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Found 24 results

  1. My first post here, and I am sure I have a lot to learn. I am having fun doing it though! The original intent was to be vapor-wavy, kind of like that VHS sound, but curious if I went too far or I mixed too much up. The song: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rjSQNr9D91GsH8Cd2joCuqavcY0g75Wk/view?usp=sharing Sources:
  2. My piano remix cover of the ecco: the tides of time title theme. I recorded the different voices all with the piano and combined them later, so it has a similar feeling to the original version. I only played the first few minutes of this game but I played through the first one and was very impressed by it’s dark and mysterious tone, even after so many years. But man, I guess it’s the hardest game ever made, even with cheats I barely got through it - but it was worth it!
  3. I did my take on Superman's stage 5 music. Developed by Hudson Soft, composed by Kenji Yamazaki. I’ve been using synths for years but this was my first attempt at recreating video game music. It was a lot of fun. DAW: Ableton Live Hardware: Virus TI Polar, Roland JP-8000 VST's: TAL-Chorus-LX, iZotope Ozone, Blue Cat (stereo field & freq analysis VSTs), FabFilter Pro-Q2, Pro-C2, Pro-L2 Original track:
  4. Hi Again Got a new remix, Izayoi from the Shiboi 3 Soundtrack. Its always been one of my favourites. Here's hoping i can do it justice. I'd love any feedback or criticism on the mix, composition, arrangement etc. Thanks for your Time!! Remix: Original:
  5. Hi everyone, Very new to music production and no musical background etc just fancied a dabble in fl studio, I am very passionate about early Sega games and 16 bit games in general. As one of my favorite games Streets of rage was always the epitome of beat-em-ups for me, additionally i grew up in the 80's when synth sound tracks such as crockets theme or Axel F were popular so i wanted to smash the two together. Please be kind, this is a work in progress and just ideas at present. Streets Of Rage - Moon beach Waves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPYrDPn4UK4 Regards Gav Aka Genesis1983
  6. The first remix I ever did was an Ice Cap Zone Remix from a few years ago. It wasn’t very good, haha. Hopefully I’ve improved, so here is a new one I recently did. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GL6EeJ1QhYA Feedback welcome as always.
  7. I finished another one of my emulation style remixes. All sounds extracted from the original games as separate channels using sound emulation, then mixed together/distorted/stretched/manipulated. Sounds are from NES Castlevania 2, Super Castlevania 4, SNES Dracula X, Castlevania Bloodlines, and Super Metroid. Source:
  8. A classic game from Disney with nice songs. Genesis Megadrive console. My favorite is Level 1 Also available in Super NES, the same song at level 1, but the sound is different. I like Megadrive music better Thanks Level 1, rooftop run
  9. Here is my remix of Anything But Tangerines. I used only instruments taken directly from the SNES and Genesis versions of the game, then mixed them in a DAW. It was quite the ordeal unscrambling the crazy sound channels in the SNES version, but that's a video for another day.
  10. This is a very straightforward remix using the SNES and Genesis sounds. The arrangement is exactly the same as the original. This was more of an experiment to see what a retro song would sound like if an SNES and Genesis worked together. Basically I was satisfying my own curiosity.
  11. This is a cleaned up version of a remix I made for PRC 352. I put a lot of work into this track, probably more than I've done for any other track I've made so far, and I am considering submitting it to OCR. The source is a relatively unknown Genesis game called Warsong. I'd never heard of the game or the piece before, but it was so fun and energetic I just had to remix it. Original piece: My remix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw_yjC8gJmW5Mjl4Tm5TNW0tVkU/view?usp=sharing
  12. Hey OC Remix community! I am still improving my production and composition skills with the little time that I dedicate to writing and producing. I am hoping that get some input that will help this remix be appropriate for submission! As a caveat, I do plan on recording a few classical instrument performances (I play the clarinet) and I will humanize the piece a lot when I near completion of the piece. I also have not "master mixed" the piece. However, I think that this piece is coming along nicely. I intended for this piece to mix classical with electronic elements (there are two synths). Phantasy Star IV's music does this well so I wanted to also incorporate that into this remix. I also am mashing two pieces of music into one remix because the first song I chose was a bit thin on length (content). The two pieces have a similar vibe and they are Requiem for Lutz and The Age of Fables. I would consider this approximately 55% done but that's a rough estimate. I don't know how much more can be done exactly but there are a number of ideas floating around in my head (got a head ache). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Download of the remix in progress: http://www.tonalbliss.com/music/displays/truthbetold_4.mp3 The two original tunes I'm basing my mix on on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uH-4DZWv5fI?list=PLirSddeMOYZ5E_9xpoTRYi3ksQmlFPdFL and https://youtu.be/afEQQhQajLE?list=PLirSddeMOYZ5E_9xpoTRYi3ksQmlFPdFL
  13. Here is a link to the Genesis soundtrack. There are several songs that I think would be great for remixing. I don't have the skill to do them justice so I thought I'd ask you fine gentlemen/ladies. The songs I personally would enjoy hearing remixed, or at least think parts of them are worth using the most are: Chapter 2-2, Chapter 7 Boss, Intermission, Ending Theme, and Staff Roll.
  14. Hey guys, it's been a while, but I've been busy. I've put together a 35 minute EP of Sonic The Hedgehog remixes from the 8 and 16 bit eras of Sonic called Zoned. The musical style is a blend of Electro-Funk and Retrowave with sprinklings of Chiptune. Included tracks from both 8 and 16 bit versions of Sonic The Hedgehog 1 and 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Sonic Chaos. Also interweaved into this album are soundbites from the games themselves, excerpts from 90s SEGA TV commercials, and dialogue from various video game documentaries that discuss both the significance of SEGA and Sonic The Hedgehog in the history and develop of video games and video game music. Tracks remixed are: Turquoise Hill Zone (Sonic 2 - 8 bit) Sky High Zone (Sonic Chaos) Star Light Zone (Sonic 1) Hydrocity Zone (Sonic 3) Bridge Zone (Sonic 1 - 8 Bit) Spring Yard Zone (Sonic 1) Underground Zone (Sonic 2 - 8 bit) Casino Night Zone - 2 Player (Sonic 2) Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic 2) It was released in conjunction with RadioSEGA and premiered on Sunday night as part of their Winterfest. If you didn't listen to the show and/or haven't yet grabbed a download, please help yourself. https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/zoned Have a lovely Christmas and keep gaming, fellow remixers . Steve
  15. I am a little surprised that the original outrun game got remixes but outrun 2019 never got any. I mean hell, not even youtube has anything. So here I am making a request. I would like to see tracks 3, and 4 remixes. Named "Steal into the night" And "Relight my fire." I may sound a little weird, as I'm asking for a remix, but not entirely a remix, more like a modern facelift. What they might sound like had they been created with todays tech, rather than what they had in the genesis era. Steal into the night: this I could see being rather well done in in more of a techno feel. Have a little fun with it, but I'd like it to feel closeer to the original than a whole new song. Relight my fire. This one feels like it would be better suited to a more real instrumental theme, I can't quite place the 'main' instruments and what they were trying to emulate, be it more brass, or string. Again I'd like it if it was kept close to home, not straying far from the original. Sorry if this feels totally useless for guidance.
  16. Hello again, everyone! I'm currently arranging and fixing a couple of things on my old Vectorman mix before recording instruments and stuff and was wondering if anyone was interested in providing vocals (male or female) for it? The lyrics are available on SoundCloud and Youtube, so feel free to check them out. They were written by my good friend SuperSonication. Feedback is also very welcome and anyone else who wants to collaborate and re-work this piece with me is more than welcome -- for providing real instruments or arrangements purposes. Thanks in advance
  17. Hey Guys. I've made a cover on Dont Go Off. I used different instrumentations like brass and stuff. I decided I wanted to take the tempo down a few notches and play it in a lower key. I hope you guys like it. Here's the original.
  18. A house remix of Sonic The Hedgehog's "Green Hill Zone" Theme Title: One Last Lap Genre: House BPM: 128 Prolly my last post for today, feel free to leave your comments/suggestions below. Thanks!
  19. NEW STUFF I decided to ditch the old arrangement as I wasn't having any luck making it any better (it's linked below for reference), so I'm opting to start from scratch with this mix. The composition itself lends itself to some jazzy feels, so I'm heading in the direction. Kind of a lounge-y feel and sound. First time really delving into this kind of territory, but I'm excited to get my hands dirty with it. This new WiP has no title yet, and what's posted is a rough idea of what I'm trying to go for. Original Submission - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/287855 Judges Decision - http://ocremix.org/community/topic/20035-no-toy-story-genesis-havin-fun-with-rc/#comment-444926 Reference Track - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KDMNKDsEls ------------------------------------------------------ OLDWiP Update#1---- https://soundcloud.com/sh0rtcircuit-1/havin-fun-with-rc-resub-wip-2 -------------------------------------------------------- So, I did this remix about 6 years ago. Judges said no, obviously, so I'm here to re-work this sucker for re-submission. I've done some changes to instrumentation (though there are no automations in this current WiP, so use your imagination for now). A handful of things are mixed and mastered (well, most everything except for one synth really). Critique I'm looking for is mixing/mastering and overall arrangement (for what I have so far). I will probably have another update to this in a little while, just kind of need a break for the moment. Any critique/feedback is welcome, so fire whatever shots you have. Thanks!
  20. Hi yall. I'm new to this fourm and I tried posting this on EMDproduction but with no luck. I hope I can get some feedback from this song. The cover I made was based on some space fantasy game that never made it to the states. The soundtrack is nice. I hope this cover sounds good(besides it's a rough mix ). Cover(This is in a different key) https://soundcloud.com/getjiggywithit-2/das-ende-star-cruiser Star Cruiser (Genesis) - Ending
  21. I'm looking for sega genesis sounds, specifically sonic 1, 2, 3, 3&k I have searched and searched and I'm kind of frustrated because I can't seem to get anything to work on garageband, because that's the only program I have at the moment. I have found the Ultimate Sega Genesis Soundfont but garageband wont read all the different instruments in the .sf2 file, I need to split the instruments to separate files, but after trying that, they would have no sound. I have searched forums and nothing really helpful either, maybe now that it's the end of 2015 something has changed...? I hope so! If you know something please share it!
  22. I tried a few soundfonts recently, and after listening to Sonic 2's soundtrack, I wanted to create a little test. It'd fit a cool action sequence I think. Anyway, it's short and loops, but enjoy another thingy I did out of boredom (instead of doing important stuff). LINK (for realz lol)
  23. For those of you who don't know about this game. It's a genesis sorta like Road Rash on roller blades with better music, more weapons. This guy does a better job of describing it http://www.gamefaqs.com/genesis/586462-skitchin/reviews/review-19689 The music in this game is awesome, especially for the 16 bit era
  24. The music. The music in gameplay.
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