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So, crouching and walking at the same time (i.e. crawling) is still in the game, right? Is it actually useful for anything? What do Samus, Kirby, Metaknight, Dedede, and ROB look like when they crawl??

not everyone can crawl

those cant

i dont remember exactly who can

so far crawling has been useless

also i always forget any new things such as crawling and jumping off peoples heads when playing because i am not used to them existing


So the new Dojo update is about Sakurai making a big, huge excuse over why Nintendo never does voices in their games? Talk about copout. A written, explained copout. They have anime voice actors doing their games. It's not hard to ask for a little line or two.


the lack of any kind of text/voice in subspace is kind of a downer ill admit

also this whole taunt to switch samus thing is either extremely difficult or im retarded

online play update

i played against someone who had a BLUE connection and there was a half second of lag for EVERYTHING

i am starting to get worried

So the new Dojo update is about Sakurai making a big, huge excuse over why Nintendo never does voices in their games? Talk about copout. A written, explained copout. They have anime voice actors doing their games. It's not hard to ask for a little line or two.

i'm not sure it's because it's too hard to do

So the new Dojo update is about Sakurai making a big, huge excuse over why Nintendo never does voices in their games? Talk about copout. A written, explained copout. They have anime voice actors doing their games. It's not hard to ask for a little line or two.

I would rather have them not speak at all than do what they did with Sonic games and make him a gibbering idiot who is annoying to listen to.


online play update

i played against someone who had a BLUE connection and there was a half second of lag for EVERYTHING

i am starting to get worried

I'd imagine they'll have a US side server when the game is actually officially released in the States.

I would rather have them not speak at all than do what they did with Sonic games and make him a gibbering idiot who is annoying to listen to.

I agree, but like I said, they have a ton of high quality anime voice actors doing the little roles so it's not going to be a problem (unless they dub it English..) Even with English voice overs, it's getting better nowadays. Unless Nintendo magically can't do it at all. At least voicing is not a concern like it is for Zelda nowadays since that game can get a bit text heavy. It's about time some of their games have this magical thing called a 'voice'.

I wouldn't have cared a bit for that in SSBB if Sakurai wasn't trying to explain out of that one.


I kind of read it as diarrhea of the mouth. Smash Dojo has been more of a blog than anything, so I'm used to Sakurai just saying whatever's on his mind.

I've played Starfox 64 enough to know that I would miss silent protagonists once they were gone.

I agree, but like I said, they have a ton of high quality anime voice actors doing the little roles so it's not going to be a problem (unless they dub it English..) Even with English voice overs, it's getting better nowadays. Unless Nintendo magically can't do it at all. At least voicing is not a concern like it is for Zelda nowadays since that game can get a bit text heavy. It's about time some of their games have this magical thing called a 'voice'.

I wouldn't have cared a bit for that in SSBB if Sakurai wasn't trying to explain out of that one.

Well, Metroid Prime 3's voiceover work was pretty good, and you're right that voice acting quality has gone up significantly over the years. However, I think Nintendo's logic is that they probably don't like giving "voices" to some of their iconic characters. While a few of them, such as Fox, have already had voices, I think they don't want to further draw attention to the fact that characters like Samus have really never said anything. This would be conflictual in nature; to have Fox talk and Samus not, especially considering even Retro Studios stepped away from the idea in MP3. Some characters, like Samus, could stand to lose more than they gain with a voice.

In a bit of abstractness, I think everyone being nearly silent allows for people to interpret the characters' interaction on a deeper level. Moreover, it could serve to make the plot more interesting because depending on its execution, some people may look at it in different ways.

Now, that's just one way of looking at it. I can't claim to really know what Nintendo is thinking. And you're absolutely correct about voice actors being available and them being of respectable quality. As well, I also agree that voice overs are the way of the present and future. However, truthfully, for Brawl, I don't know if such an idea would work without a great deal of time and money. The other factors are whether it's cost effective and whether it sells or spoils the brands involved over the long term.

That being said, *good* voicework would be excellent for Brawl, but I'm not opposed to the silent treatment either.


I honestly think that having no dialog was the better design choice to make, I haven't played the game or anything but with the videos

I've seen I think the story is stronger and flows well because there are no voices, just looks, and gestures. I think having spoken dialog would bog down and disrupt the story in a bad way.

Maybe there's text, but it seems like it would be unnecessary beyond narration, and be disruptive in it's own way if theres more of it.

Also, what would this mishmash of characters have to say to each other? Probably not a whole lot Doesn't seem there would be much that isn't already easily conveyed through actions.

I'd imagine they'll have a US side server when the game is actually officially released in the States.

i dont think wfc has separate servers for each game i think its just wfc servers i hope im wrong thoug


Incorrect, Triad. Technically speaking, Samus has talked. For reference I give you the opening from Super Metroid. Every word is placed as if Samus were speaking to the player or recording to her log book.


I actually think Nintendo's technique of not giving main characters voices, and generally not doing a significant amount of character development, is a deliberate and very effective technique; it allows the players to give the characters whatever personalities they see fit to.

It's like reading a book as opposed to watching a movie; in a book (or a game) we can give the characters whatever voice we dream up for them, but when we actually hear their voices, it's almost always a disappointment.

I'm glad Nintendo doesn't make extensive use of voice acting.

I actually think Nintendo's technique of not giving main characters voices...is a deliberate and very effective technique; it allows the players to give the characters whatever personalities they see fit to.

Actually, Miyamoto has said that with regard to the Zelda series. The reason for so little development of Link's character is that he wants the player's personality to embody the Link character. I don't have a source with me, but I'd imagine that it came from this book.


I don't think the characters were given no dialogue in this because they wanted the players to associate with them more, I think it was just because they wanted to keep it simple.

Incorrect, Triad. Technically speaking, Samus has talked. For reference I give you the opening from Super Metroid. Every word is placed as if Samus were speaking to the player or recording to her log book.

That's if you want to get really technical. I never really asscoiated that voice with Samus, so much as just someone trying to show off with voice technology in a period where such a thing was novel.

But seriously, to be more correct: Samus has had no *significant* voiceover part in any Metroid game.

Though if Zero Suit Samus actually talks during her taunts, the question of why the lack of dialogue changes. Clearly then, in my opinion, the answer's already been given: to keep it simple, and to give the player's imagination more room to expand on the simplicity.

Actually, Miyamoto has said that with regard to the Zelda series. The reason for so little development of Link's character is that he wants the player's personality to embody the Link character. I don't have a source with me, but I'd imagine that it came from this book.

I don't mind Link staying a silent protagonist, but I think lots of us who played Twilight Princess believed that voice acting was the final piece missing from our first "realistic" Zelda game.

That's if you want to get really technical. I never really asscoiated that voice with Samus, so much as just someone trying to show off with voice technology in a period where such a thing was novel.

Are you talking about "The last metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace"? Haha, I didn't think that was Samus either, just a nondescript narrator voice (and a male voice at that). But back in the day, text = speech, which means Samus does "talk" quite a bit in Super Metroid's intro. And let's not forget Metroid Fusion.

All along I just assumed the lack of voice acting in Subspace Emissary was so they didn't have to record the voices, animate the mouths, and time the dialog to fit with the action and music for MULTIPLE LANGUAGES. I mean, adding voices to the cutscenes would have used a horrible amount of resources, if they were to do it right.

Also it would have been totally weird if Fox, instead of gesturing to Diddy to follow him, says "I've had a lot of bad experiences with monkeys, but... come with me if you want to live!!" To which Diddy replies "How do you know my language?!! Aren't you supposed to be in the future or something? And what was that big lizard?" "It's a Pokemon, I don't have time to explain-" "What's Pokemon?" "It's a massive cash-grabbing franchise that- I said I don't have time to explain!!"

also this whole taunt to switch samus thing is either extremely difficult or im retarded

I think it's a hoax so everyone who owns Brawl wears down the taunt buttons on their controllers JUST A LITTLE, and the worldwide profit on Gamecube controller sales goes up a couple grand. Either that or it only works if you start as ZSS, and you have to do the taunt thing REALLY fast. But seriously, it can't be that much harder than wave-dashing or ass-banging, can it?


Well I was putting off pre-ordering Smash Bros Brawl because I figured there'd be enough but the attention it has gotten has been more than I expected so I went to GameStop and pre-ordered it. According to the guy working there, over 200 people have pre-ordered the game just in that store, and there's like 4 other Gamestop stores nearby. I'm glad I reserved it. :D


Well well well Arek. I leave for a few... months and what do you do with your time? You backstab me and destroy the largest thread ever. That's how you roll huh? Well don't worry. I will have vengance.

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