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  1. A synthwave rendition of Hurry! by Nobuo Uematsu, featured in the game Final Fantasy VII. This is my remix. This is the original song for reference. My arrangement is done on synthesizer. I kept the same BPM to give the same overall timing but manipulated the beat into an electronic/synthwave style. I also introduced many new instruments, micro-rhythms, and timbres.
  2. Here is a piano arrangement of Underwater Ruins (composed by J. Nakano) and No Hopes, No Dreams (composed by N. Uematsu) Enjoy !
  3. https://youtu.be/_DRPmlVpfck First thing, I really can't describe how emotional it was to do this theme. I was brought to tears several times (as I've mentioned in my teaser post for this). And since I started doing it, I haven't got the will to stop listen to it. This is one of the most beautiful pieces ever made, video game or not. Nobuo Uematsu is pure genius and out-of-this-world musical. If I had only 1/1000th of his musical mind I would be famous long ago lol. By now you've probably heard this was very much like the original, only with the differences of my synthesizers, and some arrangement differences. I did not have heart to put a beat and a fitting bass line to this, I wanted it to be as soft as possible. I hope you can appreciate what I've done with it and bear to listen through the whole remix. There is so much love and emotion for each second, and the emotions I went through is inexplicable. I'm a real soft guy haha, cries in every movie and game I experience. I used my latest alternate lead synth here, but had to set up the equalizer and soundwaves of it with multiple settings not to get it to sharp at high notes and to "bassy" at lower notes. Tricky, but worth the time.
  4. https://youtu.be/N3jCsGeEf_k Hello folks! I'm not sure why I started creating this remix, I just felt such an eager to focus some love on one of the best games ever made. And the intro is really something, I remebered the jaw dropping when I saw it the first time back in 1998. I had one good friend who owned a PS and I'm so happy I got the opportunity to be introduced to this masterpiece when it was somehow new. I have to confess, this is the most difficult remix so far. Not only because of the grand composition by master Nobuo Uematsu, but also because of the original style is aligned to the orchestra/symphonic genre which is far away from my ordinary synthwave/retrowave. I tried to mix both styles in this one piece. 0:00 - Opening One of the best introductions to any video game in my opinion. The atmosphere and visual impression are spot on to what kind of place Mako City is. I wanted to modernize and absorb the theme into my synth style, and I hope I succeeded with that without too much loss of the original. 1:17 - Bombing Mission This theme is so cool, and so fitting to the intensity of the mission before you. I couldn't stray too far off the original's boundaries without losing too much brilliance from it (I tried a couple of variations) so I kept it as it is, mostly. I added some chords here and there, and of course a drum beat. The lead synths used here are multiple variations from my signature lead, tweaked to sound a bit more like brass which the original composition is all about. I'm not sure why I keep transcribing everything by ear, it's really hard sometimes which showed clearly while writing this remix. All the things happening in this theme was hard to keep track of from time to time, and it took me forever to just finish the transcription xD I guess it's kind of more freedom to just transcribe any song you want, instead of searching for MIDI files or sheet music. But enough about that! Thanks for listening!
  5. A friend of mine asked me to make an arrangement of Hope's theme from Final Fantasy XIII. It's not really my usual style of arrangement, but I gave it a go. And then I got curious about what would happen if I actually applied my usual touch to it. I did not expect it to turn into a classic video game rock song, but here we are. Fair warning: it's one hell of an earworm. Hope's Theme (Classic Video Game Rock Version)
  6. Me and my good friend Vincent Moretto made this cover of Otherworld from Final Fantasy X by Nobuo Uematsu. I'm really happy with how it turned out and any constructive thoughts would be appreciated!
  7. Hi! I'm a self taught audio engineer and composer! A friend of mine told me about these boards and I wanted to say hi! share some stuff I've done and see how you all think it could sound better! I love criticism the more detailed the better, what did I mess up what did I actually do right and so on. I use FL Studios Producer Edition and free public VSTs.
  8. Hi everybody! Just wanted to share with you guys the Final Fantasy Overture that's just premiered on YouTube. It's for a full-scale Orchestra that consists of over a dozen pieces from 9 different FF games, all written by the great Nobuo Uematsu. This year, I conducted a performance (in part) of The Creation of Hyrule at MAGFest, and in the volunteer Orchestra were members of the Triforce and Videri String Quartets. As a vote of thanks, I constructed this Overture for String Octet, but then thought about Orchestrating it for a Full Orchestra. This is that full Orchestra Version, accompanied by a video of my own making. Please enjoy! DISCLAIMER: Music is by Nobuo Uematsu and Yoko Shimomura, all visuals are of in-game footage/cutscenes.
  9. Hi, Here is a piano arrangement of the song theme of ff Crystal Chronicles. Originals: Song : Moonless Starry Light v1 (main version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7Jrh-2baAE&list=PL5F286D0D14A5E1B0&index=52&t=0s v2 (with more rythm at the end) https://youtu.be/_0LYPdUjfqQ?list=PL5F286D0D14A5E1B0&t=221 Orgel of water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7Jrh-2baAE&list=PL5F286D0D14A5E1B0&index=51 Arrangement: The arrangement is mainly on the song, v1 for the peaceful parts and v2 for parts with more rhythm. At 3'50, it closes by "Orgel of Water". This music is nearly the last one of the OST. I felt it perfect to close the arrangement Let me know if you see some points to review Thanks for your feedback !
  10. Hello everyone! Been a long time since I've posted anything on here (over a decade!). I have here a dance style remix of "Rebel Army" from Final Fantasy II, titled "Rebels Like to Dance Too!". I consider this pretty much complete and ready for submission, but want some feedback first. Thanks! -Brink https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHWydbVZLy3gg8JJp9CCyT5vpoIr6b4V Source:
  11. Hey all! On 2018 I published an album called The March of the Machines. It's a robot themed concept album consisting of 10 NES & SNES title songs. On 2021 I will be releasing new Sinfinian stuff and I would appreciate any constructive feedback / criticism on the previous release. Thank you and happy holidays! -M / Sinfinian Here's the links for the album: Track listings: 01. The Trail Of Tears (Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - Bloody Tears) 02. The Essence Of Alloy (Mega Man II - Metal Man) 03. Awake In The Dark (Zelda: A Link To The Past - Dark World) 04. Technological Knock-Out!! (Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - Fight) 05. Lunar Path (Ducktales - The Moon) 06. Alchemy In A Tin Can (Final Fantasy VI - Devil's Lab) 07. Dragon Morph (Double Dragon - Mission 1) 08. The Remains Of The Last Droid (Super Metroid - Theme) 09. Unite The Robothood (Secret Of Mana - Leave Time For Love) 10. The March Of The Machines (Mega Man II - Dr. Wily Stage 1/2)
  12. So this is a mobile game, and I think.. it's in my top 3 RPG OSTs. The game itself is my second favorite mobile game. It really shows what mobile can be when console-style effort is behind it. Unfortunately, it fell to some repetitive gameplay choices, but I still have very fond memories of the cooperative battles. And man, the music is so beautiful. Enjoying anything from this OST in a different way would bring joy to my heart.
  13. Hi, Here is a piano arrangement of "Airship" and "Legend of the Deep Forest" (final fantasy 5) https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/final-fantasy-5-flight-over-the-enchanted-forest In its original version, "Airship" was in a heroic mood. I've tried to play it in a different way. After that, it was natural to marry with the forest theme. Enjoy
  14. Hey folks, there's a contest being held on a subreddit for covers of battle themes for games, so I decided to throw my lot in with this piece. Please enjoy!
  15. Good Morning OCRemix! I have been holding onto this song for a while and I figured it would be the perfect time to share it! I love this beat, it just reminds me of a story about Cloud in which, I can imagine it must be rough. I wrote this song to resemble what cloud might go through on his adventures though from the original Final Fantasy 7, a classic! it's simply a story I came up with when I heard this amazing tune. it makes me feel amazing to hear all these songs everybody has come up with! This is probably my 6th or 7th run on this song. I hope you enjoy! https://www.dropbox.com/s/vanpri5iv27vx6t/as if i was cloud.wav?dl=0 originally made from Mattias Häggström Gerdt, Arranging the music of 2 songs... "Fanfare", "J-E-N-O-V-A" Primary Game: Final Fantasy VII (Sony, 1997, PS1), music by Nobuo Uematsu https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01667
  16. As iconic as the Final Fantasy series soundtrack is, I've always made the argument that its hard to judge if you've played the games because you have to ask yourself; "Was this song REALLY that good or was it the associated emotion from the games plot that makes me like it?" The soundtrack is also highly derivative. Jenova's theme "J-E-N-O-V-A" from Final Fantasy VII is clearly, at the very least, "inspired" by the ending theme to the film "Blade Runner", which was scored by Vangelis. The motiv from Sepiroth's theme "Those Chosen By The Planet" sounds eerily similar to parts of "Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary" (a synthesizer version was used as the intro to Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of "A Clockwork Orange") And now I think I've found yet another one: I know the intro in this song is almost identical to a final fantasy song, but I don't remember which song or game. Anyone have a clue?
  17. Hello Everyone ! "The Great Video Game Orchestra" is an album of remaster music of my favorite video games. I have been working on it for about a year. I hope you like it ! https://remygouxproduction.bandcamp.com/album/the-great-video-game-orchestra-vol-1
  18. If I wrote the soundtrack of a traditional JRPG, the airship theme might sound like this. What if there's no airship? Of course there's an airship.
  19. Hi gang, This is my first post here. I hope I'm doing this right. I used an old 1980's Roland Alpha Juno II and a Moog Little Phatty to recreate this classic track. Enjoy!
  20. Had a blast with this one. Hope you all enjoy. THE 7TH FANFARE - FFVII REMIX Type-R
  21. FF7 remix album One-Winged Angel (Youtube) Six tunes from Final Fantasy VII with my personal orchestral handling and vision. In my opinion the best tunes. Prelude, main theme, Aerith's theme, battle music, Judgement Day and of course One-Winged Angel. Hope you guys enjoy it!
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