atmuh Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 and id like to hear why ok lemme explain i dont wanna hear OMG THIS GAME B/C ITS TEH BEST GAME EVAR!!1!!1! i mean a game that was made a long time ago (lets say over 5 years so dont even say portal) that is short enough to beat in a day and youve beaten it many more times than youd like to admit (multiple days in a row is a plus) for me its megaman x4 there have been stretches when ive beaten that game five days in a row and love it every single time it only takes me an hour and 15 minutes to play through so whenever im bored and i think what should i play when i have no other ideas i just pick it up and run through it these are the kinda games that we dont play because they are super strategic or really in depth or have some deep captivating storyline or whatever these are the games we play because they are FUN (hey remember that videogames used to be fun?) and because they bring a smile to our face so what about all of you and ok mods if you think its a favorites thread and i know you love modding my posts/threads go ahead and lock it Quote
po! Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 double dragon 2 for NES i must have beaten that game over 100 times.. takes me about 20 min 1 player. i'm thinkin about recording a speed run.. since there don't seem to be any out there. but the game is never the same each time.. the AI is really randomized and i guess thats part of what makes it so fun to beat Quote
The Damned Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Homeworld Cataclysm. I got it for Christmas 1999, and I've had it on every computer I've owned since then. In fact, I'm playing through the fan-made mission pack right now. I've beat the main campaign enough times that I could write up a basic walkthrough without having to open the game. I like it because it's much more focused on long-term play, as in several hours. I've played a few matches against other people where I won by shear attrition and their desire to use the bathroom. Strategic hyper-space jumps, decoy fleets and fighter squadrons, using the Siege Cannon on the only crystal deposit on the map to blow up the other guy (the blast from the cannon is usually enough to seriously damage, if not blow up, your mothership. The energy released from blowing up a single crystal is about one and a half times that. Ten together in a single area is like setting on an array of nukes)... lots of good times. Sadly, not many people play it anymore, and far too many of those that are left go for quick kills. No one wants to build up a fleet and have epic battles with ion beams and missiles flying all over the place, all the while having Yoko Kanno's "Dog Fight" from Macross Plus playing loud enough for everyone to hear. Those times when the action in the map matches up with the music? Fucking awesome, and worth the twenty other times it doesn't. /why yes, I do have a playlist just for Homeworld Quote
HengDe Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 you guys ever hear of a platformer for snes called DinoCity? There's also a movie based on it, or the game was based on the movie, or something. And the game has great music. If I had the skills like you guys, I'd make a mix of this one. So yea, I pick it up every once in a while and play a few levels. I also play different parts of kirby super star when I'm in the mood. And Kirby's dream land. StarFox64. That's a quick play through too, but never gets old for me. I always take the same damn path too haha. I guess I keep going back to this one for the nostalgia and great music too. Actually, I could say that about all three of these... Quote
JCvgluvr Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 I've played thru quite a few SNES classics multiple times, including Super Mario World, The DK Country series (especially 2), Kirby Superstar (especially Milky Way Wishes and The Arena) and Super Mario Allstars (especially SMB 3). Other non-SNES games I've played multiple times include Sonic 2-3&Knuckles, and Mega Man 2. I really need to get new copies of Sonic Mega Collection and Mega Man Anniversary Collection. Do multiplayer games count? I've played sooo many matches of Super Mario Kart/64/Double Dash/Wii, Halo 2-3, and Super Smash Bros./Melee/Brawl with friends and family. Quote
Jaybell Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 For me it's the genesis Sonic games. If I have some time to kill, I'll blaze through one of 'em. I know the levels like the back of my hand, but honestly, the games never get old for me. Quote
Palpable Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Played the hell out of Mega Man 2, 3 and X. Just incredibly fun games. After a while, I started trying to do the bosses in weird order to make the games more interesting. Pretty recently I did a Mega Man 2 speed run on difficult against some friends and won by about ten minutes. Quote
FREAK55 Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 I grew up mostly on Ninja Gaiden I and II. I still play those games a few times a year. The first one still provides a good challenge! Quote
Moseph Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 you guys ever hear of a platformer for snes called DinoCity? There's also a movie based on it, or the game was based on the movie, or something. And the game has great music. If I had the skills like you guys, I'd make a mix of this one. So yea, I pick it up every once in a while and play a few levels. Back when I was about seven, before I owned a game system, my brother and I used to occasionally rent an SNES. Dino City was one of the games we liked. Ah, memories. Quote
Triad Orion Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Genesis Sonic games and Mega Man Classic games, mostly. There were a couple of other Genesis games I had that were like that but they escape me at the moment. Chrono Trigger pretty much qualifies for me (even if you can't beat it in a day) considering I've played it through probably a dozen times. I keep going back to it. Dunno why, just have fun with it. Quote
Poke'G Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Every time I come home from college I hook up the SNES and I barrel through Mega Man X and X2. They're short and have the simplicity that the franchise began to drop with X3. Four armor parts Four tanks Eight hearts Eight Mavericks 90 minutes of fun. I also go through Turtles IV: Turtles in Time. It only takes a half hour, and kicking the shit out of The Foot is so much fun. Star Fox 64 is another quick play game where my friends and I continually tried to outdo our high scores. Quote
Drack Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 I replay a lot of single player games. Mega Man X. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Donkey Kong Country series. Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Star fox 64. Diddy Kong Racing. Metroid Prime. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia. I still go back and play 'em from time to time. Also any Castlevania or Megaman game. They're just fun quick ways to kill time. Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 SSX3. For my tastes, it's the perfect video game "vacation" getaway from daily life. It's also loaded with replay value. Quote
Zephyr Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Any Megaman Game, I often pick up Megaman Zero for the GBA when I just want some quick platforming, I've been through the classic DKC series a bazillion times, still a ton of fun. Mickey Mouse Haunted Circus <- Best game EVAR! Quote
The Coop Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 I've played Thunder Force IV so many times, it's scary. Why? The graphics, the music, the challenge, the design... it's all just so spot on from beginning to end. When you're done playing, you don't feel like anything was left out, or short changed. To me, it's a game that really does feel complete... there's nothing that could have been tweaked to make it better. Other games I've played the holy hell out of are ones like Ultimate Doom (I still think it's better than Doom II), Thunder Force III (not quite as good as TFIV, but a fine quality shmup), Vampire Savior (one of Capcom's finest 2D fighting efforts in my opinion), and Mario Bros. (the Atari XE version, which is surprisingly faithful to, and just as fun as, the arcade original). I could go on for a bit, but that'd be a bit too 'favorites'-like. Quote
Chiwalker Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Super Mario 64 - I think I've done everything possible on this game using the cartridge and a controller... Quote
The Damned Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Those times when the action in the map matches up with the music? Fucking awesome, and worth the twenty other times it doesn't. Case in point: I just finished a game and there was one of those moments. I fired the siege cannon, and the song that was playing ("Nirvash Type Zero" from the first Eureka Seven OST, a rather rousing battle song) just came on. For two minutes, I was watching my Destroyers plow through a small swarm of ion fridgets and fighters, swatting everything like some sort of awesome come-back-from-the-brink-of-defeat scene in a movie. Just as the song was nearing the end, I managed to fire my Siege Cannon. It was a direct hit. The timing went like this: 25 seconds left, I order the shot. 15 seconds left, the cannon fires (it's a long charge up time). 10 seconds left, the giant ball of white energy zooms past the flaming wreckage of what was the other guys last line of defeat. 5 seconds left, I can see it's going to be a direct hit. Song ends. I say (out loud, to just myself) "Boom, motherfucker," and the shot hits. The mothership goes up in a giant ring-explosion, and I watch as the various sections of the hull go in different directions. If I had been somehow recording that, it would have been youtube worthy. Maybe I should figure out a way to record these games... Quote
Kenobio Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 For me, I enjoy replaying a number of single player games... Zelda: Ocarina of Time Zelda: Link's Awakening Metal Gear Solid Several Final Fantasies Super Mario World ...As well as a number of multiplayer games with friends. Secret of Mana Street Fighter II Turbo Super Mario Kart Edit: Oh, games you can beat in one day. Well, most of those can be completed in a relatively short amount of time. Quote
Arrow Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 I'd say Skies of Arcadia, but the op asked for "games you can beat in about a day", which I might be able to pull off if I didn't break or sleep. Regardless, I put SoA (Legends) in once every four months or so, and have been doing this for the last three years without ever getting tired of it. Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 I don't really buy video games anymore so I often play old ones to zone out and concentrate my mind on something else that isn't a video game. Among these, san francisco rush 2049, rush 2, burnout, burnout 2, and to a lesser extant, zelda oot. I've beaten the latter all the way through something to the effect of 30 times. Quote
Dunnowhathuh Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 I don't think there are any (apart from the games that were made to be played over and over again, like mutiplayer games). Only game I can think of that I've played more then twice is FFVII but that was probably only 3 times...or less cuz I don't actually remember finishing it the third time. Quote
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