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Getting me exposed to, and involved in, a community encompassing nearly the entire spectrum of (pardon me for using a trite and loaded term) diverse opinion.

Also given me several days worth (if not a week) of constant music.


I've met new people I would NEVER EVER have met if I wasn't part of the community here. I've gone places, seen things, and generally enjoyed myself more than I would have I hadn't joined OCR.

I could also say I owe OCR for the boost in my confidence (especially because of certain people, thank you guys).


I saw "How has OCR enhanced..." at the communnity page and all sorts of interesting things came to mind. Then I remembered that it was community and that probably none of them were accurate.

This is the first message board where people haven't been assholes through and through. I participated in two community-oriented, videogame-related boards before this one: Choco-Boko Booyaka, which no longer exists, and the forums for IcyBrian, the site which used to be the OCR of fanfiction. These forums have been the best by far. Do people talk out of turn, say shit they shouldn't, and rip on others unnecessarily? Of course. But whatever OCR drama exists is infinitely better than the previous two. At the first one nearly everyone was manic depressive, an egoistic ass, or both. At the second one everyone was just an egoistic ass. Here I respect the regulars, mods and judges and don't have to keep justifying to myself why I post on a forum with so many people I dislike. Unlike pretty much everyone else on the boards, my first acquaintance with OCR was actually from meeting some members in person at MAG 5. So when I started posting I already knew the people and that they were good guys. At Icy's we never even knew one another's real names, much less ever met them in person.

In addition, the fact that we were at MAGFest showed something else: OCR gets involved. Icyforums runs an annual fanfic contest, but other than that they just shoot the shit. Oh, and the site's creator doesn't update or post. No ambition among any of the members to do anything. At OCR there's all sorts of stuff going on, both with music and other things. I haven't even looked at most of the stuff in the compeititons thread yet. And OCR affiliates itself with other things. The only affiliate I got out of IcyBrian is the Chrono Trigger Novel Project, and Wayne has said that relationship was never very solid anyway.

And finally the music. God, the music. I was at a loss for how to play music without friends around. And q-pa introduced me to the idea of computer music. It took me until MAGFest to get around to posting here, but since then I've been oh-so-gradually trying to find things out. When I get enough time and instruction, I hope to be able to reinvent my musical prowess within the context of my primary interest: technology. And what a day that will be.


There's always the music, and as much as I've always maligned Unmod and the culture it fostered, it also gave me a toughness that has allowed me to deal with assholes who go out to fuck with people for their amusement.

And in general, OCR has given me friends who share my love of vgm and with some, music in general.


I think, other than the amazing appreciation that OCR has given me for music and the many ways that people can take a song and make it their own, I've really gained a sense of community as well. Sure I don't have the kind of post count that commands respect, but I still always feel like I'm part of a group of people that I can actually understand. (I used to do Gaia, you can laugh at me if you want).

OCRemix has also rejuvinated my interest in getting into the art of making music beyond just plunking around. It really gives me a reason to sit down and take it seriously, something I never really did before. I haven't done anything worthy of even calling a WIP yet, but I know when I do get there, I'll have a whole community of professionals to give me advice.


For one thing, up until last year when I had to clear some serious space on my old laptop, OC ReMixes consisted over half my playlist, and they were basically the only thing I ever listened to for pleasure. That alone is enough to make an impression on my life.

I have also met many wonderful people through the community, some of whom I consider to be among my closest friends... And whom I may wish to invite to a certain event that may center around a certain person I also met because of OCR. :*>

Thank you, Dave! Geeks are happier, and the world is that much better because of your initiative.


This is a good thread.

It's OCR's fault that you guys have had to sit through my noisy artistic music these past 6 years.

I'm just glad it exists. It's a place where people know what the fuck I'm talking about [though not all the time, but that's your guys' fault too]. Also MAGFEST!!6


The most obvious effect? Well, I've got roughly a week's worth of music that, by and large, has no lyrics! (Yes, this is a good thing - lyrics generally destroy awesome music because the singer is often poorly trained, if at all) More than that, it's helped keep me sharp, dealing with some of the more, er, aggressive personalities on here.

Finally, being the relatively normal person that I am (aside from the incredible intelligence, amazing good looks, awesome sense of humour and great modesty) on an otherwise geeky-site, I like to think I might've been able to help a few folks in their IRL encounters with others. In a way, that's possibly the most rewarding part.


Without OCR I never would have seriously approached producing music, and would've just settled for being a guitarist. I wouldn't have had the drive to go for the Uni course I'm going on and probably wouldn't have chosen the career path I'm hoping to get to.

So yeah, I owe OCR a lot and I wish there was a way I could give it more in return.


Oh wow. So many ways. I've visited OCR at least once daily since around October 2002. The first mix to really make me stay here was Sunken Suite, but from there I've moved on and downloaded over 710 remixes.

The people and musicians of OCR have helped cultivate my passion for music, and without it I really don't think I would be the same person I am today. The beauty and creativity of every person haere has really inspired me to become a better person myself.

Just recently, after 6 years of listening to you all, I finally decided to play piano, and I'm currently working towards that. Even during all the frustration of being a (currently) sucky pianist, the mixers and mixes on this site continue to inspire me on a daily basis.

So... Thank you, Dave, for one of the greatest ideas in the history of the internet. Thank you, mixers, for continuing to share your music, and hence your feelings with us. Thank you, listeners, for continuing to keep this site alive.

Viva Le Pretzel!


...lyrics generally destroy awesome music because the singer is often poorly trained, if at all...

I love you so much I'm crying little crystal tears, and we should make babies together.


It has enhanced my interest for music. Looking 3 years back, I wasn't that enthustiastic about it all, but when my siblings showed me OCR, the idea to remix videogame music sounded really cool to me. And down that road it went, and I have shown much more appreciation to the audible world ever since. It's a shame I don't listen to remixes as much as I used to, but those gems I have and love is always good for a nostalgic OCR moment.

What else do I have? Oh yeah, my english has improved to a surprisingly decent level during my forum activity. It's far from flawless, but it'll do. I've also honed my sig skills and increased my Internet knowledge here thanks to the jolly bunch of videogame lovers on this site, which I also appreciate. ;-)


OCR has completely changed my life in two major ways. I'm not exaggerating. First of all, I would not be a composer/producer at all had I not stumbled on it.

You see, until my senior year of high school, I was planning on going into information technology and/or business. So rewind one year - mid to late 2003. My family got DSL and someone recommended OCR as a great place to exercise my connection and get great tunes. I checked it out, and immediately fell in love with all the incredible, diverse music, the likes of which I had never heard before. Some were from games I knew, some weren't; some of my favorites were Terra in Black, PleasantlyDanceintheClub, Fillmore Freestyle, Metalman Goes Clubbing, and Wicked Orchestra. By the end of 2003 I HAD to try it myself, and starting with Phantasy Star IV music, I did. Of course, all of the early results were crappy, I had no idea what I was doing, and I got very frustrated with myself, but I never gave up because I so desperately wanted to make cool music like all these OC ReMixers did.

Having even the basic tools to mess around was so much fun. I had played the piano for years and years prior, but using synthesizers and effects, layering sounds, using drums, and really creating music myself was something I had never experienced before. After I had settled in with my software a little bit, I took a shot at writing original music too (because hey, why not?) By the end of 2004, I had a handful of posted remixes, a bunch of original music, some indie game credits, and knew for sure that I wanted to pursue music as a career. My goal hasn't wavered since.

The second way OCR has enhanced my life is perhaps obvious... meeting Jill, of course, would not have happened if I were not involved in the community, and now, a little over two years since the 2005 NYC meetup, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

There are also a number of minor ways OCR has made my life awesome that I'd be remiss without mentioning. Like Jeremy, I've made so many great friends here, whether they're meetup regulars, site staff, or just dudes that hang out in #ocrwip or #ocremix daily; sort of like virtual roommates. ;) OCR also comprises the bulk of the audience for my original music, a huge plus, and I feel like my career as an artist would be significantly less successful without it. My critiquing skills have certainly gone through the roof thanks to the countless WIPs and submissions I've written about... BGC and I always laugh at how the vast majority of song critiques at Garageband.com don't come anywhere near the level of depth that is practically expected in this community.

Anyway, y'all get the idea. OCR rules. Thanks Dave. :)


OCReMix is arguably one of the most important forces in my life over the past 6 years. I first came into the IRC channel at a very difficult time in my life and the relationships I made in there have made me the person I am today and I'm glad to say that I maintain many of those relationships to this day. Not to mention the whole EGM ordeal =P.

Having just gotten back from MAGFest, hanging out with a bunch of friends from around the community, meeting some friends I've had since the beginning for the first time ever (Suzu, starla, DC13...) it's pretty obvious how big of a part of my life the community is. I've been friends with some of these people longer than a lot of people my age have ever had friends. Not to mention that a GOOD CHUNK of my wardrobe is arrangement community stuff (3 OCR shirts, an OCR hoodie, ThaSauce shirt, 2 Wave Theory shirts, 1 Shael Riley Shirt, and 1 Powerglove shirt).

This is all completely ignoring ThaSauce and ReMix:ThaSauce themselves. Over the past few years I've completely enveloped my life into this community through ThaSauce & R:TS to try to give back to a community that's already given me SO MUCH. I'll be supporting this place until the day I die, or the day IT dies. And that's a promise.

SIDE NOTE: As I am planning on eventually going into the game industry at some point (currently persuing a 3D Graphics degree, and probably going into Computer Science next) a lot of the relationship made on this site, networking, and projects I've been involved with, are sure to continue to have an impact well into my future as well. Anyone interested in something similar should DEFINITELY keep that in mind.


I think it'd be tough to top what everyone else has said up to this point, but I feel much the same in various ways. OCR really got me to open my eyes when it came to musical genres, listening to things outside my usual box, and gaining an appreciation for more than just what I previously tended to listen to.

It also gave me the impetus I needed to finally start meeting people I knew online in real life; before then, due to religious tendencies that had been shoved down my throat, I was wary of such a thing. Now I don't even want to think of going a year without going to some sort of con where I'll see people I know. Preferably two cons or more.

Also, that impetus to meet people is what allowed me to meet another person I know online who is not into OCR, and we clicked so well that I'm trying my damndest to figure out some way to move to California so I can hang out with her on a permanent basis (she knows of this plan, and approves). So thank you OCR, for possibly allowing me to have a girlfriend some day!


OCRemix, and especially Voices of the Lifestream, has given me faith in my skill as a musician/producer. After 3 years of studying music and everyone surpassing me in skill as an instrumentalist I'd pretty much given up on music. Then, partially because of OCR, I got myself a computer and started making music with it. Here I am now and I love it.

Thanks to OCR exposing me to great music over the years I've got a chance to expose my music to the audience I respect the most. Thanks to OCR I feel confident enough to pursue a career in the video game audio or general music industry. Thanks to OCR I've made contacts and projects that will matter when I eventually get there. Thanks to OCR I'm incredibly happy with my life and how it is progressing at the moment.

So yeah, much MUCH love. I hope that I will somehow be able to pay that back.


Thanks everyone for the fantastic replies. I was hoping that I would provoke some interesting thoughts, but I didn't expect this much. I'm glad to know that OCR has impacted other people's lives as much or, clearly more than mine. Thanks again everyone, and keep it up! I'm sure everybody would love to hear more.

So yeah, much MUCH love. I hope that I will somehow be able to pay that back.
So yeah, I owe OCR a lot and I wish there was a way I could give it more in return.

Make more mixes.

How many more mixes?


rewind one year - mid to late 2003.


Like Jeremy, I've made so many great friends here

How many of us are on these boards now? Me, him and Robson. Soule, too, if we count him. Anyone else?

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