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OCR01787 - Romancing SaGa (PS2) "Tant Mieux"


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This is kind of freaky. I discovered how awesome Romancing Saga's soundtrack is just a couple of days ago...and upon listening to tracks like "Passionate Rhythm" and "Prelude to Battle", I thought how awesome would those be if Sixto remixed them. Even though it's not the source tune I wanted, glad someone actually tackled this niche soundtrack for once. I can't recognize the source, but I'm loving the remix. Guitars rock as usual, and ToN has a really cool style. Love that chiptune-y part with the guitars.

Still think someone should tackle those tracks I mentioned. :P

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Well, I don't really know the music from romancing saga much...but I also listen to sweet VG music when I sleep :)

This tune is quite good, the sound is simply awesome. I wish I could get a sound half has good sounding then this, then I might be open enough to post some remixes here. But whatever I do, it always sounds like shit cos I couldn't do a good mix even if the universe depended on it lol.

Very good song! The base chords of the song isn't something I never heard before (I never heard the original) but the song is so well crafted and sounds great, so it's enjoyable all the way. :)

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:sleepdepriv: It's one in the morning over here, just got off work 'bout an hour ago, so I thought I'd check the site for anything new.

:shock:, I think I won't be getting to sleep anytime soon now. I absolutely love, love, LOVE the guitar/chiptune action when it kicks to high gear.

Congrats on your first remix ToN. Hoping your future here will be a bright one...

:sleepdepriv: Now if you'll excuse me... (goes to sleep)

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Do you know how it feels to have a large and heavy object slam into your midsection and take your breath away?

That certain sensation of having the air knocked out of you and the sudden realization that everything in your abdominal region is now ablaze in pain?

That's something like what I get out of this song.

(Without the pain, of course.)

This mix is akin to getting woken up with near-freezing water, then dashed over white-hot coals, and plunged into a bath of lemon juice and salt.

It's a bit bracing to me, not at all what I'm used to or would find pleasing to my ears…

…but musically speaking, it's brilliant.

I personally would have used a title like "Oh Shit, I Lost my Loli" just to for fun of it and because I love juxtaposition…

…but that's just me.

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After I picked myself up off the floor, I then proceeded to have my world rocked. This is an amazing mix. Seriously. The n00bs this year really have an ear for arrangement, and ToN is no exception. Combined with the awesomeness-incarnate that is Sixto, you have yourself a solidly incredible mix. This is wonderful. I'm running out of adjectives to describe just how super this is.

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Awesome! Kick ass kudos to the both of yoos! Love the part at 0:24, sounds like guitars on a sugar binge. And at 2:33, always love a good synth solo. This is one hell of a first sub. I don't know how you're going to surpass it, but good luck with that. Welcome to the fold, Theory of Nonexistence. (Or as you shall now be known, ToN. As in... ToN of fun! Oh god, that was terrible. Don't look at me!)

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Really really like this song! Awesome job, the both of you. Love the initial guitar/chiptune assault.

It's funny how the "Squareness" shows through at times, a couple melodies in there really reminded me of Chrono Trigger. Never actually played Romance SaGa.

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You were totally right on, with that half-awake thought for this song.

The guitar/chiptune really kicks some major ass.

Song overall is an awesome composition, my only "if" thing for this would be, I think the snares need to be slightly more pronounced when doing the drum roll. 3:10 - 3:21

Like hit harder, they sounds like dropping sycn'd jelly beans being dropped onto catgut/canvas.

This is a great piece, to a game i've never played (sadly).

Looking forward to hearing more from 'Theory of Nonexistence', Sixto is good as always.

Edit** -- This song definitely shows the 'Squareness' and resembles 'The Black Mages' in a lot of ways.

Good job, great job for teh ear weapons... (now if i can manage to sync macro and mouse clicks to the beat)

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