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OCR01124 - Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker "Pirates of Dragon Roost Isle"

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I can't believe what I am hearing. Wow! This is by far one of the most fabulous mixes I have ever had the privilage to listen to.

Unknown, you have really gone out your way and made yourself the opposite of what your name applies. In my book, you are what the gaming community needs. Your take on an already awe great arangement is one that all should take notice of.

Its rare these days to find such passion in music, and you my friend have not only captured the essence of Link and his adventures, you trancended the meaning of what it is to be on an adventure. My imagination was on cloud nine while listening to this piece, and I oh so look forward to your future endevors.

I would love to see you and BenCousins get together and see what you two could come up with!

Thanks man/woman! You have truely inspired me to keep doing what I do best. Dreaming. Highly recommended!!! Big Ups!



This is another fantastic Wind Waker mix. The first was awesome and this is just as beautiful. Well done. I can't wait for whats to come

Must Download.


I have nothing to add to the praise already given (though I care nothing for pirate movies, my evil brother likes that stuff.). Good orchestral mix, but not rigidly symphonic. I especially appreciate the sharp bits of brass in the right channel.

Well whatta ya know, I did have something to say.

Rating: 5/5


This is one awesome mix. Just wanted to point out the in the idv3 tags it says Dragon Rost Island instead of Roost.

The remix is great and definetly has the pirates of the carribean feel. I must say I could tell you were using some free soundfonts but it sounds amazing. I really shouldn't be complaining here but the brass hits didn't sound that realistic, they sound a lot like they were sampled.

This made my day (and my spine tingle). I loved this song from LoZTWW, thanks for the wonderful remix.


I really liked this mix. I stayed true to the orginal song, yet it had a spicier feeling to it. I liked the wide range of instruments and the (conch shell?) opening.

It am suprised that there are only two mixes for The Wind Waker. With all of the great songs in it I figured there would be more. Although, the two that are out now ared both excellent.

I really liked this mix. I stayed true to the orginal song, yet it had a spicier feeling to it. I liked the wide range of instruments and the (conch shell?) opening.

It am suprised that there are only two mixes for The Wind Waker. With all of the great songs in it I figured there would be more. Although, the two that are out now ared both excellent.

Well it's not like the game is 5 years old or something. :roll:


Wow.... I don't think I've heard a better flute sample in a long, long time. Sounds like something out of the Banjo-Kazooie games, but that's another story. This one is excellent, sounds right with the Wind Waker theme without being pulled directly from the song, I'd want to play with this song instead of the normal one, always good for a Remix.

I don't like the opening percussion though. Almost sounds like the hits are completely devoid of any kind of beat, plus they almost take away the effect of the incoming higher part due to the randomness of the perc. Works much better after that point though, damn good sampling on the brass too.

I'm a sucker for the 3/4 time used as well and anyone who can effectively use a marimba gets instant points. Great ending too.


This is definatelty one of if not the best orchestral remixes i've ever heard. Thres some genious in this piece. It is pu togetehr flawlessly. Everythign fits and flows together. This piece is iuincreidbly full, never lacking. It would fit the game perfectly. Amazing i would so much rather have th etwo wind waker mixes rpelace the originals. this is maginficent. Amazing job.


Remixes like this and the only other Wind Waker remix make me wonder why there aren't more Wind Waker mixes.

Absolutely incredible. I love the game, I love this remix...keep it up!!

EDIT: Can't stop listening to it. I had it on repeat for about an hour straight and never got tired of it. Not enough praise...fantastic work!


I was going backwards and just listened to Ubik and Zyko's Asterix mix, so the beginning of this sounded pretty bland by comparison. :P But this is not a dull piece. No, sir! It's great. I LOVE the piratey feel... it was captured perfectly. YARRRR!

(edit) GOD I love the rhythms. 10/10 just on the rhythms alone! Whoo.

  • 4 weeks later...

This is so wonderfully done! Definitely in the way of the pirate! Hardly Pirates of Dark Water, but mainly Pirates of the Carribean and it worked! The arrangements were on point and it felt like an epic journey! One of my newer favorites, definitely a beautiful job on this!

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
:) AWSOME! At first I was like "It's aight." but since I'm an odd person, I like things the more I listen/play/do with them. It happens everytime. Just like when I played Metroid Prime. It was ok at first but really awsome after about a day of playing it!

Wow, I love it! ^_^ Some remixes I must say sometimes I get tired of about halfway through, they just get stale or repetitive to me, but this one I was sad to see end! I've still got the melody in my head, it is quite a sweeping piece that captures the feel of both pirates and Wind Waker in general quite effectively. Definitely a reccomended download.

  • 1 month later...

omg! the first time i heard this i swear that half was from 'The Amazing Race' and half was from like Pirates of the Carribean or somthing.... it stunned me to insanity.... wait that was a long time ago... ok

yes, this is an amazing tune.... im impressed! good job mr. Unknown!

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