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I dig! Really nice sound design and atmosphere, and I actually agree with the form - it shows a good amount of restraint while still preserving forward motion. The payoff moments when the full melody comes in make it all worth it.

Curious, what elements did you record to tape? I'd thought about doing that for synths earlier to get a richer tone (or at least as an interesting experiment).


I love that someone tackled this song, however even for all the really awesome soundscapes created, it's still so repetitive that I got kinda of ho hum after about 2 minutes in. It's like a cover with lots of sound manipulation... Not sure if I am describing this well, but that's how it feels... Wouldn't have hurt to manipulate the progression/melody/anything of the song as well as all the effects and drums... But that's just me.

Nice first though. Excellent fx/mixing and instrument choices though. Really do like the leads that you did end up choosing (except the strings, didn't really do it for me at the end)



Good stuff. Definitely a track that doesn't get enough love compared to other FF6 tracks. And yes it does sound a lot like something out of the Mother series, which is definitely a compliment! Well done and I hope you get more stuff submitted and accepted!


I'm loving this. The repetitiveness isn't a problem for me. This is the kind of song that you let sit in the background and create an atmosphere. I've always had a soft spot for this kind of electronic pseudo-ambient style music.

Ever heard of a radio program called Echoes? This track would fit right in with some of their playlists.


oh i'm loving this, especially your interpretation on it, very unique, definetely has that nice atmosphere to it, reminds me of the oldschool ocremixs

the repetitiveness isn't a problem at all, in fact the repetitiveness contributes to the overall hazy or concept you were going for.

this is a must have!

great job

Gratz on your first debut, i hope to see more from you in the future


Though there are a few minor changes that would improve this overall, I think it really works as an arrangement. I've listened several times now and even though there isn't a lot of movement going on between parts, this doesn't get old. It really captures a very distinct nostalgic mood, and the textures were transcendent. I'm going to be studying this mix for quite some time to see what ideas i can steal. :<

I'm glad this passed, even though there are a few rough edges.

Awesome work.


This shit is my jam, son! I dig it!

I think it's fantastic what you did here and I totally feel the nostalgia vibe. Makes me bring back those memories of playing it. Good times, good times.

This is one of those tunes I've always wanted to do but never known how to approach it. This, for me, is a perfect approach. Doesn't happen much in the game, not the biggest stand-out tune, but nevertheless, it's been engraved into my brain and I love what you've done here with the ambience.



Too repetitive my butt. This is fantastic work - precisely what I have been waiting to hear on this site for a long, long time. Best piece in months - maybe even a year. Okay, okay, perhaps the best piece here period. Maybe. It's definitely up there.

And wouldn't you know it? It almost got shot down. :)


This is fantastic. I love the ambiance and tone it sets, it perfectly suits staring off into space and remembering all the great old games we love so dearly. I'm a sucker for nostalgia, so thank you.


Ahh... Sweet, sweet nostalgia. This is one hell of a soundscape you created, mate. Love all the textures and am definately feeling the distorted vocals.

Now if you'll excuse me. *Goes to hunt down copy of FFVI*


This is engrossing. The extremely nuanced design inside really sucks me in, and there is no point throughout that jolts me out. Not even a bump. The unique sound make the whole piece stand out all that much more. The boldness of some parts really does a lot to make this more than just a one-time journey, too, as I've had this on repeat for quite some time. Easily one of my favorite mixes of all time.


Fairly major fan of the source, so I was getting pretty excited as I read the description and heard the approach you were trying to take to this. This turned out very unique, and really succeeds at creating an atmosphere similar to the original, buried somewhere, but in this case, in the past, right around the time FFVI came out.


The ambience of this track is great. It puts me in a good 'space out' mood. But then again, maybe it's because I'm tired.

I'm amazed that the theme doesn't come in explicitly until over 3 minutes in. How did that happen without me losing interest (generally I'm a melody person)? Kudos on that.

Great genre adaption.


Ok, very engrossing track. Somehow I lost 4mins of my life and don't know where they went. So I listened to it again and again.

Big fan of the FFVI soundtrack and feel that if the game was properly remade with current tech then this would be a strong candidate to be part of the OSV. As a track it doesn't rush to get anywhere quicker than it should, everything feels deliberate and as a result it works on a number of levels.

No rush, but looking forward to your future tracks!


Curious, what elements did you record to tape? I'd thought about doing that for synths earlier to get a richer tone (or at least as an interesting experiment).

I recorded a couple of the synth melodies to tape multiple times to wear the tape a little, the tape recorder is rather old and has become a touch detuned over time too...so it added a subtle but nice, warm tone :)

Thank you for the wonderful feedback guys and I'm working on another remix as we speak, I guess it's following a similar formula but that's how I generally approach all the music I put together. If anyone is a fan of the likes of Boards of Canada, Warp etc. ...that kind of style is my inspiration :D


Upon my first listen I wasn't entirely sure what my opinion of this remix was. However, since then I have returned to it many a time. I LOVE the atmosphere this remix sets and it is fitting, given the source.

It's already cool to see the less ... (popular?) tracks from a game be covered.

Great job!


Great atmosphere. This reminds me somewhat of Wolfgang Voigt/Gas, and that's a good thing.

The repetitiveness isn't really a problem, since it is, in my opinion, actually something that is necessary to produce the kind of relaxing mood found in this remix.

Nice work.

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