. 2 in here as well.
    1 point
  20. This sounds like an issue with your installation. Try reinstalling Kontakt. Or, as DJP linked, could be a Service Center metadata issue. I say this because it's impossible for a sample library's code to render Kontakt at all unstable and unreliable except in the very few cases where it performs file I/O. These are things like loading convolution reverb impulses, and loaded presets using the internal preset system. However, these are things that many, many sample libraries do, and have never caused issues except in some cases during SAC testing when users were allowed to rapidly randomize SAC settings by mashing the randomize button without any safeguards in the code in place (and we took care of those before release). Even still, none of the above usage cases of Kontakt's file I/O have anything to do with libraries disappearing and nki's being forgotten from DAW projects, and no SAC testing has ever come up with this issue prior. So it really does sound to me like a DAW/Kontakt installation issue. Does it not happen with other Kontakt libs?
    1 point
  21. Long time lurker, but just wanted to say a big thank you for making this tool. I've just purchased it and am looking forward to giving it a go. Especially looking forward to messing about with the NKS integration on Kontrol. I do a lot of VGM trackers in Renoise and I think this is going to add a lot of fun to that process!
    1 point
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