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I need to figure out what the heck is wrong with my internet connection. :(

My Wi-Fi seems very unhappy, though my computer (connected via a CAT-6 cable) seems to be just fine in terms of ping with a lot of online apps.

I think it's time for a new router, or all the torrenting college kids to get out of my town.

You use wireless for your Wii to connect right? Go into your wireless settings and set the channel to 1 or 11 and see if that works.


so, uh, would anyone be interested in joining a tournament?

me and a relatively small group of friends are holding a tourney on april 26th. if you live in or around anne arundel county in MD, gimme a PM and i'll let you know what's going on. most of us are pretty good...not pro or anything, but certainly good.

basic stats are 4 stock, 5 dollars an entry (a character) with a max of three entries. winner takes 80%, 2nd place gets 10%, the two thirds get 5% each.

we'd sure love to have you ;D


Playing Smash here in Misawa is fucking impossible. I can't play with any random dude because the internet (rated number one on base (Only one on base)) sucks incredibly bad, and I can't play with my friends onbase because we all have the same IP.

Looks like I'm gonna hafta go outside and actually travel to my friends house to play. This sucks!! >_<

You use wireless for your Wii to connect right? Go into your wireless settings and set the channel to 1 or 11 and see if that works.

I've already changed the radio channel to both 1 and 11 (I think I settled on 1 as it gave a stronger signal to the Wii, but I've been having the problem on both channels). I can connect to WFC in 5-12 ticks (I assume they're seconds, where the WFC connect thing goes from left to right), but when I play against most opponents I lag really bad. It wasn't a problem a few weeks back, but I live in a college town and the ISPs available aren't really that great to begin with. I have a feeling that it's my router, as my girlfriend has been having trouble connecting to the wireless network for the past week or so.

Since my computer is connected via a cat-6 cable, any bandwidth tests I run from my computer are pretty useless if I'm trying to test the wireless. I'll have to use my girlfriend's computer tonight or tomorrow and see if we get a big discrepancy in down and up speeds, and if that's the case we'll probably have to get a new router. Otherwise, it might be that the router's firewall doesn't like Brawl (the Wii is properly detected via the DHCP, though), and so I might try putting it in the DMZ for a bit to see if that helps. Other than those few ideas, I'm completely dry.

EDIT: I might add that my router is about 4 feet away from my Wii (and not on the other side of any walls), so it's incredibly close. If the router is transmitting a signal at all, the Wii would be able to pick it up.


he was a whiner


i assume his head exploded after that

if you can't deal with spam, you should lose


Man, I wish Nintendy would work on the lag. I pretty much lost both my matches because I didn't know how to deal with the lag (Critical Hit and Hengde). I guess I should have practiced online more often.


I thought it was hilarious. GJ Atmuh.

Lag actually during a match has little to do with nintendo now. Maybe they could have written a better code for it before release, I don't know. But actual online matches are completely between two people and there is nothing that nintendo is doing that's making it slow. It's usually either distance between you and other person on the internet(it just takes too much time for the data to travel to them) or it has to do with the conenction actually in your home(like too much upload speed is being used as you're sharing your connection with family members while you're trying to play, or there is some sort of interference with the wireless signal). If it makes you feel any better, I've also got a red connection w/ Critical Hit and found it hard to play, so it might not be you.


I'm certainly not going to blame my horrible tourny losses to it, but during "Against Friends" matches, my left shoulder button (aka air dodge/sheild) was really unresponsive, compared to offline and even "Against Everyone".

Weird, since there wasn't even any other lag during those matches

I thought it was hilarious. GJ Atmuh.

Lag actually during a match has little to do with nintendo now. Maybe they could have written a better code for it before release, I don't know. But actual online matches are completely between two people and there is nothing that nintendo is doing that's making it slow. It's usually either distance between you and other person on the internet(it just takes too much time for the data to travel to them) or it has to do with the conenction actually in your home(like too much upload speed is being used as you're sharing your connection with family members while you're trying to play, or there is some sort of interference with the wireless signal). If it makes you feel any better, I've also got a red connection w/ Critical Hit and found it hard to play, so it might not be you.


Ever networked 2 Wiis on the same LAN? Ping gives 2-3ms TOPS of network overhead lag between them.

Now, play Brawl on those LAN'd Wiis. You'll have about 1/5 of a second, aka 200ms of lag. I've done it, and verified this. My wii was even using a LAN adapter, so no wireless latency either.

A lot of online game server admins KICK OUT people with 200ms lag because they lag too much. It's the MINIMUM lag you can have in Brawl.

Nintendo fucked up big time. I've played other games (Counterstrike, for example) against people half a world away and still at ~30ms lag. 200ms on a LAN is unacceptable.


<3 mister drack he knows his stuff

and yeah the chatlog in question is http://shapoops.googlepages.com/rofloflofl.txt

also in other news i went to my first ever real hardcore tournament today and it was pretty crazy

57 people and most of them were reeeeeeeally good

i actually ran the singles bracket since i was the only one with a laptop so here are the results up to when i left (as soon as i get the last few matches ill complete this)









9: Basic Sausage


9: Snake


13: Solid Jake

13: Marland

13: NinjaLink

13: Mask

17: Wes

17: Atmuh

17: Joker

17: Ron

17: Luck

17: Casss

17: Vanz

17: D1

25: PHD

25: Shin

25: Ritz

25: First2Bomb

25: Artise

25: Jumpman

25: Scarlet Disaster

25: Chu-2

33: Raffy

33: Royal Lance

33: Ace

33: Slave

33: Unknown

33: THX

33: Syn

33: GAME

33: BGuy

33: ROFL

33: Donovan

33: Taka

33: Comp

33: Golo

33: X

33: 4EYEZ

49: Mexx

49: DIK

49: Kris

49: Spazz

49: Shadow

49: Dial

49: Pip

49: Swink

49: Migo

for my first tournament ever i was extremely satisfied with how i did

also i saw pretty much the best dk ever i was like :o

he probably won he won the winner bracket

oh yeah after that i dont know how much online ill be playing because it seriously sucks balls compared to todays stuff


I keep telling people that DK got better in Brawl, but all the scrubs just keep whining about how aweful he is cause "zOMG NO PROJECTILE," etc.

Good to see you kicked some ass, Atma old bean.


I never saw the match that was in question, but high level brawl is a camp and spam fest, and if you swear that you're not doing it, then you will 99% of the time lose to someone who knows how to do it well. Defense is overpowered in Brawl.

Also, the cap between noob and pro is vastly smaller than in melee as of right now. It's really not a very skill intensive game. That melef guy was right, alot of people who had the technical skill and mindgames to win in melee cannot win anywhere near that consistently in brawl. There is no defining thing to make any person really THAT much better.

In brawl, when you're playing other people, unless you camp, you really can only win fairly consistently as far as I can see. It's too easy to punish people who attack you, simple as that.

I'm not saying it's not a fun game or anything, but it's not built for truly competitive play. Niether was melee really, but people found shit to abuse and it became a highly competitive game because the amount of technical skill and mental games that were needed to win at a high level. Maybe if they find some shit like that in Brawl it will break the game too, but until that happens I'll be content just fucking around in brawl.


I agree with Drack. I have no other issues with lag in another game, even Wii. There is no excuse for it to lag that much. Its almost like Nintendo and/or Sakauri decided to use kaillera or something to connect people instead of using actual servers. Its real disappointing.

I noticed that too, not being able to shield in online matches. Of course the big problem is that I suicided 5 times in my two tourney matches, because the up b had to be pushed at the exact time you weren't lagging or else it wouldn't work.


Also, the cap between noob and pro is vastly smaller than in melee as of right now. It's really not a very skill intensive game. That melef guy was right, alot of people who had the technical skill and mindgames to win in melee cannot win anywhere near that consistently in brawl. There is no defining thing to make any person really THAT much better.

The game is only what? A month and a bit out in America? Wouldn't that make everyone still a bit on the noobish end of things? I mean, I don't expect that the current play style right now is going to stay the definitive way for the whole games lifespan, it needs a bit more time to mature doesn't it?

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