DrumUltimA Posted December 31, 2009 Posted December 31, 2009 Leaving for MAGfest at the crack of 10 AM tomorrow! See you all there!(PS. I'll be disappointed in all of you if you don't show up all snazzy for the James Bond New Years Eve Party.) don't rub it in. I was so looking forward to that :[ Quote
q-pa Posted December 31, 2009 Posted December 31, 2009 Oh, man, I'm really torn here; a local friend of mine is throwing a new year's eve bash with a bunch of old friends that I haven't seen in several years, including one female friend from highschool who... well, lemme put it this way: starla actually has the second best ass I've seen.So I'm debating whether I want to come to MAGfest tomorrow or hit the new years bash and then head up new years day. As long as there are picts Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted December 31, 2009 Posted December 31, 2009 SO I've decided I'm just going to come straight up to MAGfest today. See you all tonight! Quote
Level 99 Posted December 31, 2009 Posted December 31, 2009 Looks like Avaris got really really sick and probably wont be able to make it. However, AeroZ and myself are all dressed up for the bond party already. We're heading to Dulles in a few in these outfits to pick up OA with the "Rufus and Shinra Inc. 'Taxi' Service", and then...to MAG. WE RIDE! Quote
Abadoss Posted December 31, 2009 Posted December 31, 2009 Audio Fidelity's on his way to pick me up. I'm changing into my Bond stuff once I get there, though. Hell ya! Woot! Quote
Kizyr Posted December 31, 2009 Posted December 31, 2009 See you folks tonight! Definitely looking forward to it. Does anyone know if parking's going to be a problem? It wasn't at all last year, but I didn't go to the New Year's Eve party then. KF Quote
DrumUltimA Posted January 1, 2010 Posted January 1, 2010 just got back from work, hope the party was fun. I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow so I have enough juice for the rest of the con, and I will see you all sometime tomorrow afternoon! Quote
Upthorn Posted January 1, 2010 Posted January 1, 2010 About the new year's party: Zen Albatross is fucking amazing, why haven't we heard of him before? Quote
Palpable Posted January 1, 2010 Posted January 1, 2010 I have a video of about 100 people swaying to a chiptune version of Auld Lang Syne at midnight. And technically, Magfest hasn't even begun yet! Quote
Xerol Oplan Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 I have a video of about 100 people swaying to a chiptune version of Auld Lang Syne at midnight. And technically, Magfest hasn't even begun yet! 100? I think the room was at about 450 people at that point. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFlw8spnFHg Quote
Nekofrog Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 In the waning hours of the evening here at MAGfest, I had a jamfest with suzumebachi, shael, cyril the wolf, and random black dude on drums. We made bootiful bootiful musics together, but next time I'd want to do it with Shael 1. not exhausted and 2. not plastered. Still, amazing fun. Then after that, the rest of the night (5:30 AM - 6:30 AM) was spent trading blows with Larry on HDR in the console room. Rematches, sir! This time with a controller that doesn't have dead buttons! I am dreading the end of this awesome awesome time. Still need to play Dave at HDR. He's dodging me, I know it. Doesn't want to own up and FACE THE WARRIOR. /livejournal Quote
Upthorn Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 Due to a series of unfortunate events (which are really nobody's fault), I've had to leave MagFest early and crash with a friend in the area until my flight home. Unfortunately, I haven't really had a real chance to hang out with DrumUltima, Nekofrog, Ashamee, Starla, Liontamer, etc. The list is long, these are only the names that came to mind in the minute or two I've spent writing this post. So I thought I'd make a thread for anyone else who's had to leave early, or just totally missed someone they were planning on seeing, and we can commiserate. Quote
MkVaff Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 Unfortunately, I missed everyone I would've and could've met because I still didn't get a chance to go. ::Shakes Fist:: DAMN YOU FATE!! Quote
Harmony Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 bLiNd, Jade, zircon, Pixie, Shnabubula, and LuIzA all couldn't make it this time, which sucks. And now that I know if it weren't for cursed fate, I could have also met McVaffe...::Shakes Fist:: DAMN YOU FATE!! Quote
DragonAvenger Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 It is unfortunate that MAG is right before I have to go back to teaching, which makes it awkward for me to ever make my way out to it. ::Shakes Fist:: DAMN YOU FATE!! Quote
Moguta Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 MAGFest rocked, as usual. Unfortunately, D-Lux, his lady, and I had to depart Sunday night before the concert. But even with the regret of not seeing all the bands, it was quite a blast. First, a shout out to everyone I had a chance to hang out with: Obtuse, Level99, q-pa, Kizyr, Arrow, Will, AeroZ, and anyone my faulty memory may be neglecting. Sorry I didn't get to hang out with folks as much as I'd have liked, but since MAGFest has a musical experience quite unlike anywhere else, I tend to soak up as much of that as I can, often to the detriment of hanging out & chatting it up. And that's a darn shame, because you're all so chill and down-to-earth. I wish there were more than just a weekend to get to know everyone. The moments that made my MAGFest had to be the entire OneUps set -- no one grooves out to video game tunes quite like this group -- and the dance party held afterward. I was probably sloppy as all hell, but I rarely get the chance to all-out dance, so I really appreciated that. Looking forward to the pics, vids, and anecdotes sure to follow! Quote
Salluz Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Rubbing all of that musical awesomeness in my face. Quote
Flare4War Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Rubbing all the Magfest awesomeness in our faces you mean. Bastard. You guys have a great time. Drink one for me. Quote
Cerrax Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Yep, it's official. I have the MAGFlu (M1N1). Doctors say it is terminal and most sufferers die within a year or so. The only known treatment is a hearty Music And Gaming Festive environment. But some symptoms can be treated at your local OCR and clinics such as ThaSauce, VGMix, etc. So, anybody else suffering from MAGFlu? Quote
KyleJCrb Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Is it possible to suffer from a lack of MAGFlu? Quote
Alexis Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 I'm still in denial. I'm in the hotel, and therefore still at MAGfest (even if everyone is leaving/gone). Until about an hour from now, I'm not admitting to having Post-MAGFest Depression. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Glad that you had a great time there Next year, G-T and I are crashing that place so hard. Gonna make that place mad legit. Quote
q-pa Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 After leaving Alexandria at 1:30 AM after the concerts & cosplay contest, and driving all night--partially through a snowstorm--I am indeed back in PGH and still alive. As hard as it was to leave like that, there is something to be said for compressing all the goodbyes into an hour or so, as compared to seeing everything slowly wind down in empty rooms... But things were definitely awesome. More to follow as I digest everything--and maybe after a nap. to all! Quote
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