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OCR01843 - Civilization IV "Destined for Greatness"


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I suppose I should qualify this by the fact that it's 3AM in my tiny cubicle room in an incredibly lonely Japan, and I have finished an entire bottle of cheap wine on my own. But this is mere background. I am most utterly rocking out to this. The time devoted to it deserves a more musically educated answer, and I'm sure you've received countless numbers of them. So to speak from the pure layman's camp, I have to say I'm hugely pleased with this as I spin round and round in my spinnny-chair on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Freaking awesome, guys.

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Heard this one back as a WIP in mid-late 2007, and sang it live with Taucer at M6. Glad to see it finished, and finally posted.

...Too bad it has the signature Melodyne artifacts that I've come to associate with Brad's vocal processings... =[

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really? where? i missed them, then. of course, i did the vocal processing in...6/08, according to my files. so it's been a while.

although, considering i had a pretty low-pitched drone on perfect fifths and turned it into everything that you heard from those two pitches, i thought it turned out pretty good.

Yeah, I definitely couldn't detect any autotuning artifacts

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This is a heck of a lot more satisfying than the recent Portal Remix. Props to you both - I really enjoyed it. The 7/8 adds a really unique touch, and I thought you pulled it off rather well (although I had a heck of a time trying to figure it out - thanks for mentioning it!) The only thing I can think of that criticizes this is that the rock section doesn't sound different enough - it's basically the same thing with added effects. It would've been nice to vary it a little. All the same, an excellent track.

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The breakout section felt a lil too over-compressed in comparison to the very soft opening section with all its subtle dynamics.
haha, yeah as soon as the drums kicked in I felt like I was being kicked in the teeth with compression :) It wasn't bad, just very noticeable.

Otherwise, fantastic stuff! This mix proves two things. First, OCR needs more DADGAD mixes. Second, Jeremy should start a Christian rock band, preferably featuring all atheist/agnostic members.

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Only down-side is that the American-accented Swahili is really noticeable and mildly detracts from it.

Otherwise, everything else about the song is awesome--instrumentation and timing being the best aspects to me. Awesome mix. KF

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the instrumentation was alright, but given the core material they had to work with, I was pretty disappointed with this mix. It lacks the intense feel of Baba Yetu, and lyrics like "shananana hannananah" just feel bland. With Baba Yetu, even though I don't understand the words being spoken, they form a clear structure and have the feel of a carefully thought out song.

I think if they'd gone strictly instrumental it could have worked, as could have ulilizing anything other than filler lyrics. Although I would like to say that filler lyrics like "shananana hannananah" would never be destined for greatness, I guess that just isn't true given some of the albums that top charts these days...

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actually, taucer took those lyrics directly from the song itself. and, as i'm sure you know, the lyrics aren't written by Tin, they're the Lord's Prayer. been working out the kinks in singing it for centuries.

sorry it wasn't epic enough :<

Well, it's not the exact Lord's Prayer, so there's at least credit due to Talisman A Capella for that part of the original arrangement.

Either way, even though I'm not as fond of the vocals, it would've sounded a bit too empty without them (as an instrumental piece), I think. KF

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actually, taucer took those lyrics directly from the song itself.

Well yeah, a little bit of the lyrics were, but my main complaint is that most of the lyrics were cut out and filled in with "shananana hananana". It just sounds... Well, like a cover band throwing filler in 'cause they don't know the words of the song.

But I may have been a little over-critical in my initial comments. Baba Yetu did set the bar pretty high and yet you guys still braved it and made a unique derivative work based off of it. Not quite for me but I'm certain there are others who will enjoy it quite a bit.

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If I was blindfolded in a room full of swahilians and these guys were singing in their choir I wouldn't be able to tell the difference :)) .

. this mix pays excellent homage to the original while adding satisfactory originality

I am pleased

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  • 2 months later...

Kudos to Taucer and Mephisto for attempting such an arduous undertaking in ReMixing a true, modern classic. I feel the vocals for the main chorus were a little on the weak side, but the "shanana" stuff actually didn't bother me much. I think there needed to be a little more passion in the main chorus, but that said, the vocals there aren't bad by any stretch. As for the rest of the song, the arrangement is interesting, dynamic, fun, and sounds great. Instrumentation (particularly in the flute) is superb, and I confess the electric guitar treatment is quite awesome. You guys did well, and produced a great work!

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