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  • 1 year later...

This mix is one of the most powerful mixes on this site. AmIEvil was always ahead of the curve - I feel like the quality of all the works I've heard go head to head with some of the latest mixes, and like djp has mentioned, they really have a powerful cinematic vibe about them. When I close my eyes, his music plays a movie in my head that he wants me to see.

The beauty of this track is in it's simplicity, conjuring up images of a lonely wanderer, journeying away from home, already missing all that and those he holds dear, facing the prospect of never seeing anyone again, of dying alone, of becoming one insignificant tragedy that no one will care to remember... he turns his head around, now facing the camera, eyes emptily searching for any last chance of redemption - the screen cuts to a view of the city from his perspective: happy, content, alive, together, mothers and fathers wrapped up in warm blankets with their children bundled up, enjoying warm cups of hot cocoa, all gathered 'round the open fire, ..but distant; then cutting again to the lonely wanderer - before giving up, dropping his head onto his chest, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets... slowly and solemnly walking away and becoming part of the distance, part of the ice, the snow-covered trees, the ephemeral purple-whispered black night sky...

At least that's what I get. I never played FFVI so there are no memories or sentiments attached to this song for me.

  • 4 weeks later...

This is one of the most visually evocative pieces on OCReMix. I can see the gently swirling snow under the grey sky. I can see the dead lying in pools of blood staining the perfect white, their shattered armor glinting dimly in the hazy, pale sun. I can see the dying clinging to their last frozen breaths, while the living crouch to hear their last words or give them the mercy stroke. I can see the victors standing solemnly, unable to celebrate the victory that came at such a high cost. I can hear the grim, metallic reality of the section that begins at 2:22. I can feel the hope (around 3:12) that comes from such devastation--the promise of better future that tragically had to be borne of fighting. I can hear the hope in the hearts of the victors that perhaps they will never have to give birth to such a future in this way again--that maybe next time, instead of a place stained with blood and broken with shattered metal, there will be merely a beautiful, undisturbed snowfield.

  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

This is a pretty incredible song for me - I've never played Final Fantasy VI, and yet I get a nostalgic feel from this song all the same. I think that I've listened to this mix so many times (it was one of the first that I discovered on the site) that it's become nostalgic in its own respect. I can't say that for very many remixes here.

It's so simple, but the instrument samples are great and the arrangement is pure and heartfelt, it feels exactly like the remix title implies; sorrowful, somber, and cold - the pining song sung by a hero's heart as he witnesses a comrade fall in the midst of a wintry battlefield, pensive and mellow, yet transcendantly powerful at the same time.

I'm rambling here, but I think this is one of the most emotive remixes on the site, and to me, it conveys exactly what the title leads you to expect. I've never played the game this song is from, so I don't know the context it's used in, but this piece practically creates its own context simply through the music and title.

Beautiful stuff.

  • 4 months later...

It sounds like an old record player that starts things off. The way the piano plays two notes ad infinitum makes it feel lost and helpless, or perhaps waiting for something to happen. Occasional booms and choir swells contrast as the deadliest and gentlest players in the mix. 1:03 and 1:53 are the only moments the acoustic guitar adds flair to its playthrough of Terra's theme, while a new synth at 1:32 acts as an interpretive countermelody.

2:22+ employs a glittery lead synth and clappy percussion to empower Opening Theme part 3, and the piano sounds free to venture into new territory instead of feeling stuck. Some swirly effects and a quote of bells (2:56) are also thrown into the pot for flavor. In the end, as if to make up for its by-the-book iteration, the guitar wraps up with an off-tempo freestyle bit before handing the last note to the piano.

Technicalities aside, this is some poetic stuff.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

the tune Terra's theme from FFVI has alway been my fav

i like this remix it stick to the Original tune but give it alil kick

this song make me remember first time playing FF6

it like felling in love with this song all over again

10/10 really great piece

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Today it really snowed for the first time this winter, and the first thing I thought about this morning when I saw it, was to search this melody on my player and play it when I started to walk to work. If only my surroundings would have been more quiet, it would have been more fitting

  • 9 months later...

Talk about a remix that has aged well. Still one of the best of the FFVI remixes, and probably one of my favorites on the site. Captures the snowfield and the atmosphere of that game perfectly. WTB a grown-up remake, with this track in it, please.


  • 3 years later...

Great sfx to compliment the piano in this mix. Where I am, there's remnants of fall and the weather is gray and gloomy. This mix feels like isolation. Don't really feel like talking about technicalities much, just gonna say this has a great atmosphere and is an awesome remix.

  • 4 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00205 - Final Fantasy VI "Death on the Snowfield"
  • 3 months later...

Wow. This is a gem, that's for sure. Such a somber and solemn atmosphere, I can almost feel the cold wintery winds off this ReMix. It's beautiful and haunting, definitely one of AmIEvil's best rearrangements. Fantastic.

  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

A track included in my OC ReMix Favorites playlist.

The beginning of this mix always gets me. It's nothing complicated, just simple piano with some ambient effects added in, but it's continued to send shivers down my spine after all these years. I don't know if this is the "saddest" version of Terra's theme on the site, but it elicits that feeling for me more than any other. The change at 2:24 makes the track a bit creepier, one that used to remind me of Batman Returns but now evokes the Bastion soundtrack, in my mind. 

This track easily captures the death on snowfield atmosphere the title talks about and, for my money, is one of AmIEvil's most evocative tracks.

Edited by duskvstweak
  • 3 months later...

I find the opening sfx to be one of the most defining elements to this gem. The quiet yet consistent cadence of snow under foot matches the titular theme, as if one's heart is being crushed with the gentle drone of the piano washing over tender emotions. Even with the intensity of the second movement of the piece, the gentle sorrow that slows one's breath endures. It's not everyday that you find a song that so evocatively tells the story it is named for, a progression from sorrow, to deep grief, only to flash a flicker of light before being consigned to the cold. I must thank AmIEvil for this mix and it's emotional clout, still felt today.

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