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... Wow.

... Wow.

... Wow.

This song is so very unique in a very, very good way. I'm a fan of these types of songs, but this is above and beyond most of what I've heard in the same style. I have to hand it to Kate, she's made something truly great here. I'll be listening to this for a long, long time to come. I don't think I can think of any criticisms right now. Maybe after I've listened to it some more, but right now... I've got nothing.

5 Stars! Instant Classic!


I already loved the source song, but this -- wow. It literally almost made me cry. The vocal harmonies are just beautiful, actually every part of it is beautiful. The lyrics are very well-written and moving, and add to the emotional feeling of the whole piece. I wish I could say more, but I am too stunned after listening to that!


Dammit, I don't think I've ever been so sad to hear a song end. I wanted this one to keep going on forever, I just got lost in the vocals and the simple but entrancing instrumental. The source tune is excellent too and you most definitely did it justice!

I'm going to be looping this all night - I daresay this is the most emotive vocal act I've ever heard on this site, or at least on-par with my current favorite ("The Place We Knew")

Thank you so much for sharing this awesome song, please keep submitting stuff here! :D


This is a pretty well done mix!

First I'll get into two things that caught my ears. One is that the enunciation wasn't perfect, especially when it came to holding the s too long. Hold on the vowels, not the consonants!

Second is a bit of clipping I heard at ~0:50.

But this is definitely a nice mix despite those bits! Very minimalistic, and reminds me of Kate Bush in some ways.


...Just.. wow.

I..I dont post often.

And I'm normally a fan of high-tempo battle music.

But I just had to.

This is just.. Perfection.

it has SOUL.

(Sort of coincidence that I'm replaying Final Fantasy IX at this current time also.)

...I find myself searching for ways to describe this in an intellectual musical manner yet my ears scream "..Hey. Its Fanboy time."

...I just might.


So this is the kind of thing I miss when I'm away.

Really stunning stuff, checking out all your other FF songs, they really add to theme's I've enjoyed for ages in ways I wouldn't have guessed. Guess its the human touch. The lyrics are really well put together too.

You should definately submit more :D.


2 days ago i found this song on youtube under the name of "rose of may" and downloaded it.

the artist is great, incredible,

and today i find out that she's now registered here,

oh i really hoper that you'll upload some more of your worke herer!!!

mfg incko


That was great! Absolutely beautiful. This is one of my favorite source tunes from the game (and possibly one of my favorite tunes from the series overall), so hearing it as a vocal piece that fits in wonderfully with the period aesthetic of the game is just marvelous.


I know it's been said many times before, but that truly is such a beautiful song. I do love the Celtic folk, and her voice is absolutely perfect for it. I hope she does some more mixes in the future. I really wish I had something more original to say how great this piece is, but I suppose the important thing is that Kate knows that she is indeed "great".


Absolutely magnificent, beautiful, stunning, and much more than words can describe. I love celtic music and your voice just goes so well with the mood. I listened to your other pieces as well and I have to say you are a natural =]

I'm looking forward to more of your works and future submissions. I give this a perfect 10 out of 10


I had a pretty good laugh when I looked on the site this morning to find this mix up, for two reasons:

1. I had heard this months ago, and already thought it was completely brilliant.

2. I never thought OC ReMix would ever have this on the site. Looks like they caught up with the rest of the world. :-P

Anyways, great and completely amazing mix, Kate. Your voice is as stunning as always, the arrangement fits everything together perfectly, and the beauty of the original takes a light all its own. Keep up the amazing work, and hope to see much more. :-o


wow, this is absolutely beautiful. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I'm extremely impressed. Your voice is beautiful! The emotion in here is definitely real, and I think it's a good reminder for all musicians on this site that if YOU ARE NOT THIS EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN YOUR WORK, YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING WRONG. Fantastic work. Great playing too! Fantastic work.

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