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I looked around and didn't see a thread dedicated to this game, so I thought I'd start one up. My real motivation, however, is to link you guys to this: http://ds.ign.com/articles/881/881253p1.html

I learned a lot from that article. FFIV DS is a 'lost gem' of SquareEnix, and besides the GBA version, the game has never hit US shores. See, Final Fantasy II for SNES was not Final Fantasy IV. I'm not sure what it was, but clearly it couldn't have been. Also, we imagined Final Fantasy Chronicles. That didn't happen.

Honestly, it's sad that Wikipedia's entry for Final Fantasy IV is more accurate than IGN's article about it. Some mistakes would be acceptable, and the rest of the article is pretty positive about the DS version, but Bozon obviously didn't care or didn't do his research on this one.

Haha, oh wow.

FFIV is not a lost gem. There are no true lost gems of FF any longer, now that 5 and 3 have made their way to the US.

FFIV = FF2. Yes, our FF2. You seem backwards.

lol @ backwards. Yes, our version was watered-down and had some of the story changed, but the FF2 we got is more or less the same game.

Edit: Almost forgot to mention that it was retranslated and released in Final Fantasy Chronicles, soooo I don't know what he's smoking.


Eh. Four is the only one of the "Advanced" ported ones that I wasn't able to finish. Hell, I beat the actual FF2 and I couldn't bring myself to plow through FF4. I know a lot of people are nostalgia whores about it, but I just couldn't stand how story-heavy it was.

That, and it was a pretty shitty port, with lots of slowdown and generally crappy graphics. Maybe I'll actually get myself to finish this one, since they're using more of the original script in it. Also I'd like to encourage SE to make more of these, like 5 and 6...


You know, I love the Final Fantasy games, but I only ever finished 6 and 7.

1 - gave up

2 - didn't care for it

3 - good, but too hard for a non-hardcore gamer

4 - good, but gave up

5 - played rom first, then downloaded 6; played GBA version next, but 6 Adv came out before I finished

6 - excellent game

7 - first FF game I ever played, enjoyed it until I played 6

8 - not interested in story

9 - too many random battles and not enough patience on my end

10- never even owned it

11- don't play online games

12- skipped some side quests, didn't level up enough, hit a boss I couldn't beat, and gave up

FFIV comes out three weeks before I leave for law school, so my last three weeks of freedom will be devoted thereto. Maybe I'll finish that one. I think I get bored with these games too quickly. I love the Tales games, and have finished almost all of them, but the FF games just don't hold my interest as long.


This is quite possibly my favorite FF of all time, save VI, and I go back and play it regularly. That being said, I'm eagerly waiting and counting down 'til it gets released here on the 22nd. Didn't I say it was coming? DIDN'T I!?

With all that being said, the English voice-acting sounds atrocious. I sure hope it grows on me. Of course I'm still going to buy it being that it would be the first actual remake as opposed to every other port of it, and it would be the first time I actually own it.

Haha, oh wow.

FFIV is not a lost gem. There are no true lost gems of FF any longer, now that 5 and 3 have made their way to the US.

FFIV = FF2. Yes, our FF2. You seem backwards.

I think you might've left your sarcasm detector at home.

See, Final Fantasy II for SNES was not Final Fantasy IV. I'm not sure what it was, but clearly it couldn't have been. Also, we imagined Final Fantasy Chronicles. That didn't happen.

Honestly, it's sad that Wikipedia's entry for Final Fantasy IV is more accurate than IGN's article about it.

So, let me get this straight, Neko... you think, from reading these sentences, that he actually believes the US has never seen FFIV, and even imagined its release as part of the Chronicles collection? You honestly think there is no sarcasm, pointed toward the sentiments expressed in the review he linked, here?

So, let me get this straight, Neko... you think, from reading these sentences, that he actually believes the US has never seen FFIV, and even imagined its release as part of the Chronicles collection? You honestly think there is no sarcasm, pointed toward the sentiments expressed in the review he linked, here?

Someone left their sarcasm detector at home.

Someone's trying to backpedal.

He's not doing a very good job.

why did you not use the rolleyes man your losin it

anyways i played ffivds the jap version at least for a little bit until i lost interest because i couldnt read anything but it looked real nice and appeared to be a very solid remake


Yes. Once this is over, I never want to see a) any other FF game get the DS treatment, or B) any of these games get released again in some other form. Both would be absolutely ridiculous outcomes, Squeenix.

Yes. Once this is over, I never want to see a) any other FF game get the DS treatment, or B) any of these games get released again in some other form. Both would be absolutely ridiculous outcomes, Squeenix.

I dunno, 10 years from now, it may be interesting to see what could be done with these games.

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