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But yeah, looks like I might not have much to say after all now. Now the Dojo's gonna spoil everything too! Looks like today's my last day for my daily after school pick-me-up! Major bummer. Avoiding spoilers is so HARD!!!

As I said... As everybody suspected...

But because we are sure to be spoiled in any ways (internet, friends, people in stores...), I prefer be spoiled now by myself, "discovering" like you guys (including my 'absolute' good friend) news that I'm myself looking for.

Otherwise, people won't build the stages we want to do.

People can't show us all the events except if we REALLY want to know them. Same for all the AT, stickers or other things like that.

So let be spoiled now by knowing who are the characters and the stages, so we can stay on the net quietly.

And I want to play !!!! :lmassoff:

(and it wasn't politics uh, so please don't vote for me xD)


Wow just saw the whole roster today. Although I was expecting more unexpected characters I think it's a pretty neat list and a big number. So yeah, I couldn't hold myself not to see them XD. But believe me if you don't want smash bros brawl spoilers you better unplug yourself from the internet until release cuz they just started popping out and soon they will be all over the place.


i REFUSE to believe the picture floating around is the true roster :evil:. when i saw it i was so dissapointed. i pray to god so hard that it's some cruel joke. but if it indeed does turn out to be true i might as well just stick with smash brothers melee, cause that would mean this game is nothing but hype :-?

i REFUSE to believe the picture floating around is the true roster :evil:. when i saw it i was so dissapointed. i pray to god so hard that it's some cruel joke. but if it indeed does turn out to be true i might as well just stick with smash brothers melee, cause that would mean this game is nothing but hype :-?

Even if the roster is not something you like are you forgetting this game has a ton of modes that melee doesn't? Just that is a good enough reason to buy it and the online gaming is a plus as well. Anyway what don't you like about the roster? The ones in it or the ones that you wish were in it but aren't?


The only two I see as really unnecessary are Falco and Wolf, but I can live with them. Woulda been nice to have another female character in the cast, though. Midna, Bubbles, Jill, Dark Samus, Lip, etc etc etc...

But yeah, still a pretty rockin' list.


truth is i thought it would be a little more...varied :-| most of those new guys are clones. and my anger comes from jonny 5 over there (rob) that is the silliest char i've ever seen (bad enough he was in mario cart ds) i think they're taking that idiot too far. just seems like they could have done more is all. like krystal or midna. it just seems like (as others have put it) wasted potential a little. but on a better note i saw the gameplay footage and my dissapointment is fading cause the fighting looks furious :mrgreen:. in fact i am really amped about it (so much that i was thinking on getting a japanese copy and modding my wii...) sorry for being a downer, i've got the cold of the century and school sucks right now...:???:

truth is i thought it would be a little more...varied :-| most of those new guys are clones. and my anger comes from jonny 5 over there (rob) that is the silliest char i've ever seen (bad enough he was in mario cart ds) i think they're taking that idiot too far.

You realize he goes way back to 1984/1985 right? Though short-lived he became a very popular Nintendo figure. I'm actually glad to see him in there. Reminds me of my childhood. :D


Can't please everyone I guess. But the new characters (16 of them, 2 more than were added in Melee and only 1 of which is a clone, compared to 6 in Melee) really do cover the gamut. It's pretty hard to be a video game fan and not be (extremely) excited about at least a few of the characters.

ROB is basically the Brawl equivalent of Game & Watch. Just a throwback to classic Nintendo.

i REFUSE to believe the picture floating around is the true roster :evil:. when i saw it i was so dissapointed. i pray to god so hard that it's some cruel joke. but if it indeed does turn out to be true i might as well just stick with smash brothers melee, cause that would mean this game is nothing but hype :-?

I too will be horribly disappointed. I'm really hoping for Ridley, K. Rool and Mega Man. Not getting any of those would blow. I'm telling you, the roster is this close to perfection. All I need are those 3.

I too will be horribly disappointed. I'm really hoping for Ridley, K. Rool and Mega Man. Not getting any of those would blow. I'm telling you, the roster is this close to perfection. All I need are those 3.

Well...Ridley's a boss, which is pretty much what I expected of the character. His model definitely doesn't look like it's suited as a playable character... though it's pretty badass.

I'm kinda expecting K. Rool as a boss.


What clones? From videos Wolf plays nothing like Fox, only their final smash and the fact the shoot weapons are similiar. Ganon looks like he has different moves too. I haven't seen any footage on Falco though.


i mean he's a grey version of fox (it doesn't matter how he plays he looks very similar) my dissapointment is with the secret chars. i love the starting roster, it has so many different chars. but when i saw the secret roster, most of them are the same as melee. i just thought there would be some different ones. to me more of those chars should be new to smash brothers rather then vets. i don't doubt that this game will kick ass, i'm just saying the lack of variety with the secret chars is dissapointing. and i thought they said there would be like 40+ chars or something


Yeah, I was expecting more characters as well. I'm not complaining, and the amount of material being thrown in here is tremendous, but I guess the Dojo site revealed all of the best characters before the game came out. Oh well... Honestly, the game's soundtrack is one of its biggest selling points for me. I love arrangements of classic Nintendo music, and from what I've heard, they knocked the Ocaring of Time overworld theme out of the park in this soundtrack, so I'm happy.


There ARE 40 characters. Samus and Zelda are two in one, and Pokemon trainer is 3 in one. That's up from 26. And they dropped some. And they have to balance and refine each and every one. There are only 3 clones (Toon Link, Ganondorf, probably Falco).

How anyone can look at this roster and not be satisfied is baffling. Did you really expect them to include Megaman? Yeah I guess it would have been cool, but so would have a zillion other characters. He's third party...you really can't set your hopes that high.

Did you really expect them to include Megaman? Yeah I guess it would have been cool, but so would have a zillion other characters. He's third party...you really can't set your hopes that high.

Um, Snake and Sonic say hi? Perhaps you just forgot them...

Um, Snake and Sonic say hi? Perhaps you just forgot them...

I wasn't saying there were no third party characters. I meant it's stupid to actually expect a given third party character to be included. You can hope and pray for it all you want, but don't act shocked and dismayed when the character you want isn't included when there was never much of a chance of it happening anyway.

As Dhsu said, Snake and Sonic are special cases.

i mean he's a grey version of fox (it doesn't matter how he plays he looks very similar)

Because asthetics have always been more important than gameplay. -_-'

That may not have been what you intended to say, but I just found that quote...interesting.

Anyway, spoiler tags cuz some people actually seem to think they can avoid these details for a month:


Falco seems to be a Fox clone, no doubt. But Wolf actually seems to play quite differently. There are some similarities, sure, but he's much less a clone than Falco. It's more like Marth & Ike.

Toon Link appears to be Young Link all over again. I like the super down stab though. Plus, his arrows & boomerang act alot differently.

Ganondorf has many drastic animation changes, but he's still mostly the same. These changes are seemingly there simply to disguise his clone status. This is quite frustrating; there's no justification for Ganon remaining a Falcon clone.

Lucario looks epic. No doubt I'll try to main him when he's unlocked. He has a couple similarities to Mewtwo, but it's only a couple; Lucario plays completely different overall. I love his vB atk, which appears to be Me First.


Is it just me, or does Sonic seem...dull? It's just jump & spin. Maybe he'll be better when I actually use him myself, but right now, he just seems boring. I still prefer the idea I had of him using the elemental shields from S3K.

(And, yes, I realize that all Sonic really does in alot of his games is jump & spin. He still seems dull to me.)

And, finally, I know it's been said, but the music is freakin' EPIC. I'd buy this game just for the sound test. I can't wait to hear all of the tracks.

C'mon, March. It's too far away! :banghead:


It's Yoshi vs Game&Watch (who does his Final Smash) at the scrolling DK stage, quite an entertaining match (especially at the end!). It looks MUCH better than the Melee Ice Climbers stage, and you can hear some faint DKC music in the background.


Holy crap R.O.B. is awesome!!



Wow, the Dojo has Spoiler alerts now!


Hah, the stage builder looks great, but I wonder if it'll be as fun as it looks:


"Nothing can be as fun as that looks..."

(Except the one human player in that video looked like he wasn't trying too hard... but maybe the computers were have fun ^_^)

Ok I'm done now.

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