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OCR00980 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Assembly Line Apparitions"

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almost seven minutes? it's looking more like 4:54 to me. hmm... nevertheless, very nice mix. it's always good to hear some dkc tunage.

I use an uncommon form of variable bitrate that winamp doesnt calculate very well at all. The song is 5:07 by my watch. Winamp will say anywhere from 6 to 8 minutes ;p

Its a 'problem' with all my remixes, but I do it because the mp3 quality result is superior to the more 'standard' ways and still works on all players.

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bah, I already heard alot of your songs and so far this ones great as well. Almost 7 minutes huh...according to my player it says almost 8 minutes...well anyways its good stuff...no time to post anything really indepth so I'll leave it as like so.

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Like I expected, this is quality. Or, more specifically, DKC2-Protricity quality. ;)

I recommend downloading this one. For starters, "Haunted Chase" itself is a cool song, but this remix makes it sound cooler. The guitar work in here is good, as well as the synth work. The drums really pop out, too.

A real "big" part is at around 2:52 when the guitar work gets just plain cool. If that was the only good part of the mix, I'd say download it, but as it's a great part in a mix with great parts, download the mix anyway. ;) It also gets nice and sweet around 4:07, and, for some reason, faintly reminiscent of Silver Junction/Launch Gully in Blast Corps. Nice heavy/grunge (?) part there. If you have the time (about 35 minutes on a 56K), this is DEFINITELY something worthy of a download.

And yes, it is only 4:54.

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Although the guitars aren't the most realistic, I was highly disappointed...

This song didn't meet my expectations... winamp says 6:37, and I only got to hear 4:54...

I mean come on, if you're expecting protricity quality music for 6:37, you best get it ><


yeah this was an excellent mix done by protricity, very creative very interesting, and it's incredible how he can take any voice/patch/soundfont and make it sound incredible. I love the guitars, I love the synths, the orchestra, the drums, his arranging and notation is awesome.

I'd give this song a 9/10 by my standards. if not a 9.5

Download or die.

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I should be liking this mix - I liked your others, and the way you put the song together is great here too, but too much synth - almost everything sounds synth. Bothers me somehow... especially the guitar and the horn. Still, quite a bit of skill obviously went into this, bothersome samples can't hide that :)

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There's something incredibly cool about this remix, a particularly like the parts at 2:10 and the guitarrwork at 02:50 - 03:30 (or atleast winamp says so). The coolest part in the whole piece is deffenitely from 04:00 to the end. So damn kick-ass. :)

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Ah this is cool stuff. I didnt remember the ost till i heard the mix, and if i remember correctly the original wasnt terribly meloidic, more moody, con mosso.

as for the mix, it definately maintains a sturdy level of movement and urgency. my only complaint (so far) is that some of the brass patches sound better than others.

As always, Prot does an exceptional job of keeping things interesting by mixing up the dynamics. as always, there is plenty of variation, and the mix never feels repetetive.

I'm not a huge fan of the guitar sound; i dont htink it has enough punch. but i say this as a guitar player, andi understand that it isnt easy to find a realistic sounding guitar patch.

good mix. i like it. Crunchy

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It brings a tear of joy to my eye that, as a drummer, someone has finally decided to pay attention to the drums in their song. Some of these fills are mind-blowingly well-done. Musically, fitting in very well. It's good to someone, who isn't a drummer, going beyond the simple "hi-tom, middle-tom, low-tom" triplet thing. I love this mix. Now if only I could hear the whole thing...

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Hey, I knew it was a mod early on, but obviously with more rich sounding processing (probaby from reason usage). Regardless, Protricity made me smile because of actually doing a mod and using reason and cubase to enhance it. That deserves my respect. My only gripe is that overly used synthetic pizicato (sheesh i dont know how to spell it) sample.

Now that guitar sample at 3:00 was my favorite part regardless of what others say. Synthetic or not, its very enjoyable and sounds great. A matter of fact, if i can have that guitar vst/sample/instrument whatever, i'd love to have it :) :)

Throughout the remix, attention to detail was paid in each sequence, and it shows with the drum line. Another well done and fun remix from one of my site favs. this is game music!

my only complaint (so far) is that some of the brass patches sound better than others.

i've had a problem finding real sounding brass instruments, so i dont use em. I dont complain about them (if used properly i.e. NOT pitch bending them), and i realize how difficult it is to get GOOD brass's. unless you can afford to buy that memphis horns cd i heard about. Even my sonic synth pack doesnt do brass justice.

So far, finding a good trumpet vst, kicks me in the ass. forget it.

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HOLY ****!!! I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS SONG! My legs are literally tired from dancing to this super-awesome beat! I think a quote from the song description of PheartheMonkey best suits my emotions for this ReMix: "Kick out the jams, muthafukaa!" This is one of the - no wait, make that THE - coolest rock song I've ever heard in my entire life! You've done a beyond-excellent job, Protricity!

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Protricity, great work as always. I really enjoyed this mix.

I did notice you speaking of VBR troubles again though, VBR Fix from this site http://www.willwap.co.uk/ should fix the VBR header so that time is correctly displayed for players that read the header. If not that, LAME defaults to inserting a correct header itself, compared to some encoders that don't. It's always worked for me anyway. Thanks again for the 1337ness.

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Quite quite nice....high quality stuff from THE man for DK remixes.

I didn't like this one as much as Protricity's other remixes though. However, after some thought about this, I've concluded that its entirely due to the fact that this particular song was never my favorite from this game, plus the fact that industrial isn't my scene.

The fact that the remix still sounded pretty cool to me is really great, as it's the first industrial mix I've actually been able to listen to all the way through.

Keep them Donkey Kong Remixes coming, your fans are always ready for more Protricity :)

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Protricity has an insane attention to detail that's almost intoxicating.

This mix's percussion, melodic elements and layering are near perfect. The overall sound is very well put-together, while at the same time being ridiculously complicated. This is an extremely hard thing to do, and obviously a lot of thought went into instrument placement, frequency range placement, and dynamics. The panned elements are great, extremely subtle... but still leave a "holy crap thats neet" feeling. And of course, we get some nifty prot-style guitarage to round the whole thing off. Great job.

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This mix comes in just roaring with action. Electric springs from little crevices, lightning, thunder, and it almost sounds like hell breaking loose. Drums going wild, tons of different instruments, helluva dance beat in some places! Starts slowing down towards the center, but I love it! Chalk another one up for Protricity!

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