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This is some fucked up shit right here o_O aside from Mustins "The Atomizer" this is probably the most insane arrangement on the site IMO. The atmospheric nature of this is great, this has to be one of the creepiest things I've ever heard. The composition is already very depressing and creepy but the voices make it truly messed up. Very good stuff.

btw, now that vgmix is back up are you going to put the other 2 up?


Does anyone know what the moaning voice says? I can only pick out a couple things, as well as the "Save me......please....." "I don't want to be saved, I want to be sacrificed".


  • 1 month later...

This song reminds me of how easily FF7 could have been turned into a horror game, and how good it might have been. The guitar work is very nice, granted, but also somewhat repetitive - the real ingenuity of the song is the way it constantly changes. There's always a new element around the corner, always something novel and startling or creepy. I can certainly see why people said it sounded like Diablo, as the guitar is the exact same style Matt Uelmen used for the soundtracks to those games. The overall feel, though, is somewhat less fantasy than Diablo, and more dark gritty vampirish. The first half reminded me of the Hellsing soundtrack, actually. Just... yeah. This be a disjointed review. You have to listen to the song. If you haven't already, do so, now.

  • 1 month later...

Oh my... I'm only 2 minutes into this and already I'm in love with it. So sad and beautiful. And I can easily find the pieces of "The Nightmare Is Just Beginning". A remix of Vinny's theme! YEAS! I LOVE IT!

But seriously, I like how everything seems melded together, and the whispers... Totally cool effect! I strongly recommend that any Vincent fans listen to this, because this was done so well! Not only that, it stays true to Vincent's personality. Guilty, confused and mysterious.

I have got to say, this is one of my remixes. Great work! ^_^

  • 3 weeks later...

Any chance of getting a "script" of this? Every time I listen to it I notice some vocals that I didn't before, but I can't exactly pick out what's being said.

This reminds me a lot of Bruce Cockburn's "You've Never Seen Everything" off of the album of the same name(2002 i think). Except not as long.

  • 1 month later...

This is probably my favorite re-mix here on the site...this is, really, the ultimate remix. So different, so unique... I love listening to this, it's like a story is being told. There are different scenarios for each switch of pace in the song... Masterfully done. A very good song to begin with, too.


this is such an amazing piece! i cry whenever i listen to it- it's just so unbelievably sad, so hopeless. it sounds like a nightmare. it may very well be my favorite mix on the entire site.

i've been working on finding out all those little whispery bits, and this is what i've gotten thus far:

There's nothing left

Leave me

Trust me and live

Don't leave me

There is no hope

No hope

There is only today

Don't leave me here

Save me


I don't want to be saved

I want to be sacrificed

Shut up

if anybody picks up more, please do post it!

  • 4 weeks later...

Personally I'm more of a strings/piano fan, uplifting type stuff [Aphrodite Oceanus/Pearl Song anyone?] rather than acoustics, bit too solitary for my liking; however I was a big fan of the game, and its not like I dont like my eerie remixes ("There was a hole here" is incidentally my favourite OCR on offer). Still, it's an excellent attempt at a remix that is undoubtably difficult to remaster since the original is so, well, original :)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Argh. For some reason I keep comparing these tracks to some of Ennio Morricone's guitar work in "Il Tramonto." However, this piece is more like the 2-headed baby of Morricone and John Zorn.

  • 2 months later...

For the most part this is pretty good, very moody.

But what...is...with...that...hiss?!?!

Was it intentionally put in there? Why?

(Near) constant whitenoise has never been a good thing in my book...

  • 1 month later...

I was listening to the Stone Roses, and I gotta say the intro to "Made of Stone" sounds a lot like this one arpeggio from this remix. Though they're completely different tracks, of course.

  • 6 months later...

This is a very different remix, and maybe just because Vincent WAS different, I mean he lied in a box in a basement and preferred it to be that way. liked the guitar in the beginning, very sad and thoughtful, also Vincent in a nutshell. The groanings or voices maybe ruined it some, but this a descent weird remix that deserves your attention.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is great, I love the ambience, this song really reminds me of "ballet for a blue whale" by Adrian Belew. The heart beat at the end of the song made me think of "Dark Side of the Moon". I can't say that I've heard anything like this on the site, and that's definitely a good thing, it's very original in it's own way. The last remix I heard that had zyko's work in it was "Invertebrate Retreat" and that was brilliant, yet, completely different than this song, almost an exact opposite. Very interesting experimental piece. My only complaint is that there was noticable hiss throughout the song, other than that, it's very good. 7.5/10



This is...definitely unlike anything I've heard here as of set. And as such, it's very cool. It's kind of more ambiance than anything, but I think it's done very well. The voices are both creepy and compelling at the same time.

Very nice.

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I signed up simply to comment on this hauntingly beautiful piece of music. There's something about this piece that has the ability to bring out a sense of fear, yet intrigue. I've listened to it a couple times now and every time I find that the twists in the song surprise me every time. The helplessness of the " Please...", the sudden gasps for breath, and the painful moans are simply spine chilling. Vincent was one of my favorite characters of Final Fantasy, and this does him more than justice. As an artist I find this piece extremely inspiring to my work, and it puts me in the perfect mood to paint a very dark and gothic painting. This is different, but also a masterpiece in it's own right. It's easy to see that a piece like this will create a love-hate relationship among listeners, but you can count me to the love end. It's artwork in the form of music, and it's beautiful my friend. Stunning.

It's also " Shinra", not "Shut up." Listen carefully and you can definately make out the "ra" that sounds nothing like " up."


  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I love this song. I try to listen to it at max volume so that I can understand the voices before the ones at the end. Does anyone know what those ones are saying? I know they're saying something, I just can't understand them. :puppyeyes:

  • 1 year later...

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