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I think we've generated a nice spiff, but I'd really like everyone to get in a long-term perspective. We're still far short of that goal. The idea here (for me anyway) is to have the kind of rally that will not simply serve as a catch-net when OCR is falling short for a month or two, but to instead build the kind of fund that will help Dave be able to do stuff like make more free copies of albums and make more cool OCR stuff (thongs, mugs, and wristwatches! ...maybe :tomatoface:) and add new features, and so on and so on.

A small head's-up--of the nearly 1000 that have been on the site since April 1, only ~5% have contributed. Many people who have viewed this thread have not (I seeeee you...). And while I think we're off to a great start, I still know we can do better.

In short, the direct answer is, "Not enough. Keep donating!"


$300 for a month to run the site? I thought it would be much higher. :shock: Not bad at all. Will be donating $10 (let me see if I can do more *fumbles through checkbook*). Long-time lurker/downloader, first time forum user. Lest I blabber on and seek glory, I'll just say that a donation will be done. Thanks for everything, djp. May there many more years to come.

$300 a month is strictly for bandwidth. There's also...

  • Manufacturing fees for promotional items like Voices of the Lifestream.
  • Printing fees for shirts, hoodies, and any other OCR merchandise. To my knowledge, we haven't broken even on the latest run of shirts, or if we have we certainly haven't made much of a profit.
  • Stamps and all other costs associated with a trip to the post office or FedEx, which comes up regularly as a result of promotional mailings

There are certainly more items on the list, but you get the idea. The more money the site has above the cost of bandwidth, the more flexibility we have to expand and do all sorts of cool stuff.


I don't like the idea of donating money to a website for simply being there (even one as awesome as this)... or of where this could be going, if DJP was a corrupted person (pay to have your remix bypass the judging queue, pay more to have your shitty remix bypass the judging process entirely, pay lots to be on the judges panel). However, the situation is apparently serious, and to help prevent the above described nightmare, or one where DJP has to pay for running the site out of his own pocket, I will buy something from you.

Could I get the exact measurements of the medium sized t-shirt from someone who has one? Width + height? First wash shrink ratio?

Heh bumperstickers. I suppose I could put them on my bicycle.

If only international shipping was cheaper... but with the dollar being what it is, it's not really a problem.

I don't like the idea of donating money to a website for simply being there (even one as awesome as this)... or of where this could be going, if DJP was a corrupted person (pay to have your remix bypass the judging queue, pay more to have your shitty remix bypass the judging process entirely, pay lots to be on the judges panel).

If you're paranoid though, don't donate. I'll still NO your mixes if you donate a billion dollars though. :lol:

I don't like the idea of donating money to a website for simply being there (even one as awesome as this)... or of where this could be going,

noted. that being said, the website is not "simply here". you've spent lots of time on it, and downloaded the content from it. if you really have that much of a problem with donating, please default back to my original post where i said

"If you're not going to contribute, simply do not post, because I do not want to hear why."

I don't think your comment was meant to derail, but you come close enough.

That being said, your support (even if merely in the form of purchasing stickers) is indeed appreciated. So thanks for that.

...or of where this could be going, if DJP was a corrupted person (pay to have your remix bypass the judging queue, pay more to have your shitty remix bypass the judging process entirely, pay lots to be on the judges panel).

I don't want to derail this thread, but I feel like I have to respond to this.

I take great offense at the insinuation that anyone on the site would ever allow something like you described to happen. I'm very disappointed that you'd even hint at any kind of dishonesty or lack of integrity on our part, especially considering how closely you've worked with various staff members on the mascot project. You should know better, dude. :|

If you're paranoid though, don't donate. I'll still NO your mixes if you donate a billion dollars though. :lol:

No, you misunderstand me. I'm paranoid enough to help, not the other way around. Would you NO my mixes if they were good, too? :wink:

you've spent lots of time on it

Correct... and where has it gotten me? Heh...

That being said, your support (even if merely in the form of purchasing stickers) is indeed appreciated. So thanks for that.

I'm going to get something more than just bumper stickers, I promise. In the future, when I'm rich (yeah, right), a European download mirror might be nice...

I'm very disappointed that you'd even hint at any kind of dishonesty or lack of integrity on our part, especially considering how closely you've worked with various staff members on the mascot project. You should know better, dude. :|

I'm sorry it didn't come out as the obvious joke it was meant to be. I should probably keep my sense of humor to myself... or slap smileys around every joke I make in case someone doesn't get it.

Really, guys, you do a great job, all of you. I'm sorry if I made anyone upset, it's not what I wanted. I was about as serious about a corrupted OCR as I am about that story for an OCR-tan game to actually happen. It's just... if I donate (which feels sort of wrong to begin with), I think the site and all the hard work put into it deserves a lot more than $5-$10. But if I pay more, i'll look like a suck-up. Again, to clarify, I will help out... somehow.

Man, I donated, but you're almost coming off as pretty militant here.

fair enough, but it's like this. if you're going to give money to a charity, you don't hand them the check and say "you know, i don't have to give this to you. how do i know you're not going to do something shady with it? oh well, i guess i'll just use it for a tax write-off".

just saying that's the wrong reason to donate to a cause. like larry said, if you don't want to, then dont. i'm just asking that if you have any qualms, i'd rather not hear them. i'm not going to harsh on the people who choose not to donate, but i do ask that they show respect for the rest of the folks who ARE.


also, i'm not implying that dafydd meant to be disrespectful. i was just explaining my viewpoint. the important thing is that he did contribute, and once again, i am in fact thankful for his contribution.


I'm using them!

Anyway, I have to support OCR because of the contributions that this site has provided me, aside from the great music and forums. It has introduced me to my best friend and to a community of people who have been nothing less than supportive over the years. Plus, the Silent Hill discussion thread would never be where it is without the support of OCR and it's visitors.

After considering these contributions, I still feel like I owe more to the site and its community. Expect to see another contribution later this month!


There's a coin in my signature. That means I'm either a terrible person, OR I just donated a couple Lincolns to the cause.

It's overdue of course... the last time I supported the site was when I bought a shirt in '04. Glad I could offer a little something though.


Jim asked me to contribute 3 kangaroos to OCR. I argued that Kangaroos aren't worth the trouble, and suggested 3 koalas instead. He agreed, but bartered me up to 2 koalas and a dingo.

The going rate of exchange for a koala is $10 US, and the exchange for a dingo is $5 US. Therefore I will donate $25 US to the site.

May the $5 feed on your baby.


I like to think of it this way:

Think of how much a lot of people spend on their music.

Think how many songs there are on OCR.

Think how much money you are saving.


I think the odd few $ is a pittance compared to the amount of money saved. Especially when you think about the quality. :)

My donation will come once I get some money in my bank account. I've kinda been hit with a few bills etc of late, otherwise I'd have already donated :)

It IS coming tho :<


I just checked my paypal, and I actually have some money left! It might not be much for now, but there will be more coming. Just need my work to pay me :)


Paypal finally cleared, enjoy the $50 :) Was for a more than worthy cause.

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