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You can actually add a letter A to the middle of my name and come up with my handle. Typically though I use Binjovi or Binjovist for whatever games I play. It has nothing to do with Bon Jovi believe it or not, however the Bin is certainly a reference to my actual name (again).

Oh man, all this time I thought it was a reference to Ender's Game.

My name is Chad, and once in 5th grade, someone said that my Renaissance name would be Sir Chadly. I added the OC when I made a new account five years ago (for no good reason) because I was enrolling at Otterbein College, and the old name was taken. By me.

EDIT: 200th post. I suppose that means I finally need to change my sig, which somehow allowed the old forum's inside quotation brackets.


Back when I first got online (94 or so), I was involved in Sonic the Hedgehog based role-playing on AOL, and Arrow was an original character for that. It stuck; I never cared to get rid of it.

Until I registered here and saw Arrow was already taken. Curses!

I guess I'll start with mine, sometimes when playing games I get so frustrated that I make this groan, (I guess you can call it that :oops:) and my friend says I sound like a raptor or something so I just put 2 and 2 together.
Ha, I was wondering about that. "Frustration Raptor" sounds like a Metal Gear Solid codename.

Huh funny how I never noticed that...oh well.

(If I was a MGS boss would I ride a raptor or something?)

I just remembered when I was in 7th grade (right about the time 9/11 happened ), My friends and I were being stupid and making DJ names and I came up with DJ Colin Powell (I thought it sounded cool if you said it right:oops:).

So for a while I was know as DJ Colin Powell, It was my name in the Halo 3 beta too.

EDIT: I'm not a DJ, which makes the nickname even sadder. :sad:


My handle started out as Jarna, which was my first ever D&D character name. After that character died (rather quickly, I might add) I kept using Jarna for those "Enter Your Name" fields in video games. After a while, I realized that Jarna just didn't have a ring to it when shooting people up and/or destroying their Nexii online, so I added the "Mr". Sounded suave to me, in my 12-year-old mind.

The name has since stuck. Unsurprisingly, people often leave off the Mr...and rarely, they'll leave out the Jarna. Strange.

TRIVIA: Now I use Tayl for video game input screens. Comes from all the GB games with 4-letter-only naming fields.


I too have had multiple different handles which I chose depending on what I liked at the time, but those were all much simpler than my OCR handle.

Here's the story:

When I lived in Okinawa, Guilty Gear XX had JUST come out for the PS2 in Japan. My best friend and I picked it up and played it together a lot. My best friend was explaining to a 3rd person in the room that when you block special moves and still take that tiny little bit of damage, it's called "chip damage." I don't know if anyone else calls it that though. Hahaha. Then when we were playing against each other, I was using the character Chipp, and when I attacked my friend and he DIDN'T block it, that 3rd person in the room commented, "Are you doing Chipp damage now, too?" Hahaha! I thought it was kind of genius. And the reason I write CHIPP in all capital letters is because in the game, when you choose your character, that's how his name is written. Later, we decided that it would be a cool name for a video game metal band and used that name for my Guilty Gear music cover band. That was good fun. Try playing the harpsichord solos from Millia's theme on guitar. Freaking hard! ^_^


Well, when I decided to go on the world wide web it was very difficult to think of a username that summed me up in 15 characters.

I would use Furious in the games that allowed 7 characters. (pokemon, cruisin' whatever, ect.)

and would use Fure (tis my last name) [sounds like fyoor-ee or Fury] in those allowing 4 characters.

Viola! I became FuriousFure. which is awesome cause I never have to use Numbers.

It's also my Xbox live, AIM, and any other online place.

also.. very rarely I've take on the identity of FuriousNinja.


Well mine is a little weird.

I made Brithor up (or at least I thought I did) 6 years ago but in 2001, when I read Tolkien's Silmarillion, I found out that he copied me (lol) to name a river, so apparently I'm one of the seven rivers of Ossiriand... still unknown enough to not have a billion people with the same name, though. I have yet to find someone with the same user name.


My buddy and I were taking a MIDI sequencing class that used Reason 2.5. We were making patches for the "Subtractor" synthesizer, and he mentioned that it would be funny if someone took on a remixer name spelled "sinewave" but pronounced "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" (like the actual sound of a sinewave). I thought it was funny and started using it as my name for all my MIDI projects. I knocked off the last "e" when I realized that the name was already taken on most websites.


When I first joined these forums, my name was Epsilon Eyez (...I was young), but there was someone named Epsilon already. So I needed a new name.

I had a rare item in Diablo 2 called "Brimstone Gutter" and I used the clipped screenshot of the weapon's stats as my sig for a short time. My full name was "The Brimstone Gutter" but I shortened it.

I now use Brim as my main handle for games and stuff. If its taken, I'll probably use Brimstone or Brimmy.

The 5182 comes from a friend who's email address ended with that...i lost track of the guy a long time ago. Part of me still hopes he is out there so the 5182 might remind him of a guy he once knew.
That is the coolest reasoning behind chosen numbers in a 'net handle I've ever heard.
My buddy and I were taking a MIDI sequencing class that used Reason 2.5. We were making patches for the "Subtractor" synthesizer, and he mentioned that it would be funny if someone took on a remixer name spelled "sinewave" but pronounced "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" (like the actual sound of a sinewave). I thought it was funny and started using it as my name for all my MIDI projects. I knocked off the last "e" when I realized that the name was already taken on most websites.

I'm sure "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" wasn't taken. Why didn't you try that?


Attack of The Clones came out, Yoda kicked ass, and I was looking for a replacement screen name for...shudder...hypergal876. a friend of mine suggested yodaisbetterthanyou, which was too long, so it just became yodaisbetter and it stuck. I'm not even that huge of a yoda fan either.

I think OCR is probably the last site I used yodaisbetter on though...I've been using a newer screen name on everything else now, nonsensicalexis.


mines a nickname the drummer in my high school's jazz band gave me my freshman year. It sorta stuck and I use it virtually everywhere. My first name's Hershel(I am not jewish and I'm tired of everyone thinking I am) so its kinda easy to figure out.


My screen name came to me when I was active in the early, early Minibosses message boards. I wanted a unique name and somehow I thought of Godzilla, which was some guy in a rubber suit and I suck with that. Later on, some people thought it was in reference to a body condom, or bondom as I like to call it. I've done some signatures and avatars based on my name. I also had a variation of this screen name which was Absolut Rubba. I got a little tired of Guy In Rubber Suit when I was on the Nintendojo forums that I wanted a change. Absolut Rubba was decided for me and I stuck with that for a while.

I also went by skedar_grey for awhile when I was first playing Perfect Dark. I will not occasionally use metalhead_machete or jolly_metalhead, which a friend at work said I was.

For video game names I usually use my real name, though I sometimes use Odovacar, a name I looked up which means "wealthy and vigilant" and I plan on using that for a character in an RPG series I came up with. Or if not that name then some Scandinavian name from the many bands I listen to from that region.


I happen to be a big fan of the Hitchhikers Guide trilogy and thought it would be a unique (if redundant) name, although thinking on it it might seem a little arrogant.:wink:

I used CyberSkye for a while but kept weirdos asking to "cyber" which was not the intent behind the name at all. To explain the name comes from the bird friend of the main character in "Grandia 2" and cyber because I thought that the armor that he wears looked appropriate for the prefix.

Edit: Yay. Now I'm a hungry clown with no arms and a nose that people play hand ball with.


I might as well chip in on this. It all comes down from long-term support for the Crash Bandicoot series; on the first forum I found relating to the subject material I thought it would be cool to name myself after an obscure character (the one in question being used was the Eggipus Rex in Crash 3). Then people forged Rexy as a nickname from it, and it eventually stuck.

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