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  1. Ghosts'n Goblins 'Trance Version' This is from the Commodore 64 version of Ghosts 'n Goblins, which had far superior music to the arcade, even if it wasn't the most appropriate for the game. This ReMix takes that music and basically makes it sound ten times better. Has bell sounds throughout to add a bit of a haunting feeling to it. I like that. Makes it seem to fit into the G&G world a little better. I like what Instant Remedy has done here.
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  3. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  4. Hey everyone, after almost a year of being busy, I went back to practice producing and experimenting and it turned out to be Trance this time! I know there's a surplus of Stickerbush Symphony remakes out there, so I hope you can still enjoy this one! Kind regards!
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  6. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  7. Hey everyone! I recently heard the main theme from Child Of Light by Ubisoft, and thought it was simply too beautiful NOT to do something with. I'm a huge fan of Progressive & Uplifting Trance music which is what this remix is. Enjoy!
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  9. Remade this all from the ground up and worked obsessively for the last handful of days with it. Any suggestions for improvement are very welcome! c: Soundcloud!
  10. This is my trance arrangement of "Bridge Zone". I called it "Trance-Cap" because the ReMix is a bit like "IceCap" from Sonic 3. Also, strings on background are from Marble Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog). Please rate the ReMix and point out any shortcomings. Artist name: 12x_waver ReMix name: Trance-Cap Primary game: Sonic the Hedgehog (Game Gear ver.) Source: Bridge Zone, Marble Zone (cameo) Download FLAC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C33JZTqzDHoHyuZika4eEniidisUCnBy/view?usp=drivesdk
  11. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  12. Hello all! Here is a heavy electronica track! It's certainly got a dark and heroic vibe!
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  14. Damn, it's been more than two years since I actually finished a track and even longer since I've posted here. This originally was an idea for the Shounen Jump Remix Album, but I never really got around to actually working on it until a few weeks back. Yeah, I know it's very conservative arrangement-wise, but I'm still rather proud how it turned out, and I'm interested in a professional opinion or otherwise I'll probably microtweak it until it's broken https://www.dropbox.com/s/f16bw9fhlhc18l7/Yami - Magic Knight Ray(v)earth.mp3?dl=0 Original
  15. I just posted my second try at replicating the feeling of the trance music I listened to growing up. Trance became my favorite genre around the time I started going to high school. Life for me was very difficult during those years due to bullying and general difficulties at school. Music was one of the things that helped me get through and has inspired me for years to come. I pushed myself to get this track beyond the level where I usually give up. Not only is it much longer than my usual stuff, it is also more varied. I'm very happy with the result and am afraid to tweak it further. Enjoy Yesterday is Gone (Moving On) - on Soundcloud Registered Soundcloud users can download this track for free.
  16. Kind of an older song a mode awhile ago but what the heck.A remix of a great song from an underrated gem on the SEGA Genesis: Sonic Spinball Enjoy! An source material for eval purposes
  17. Hello everyone! First time submitting here, I've been working on a trance remix of the water level music from Wario Land 1. The arrangement is nearly complete and I'd like some feedback on it before I start the mixing/mastering phase. EDIT: The track is finished now and the link updated
  18. This is an attempted Trance remix of "Brinstar" (Metroid) for a contest. I tried to give the original an update my way (I have a rather unique style). After the contest I redid it and think it turned out good. Tell me what you guys think. Enjoy Track Here's a couple original pieces of mine
  19. Hi, they call me Ronald Poe and I hope you guys are having a great day. Here are two original trance pieces I wrote recently. Tell me what you guys think and how I can improve them.They're both character tributes meant to evoke their respective character. I'm probably not good enough to pull either theme off but here goes. First is a fan-made Palace/character theme for Makoto Niijima (Persona 5). I went for a somewhat elegant yet rebellious trance piece. I know she's a popular character so there's a bit of pressure. It's done in my signature style. https://soundcloud.com/dark-ronald-poe/honor-student-demo1 Second is a Dark Psytrance (or at least my interpretation of it) tribute to Venom (the Spiderman villain). This is my first attempt at Dark Psytrance and I felt the style might fit Venom well. It's a little more melodic than most Dark Psytrance but who cares about that. I personally think Venom would make a great bonus boss for Kingdom Hearts 3 but ...
  20. So a friend of mine challenged me to remix this theme in the Goa / Psy Trance style. Well, I like a challenge. So, here is my first attempt at Goa Trance. Looking for feedback on the style, sound, eqing, everything. I'm new to this genre (and this site), so let me have it. Thanks! Source: Remix: Version 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m3YYVVnYbIgs8ESnUkODWkpYyO4MiEEn/view?usp=drivesdk Version 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ThaxpuWI3w2AbRoZ5J-Zn8j7fhK6UlKl/view?usp=sharing Version 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lVEEJimImEZieLtW_kv7oKD7rjkpujs/view?usp=sharing Version 4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16FKnvtGPzqLdfh2TT6qyUOU8T1c6sMF1/view?usp=drivesdk Final Version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XOs1iFAoqR0DeZNrcUoSSCw034gCFDta EDIT: I must add that this song is only halfway finished. Forgot to add that... UPDATE: Link updated. See post for more info. UPDATE 2: Did a lot of fleshing out and some EQing. UPDATE 3: Added some more goodies and did a final master. I feel it's ready for submission. UPDATE 4: Did a complete redo of the mixing. I had to change some instruments to make things blend well. UPDATE 5: Fixed some stuff (the bassline most noticeably)and did another mastering attempt. I think it's ready to submit. FINAL UPDATE: Alright, so I did a final master and sent it off to be judged. Phew, I hope they enjoy it!
  21. UPDATE 2: Latest version post feedback See this post for details. --- PREVIOUS UPDATE: Finished version ready for tweaking and fine tuning per your feedback https://soundcloud.com/user-227517766/trance-in-the-mines-life-in-the-mines-dkc-ready-for-feedback I added some more sounds (notably toms and some ambient pad), reverb and a somewhat proper ending. A section from the factory level makes a guest appearance. Kick and snare got a new sample, but the snare remains a bit of an issue I'm afraid. Overall I like it well enough. It started out as a bit of a joke remix, but gradually it grew on me. I'd like to submit it to the judges *lightning strikes* *wolf howls* - 0_0 - after I did all I could to add the finishing touches based on your feedback. Your input is much appreciated. The more specific you can be, the better (i.e. tell me at what point in the track something doesn't sound right or whatever). Thanks! --- Hello strangers I'd like to share with you a remix project that kind of materialized in my brain while I was supposed to be working on something else. This is a trance remix of Donkey Kong Country's mine level theme (Life in the mines). And by trance, I mean the kind of trance that I listened to growing up, mainly between the years 1999 and 2002. I just wanted to see if I could pull something like that off in FL Studio. I'm still learning to properly mix channels and all that good stuff, which no doubt will "show" through. I figured this would be a good exercise for that. Basically I'm going for that "old school" (European) trance feel. I'm not trying to be super original here. The track is still a work in progress. I plan on doing another breakdown/buildup thing at the end of it. I'm having serious trouble with volume. Somehow my own generated mp3's all sound really uhm, not loud. I'm not sure if its just my laptop, or my old PC speakers, or my crappy headphones. I'd like to invest in a good set of headphones for this kind of work soon enough. At this point I can at least tell the hi-hat is on the loud side, while the kick is possibly too soft. Anyway, what do you think? Am I on the right track producing that classic buildup/breakdown/buildup trance feel? Do these transitions work? Have I used a wide enough range of pitches (not sure if that's the right term there). PS: I made this from memory, and there is possibly a Halo influence in there which coincided with what I think the chords should be. PPS: for the title I have two options in mind: "Trance in the Mines" or "Frog Induced Trance" (a reference to Winky the frog, who appears in the first level this track plays in in the game). Link to Soundcloud file: https://soundcloud.com/user-227517766/trance-in-the-mines-life-in-the-mines-dkc-wip Source:
  22. just couldn't resist, so I took my remix from 2003 and added filter effects with ableton and a second and third melody-track (using the super-amazing Rayblaster VST) (added an old video of a landscape I built in cryengine sandbox years ago) remix (well, 2 remixes actually) can be heard here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svPV9-hPFe0
  23. REDUKED: Duke Nukem OST Remixed. Deluxe Edition. Hi everyone! it's been a while since I posted something here, but I'm glad to announce my new remix album: REDUKED. Deluxe Edition. REDUKED is a electronic musical journey through Duke Nukem Universe. One track from the album has been featured here. Now I'm releasing the whole thing as a double album with 10 tracks each. DOWNLOAD Specifications: 24 BIT Stereo 48,000Hz Remasterized tracks. Normalized to -13 LUFS DB to prevent ear fatigue. I'm not asking any specific price for download, because I'm not the author of the original tracks (credits goes for Lee Jackson and Bobby Prince) Although any donations wouldn't hurt, especially to support future original music releases Thanks guys, for all the support and encouragement, I hope you enjoy it.
  24. Hey there guys. I recently finished this simple little trance track and thought I'd share it here for anyone who likes relaxing trance music. This track actually came about as I was playing with the Mandachord in the game Warframe. You can make silly little songs with it and play them in the game as a bard character to buff your allies. I also had Orbital on the mind as I was adapting my silly Mandachord song in to a full track, and this was the result. Of course, "adapting" is kind of a stretch here, since you can only make very basic loops with the Mandachord that are only four bars long with simple drums, a bass line, and a melody. You're also limited to a D-Minor Pentatonic scale and a BPM of 120 to boot, so the resulting "song" can only be so complex. But I see the limitation as an interesting challenge when I try to turn it in to a full track in FL Studio, so I enjoyed the process a lot. I've actually done another track like this in the past, which turned out a lot different from this one in terms of the song's overall tone. Anyway, I hope you like it. Feel free to lay out any criticisms you may have. I'm always open to it.
  25. Hey everyone! We are somewhat new to posting here, but wanted to share our latest track. I've been a long time lurker on OCR, but finally ready to start producing/submitting remixes. This is our first submission, which was submitted a few weeks ago. Would love any thoughts/comments/feedback on the mix! This is a remix of a really short/simple song in Breath of the Wild that plays at the Flight Range in the Hebra region. It's basically a more melancholy/chill take on Revali's theme. I was listening to it in game and got inspired to do a trance remix! I didn't initially think it was good enough to submit, but I showed it to Jewbei, one of my favorite trance remixers who I have been connected with on FB for years, and he liked it and encouraged me to submit and gave me some tips on my mix. So a BIG thanks to him for doing that! We hope it gets accepted, and even if it doesn't we will try again! Anyway, without further ado, here is our remix of "The Flight Range," which we have titled "Take Flight." I hope you like it and welcome any and all feedback and discussion! Also on Soundcloud for better quality: Also, on another note, we are definitely looking to make more remixes, and if anyone wants to collaborate some time, let me know! I play keys (jazz/soul/gospel styles mainly), guitar, and sing, as well as produce with the latest version of FL Studio.
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