djpretzel Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
halc Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 fantastic performances. the arrangment is sick Quote
Sir_Snooze Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 HOLY SHIT. That is all. I can honestly say that, after the first listen, this became one of my jazz standards. That bari player should get a prize, the Buddy Rich drum solo action ate babies, nice shouting with the trumpets. I feel like anything I say actually doesn't do this justice. Well done...outta curiousity, does anyone know if this is gonna be played at a jazz club anytime? I'll make the trip - I've got some money saved up, so I'll seriously come from Ottawa to Toronto to hear this band. Congrats - apologies for cursing, Just...Wow. Quote
Sinewav Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Hot damn. I want a copy of this on vinyl. Personally, I'm really digging the low quality handheld recorder stuff and the chatter in the background, though I'm surprised that it got posted. Judges here really surprise me sometimes (in a good way) Also... HOLY SHIT.That is all. I can honestly say that, after the first listen, this became one of my jazz standards. That bari player should get a prize, the Buddy Rich drum solo action ate babies, nice shouting with the trumpets. I feel like anything I say actually doesn't do this justice. Well done...outta curiousity, does anyone know if this is gonna be played at a jazz club anytime? I'll make the trip - I've got some money saved up, so I'll seriously come from Ottawa to Toronto to hear this band. Congrats - apologies for cursing, Just...Wow. Everything this guy said. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Oh I like the atmosphere of this, and the Barri yeah, I'm a sucker for the lower range in general, but I love the growly saxophone that's going on. I can't really comment on the Drum solo, cause I'm not a huge fan of Jazz style percussiony solo things, but I'm sure the person on in enjoyed his time to shine. :3 Quote
YoshMaster Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Haha I just have to make a comment about the "orange" version of the website, that was the good old days! I just loved your little DJ Pretzel head at the top Also, nice to see Tail Cave Beatdown in the remix section of this archive image. It's one of the TOP remix of this website for me (and I have 771 downloaded mix that I listen to!) and it's nice to see that the older mixes aren't necessarily less good even if the tech wasn't always there at the time!! Quote
OceansAndrew Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Really nice stuff. The lofi recording I wish had a little more brilliance, but this is seriously some good stuff. Awesome job to everyone involved in the mix. Special shout out to the dude and his additional Amsterdam. I am certain it was as delicious and refreshing as this mix was. Quote
MechaFone Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Fantastic! Some of the most talented sounds I've ever heard coming from a live band performance, and that can do this song no justice. Quote
PrototypeRaptor Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Very well arranged, performed, and captured - this really does do the "live jazz" feel justice. Gotta give you major props - although I feel it could have been tightened up a bit, you guys probably just sat down and ran through it a few times and then recorded... I know how university jazz works haha... Anyway, I hope to hear more - great stuff! Quote
Emunator Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Stylistically, big-band is about as far as you can get from my favorite musical genre and it's not something I typically enjoy. However, between the source tune and the clever embellishments I think you guys made it work for me Like everyone's pointed out, it feels completely real and engrossing with the live jazz feel you've got going on... never has a remix made me feel like I'm really there listening to the band play more than this one! The random people talking are there only for enough time to establish the atmosphere but not enough to really distract from anything, which is pretty lucky when you're recording in a room full of people. You guys rock, please don't stop submitting gems like this! Quote
Platonist Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 To quote quagmire: yes... Yes... YES! Quote
Sir_Downunder Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 This makes me want to get up and do the Charleston There's a small place in my heart for big-band, and this just reminds me of why I love it. The live recording and voices in the background add a certain charm to the track, as well as the solos (that bari player is a monster). I hope we'll se more of these guys in the future, eh? Quote
42 Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 This is just, plain and simply, such a cool and fun piece, I feel like a hep cat when listening to this, and the fact that this was done live makes it even more special. I really wish I could have seen this performed live, but I'm still very thankful that I get to hear it at all. Thank you all. This is so going straight to my Video Game Jazz playlist. Quote
Swann Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 Oh man, I am digging this. It's already been said, but MAN, some sweet bari sax playing there. Nice solos all around. A keeper for sure. Great job--props to all the musicians involved in this! Quote
BlackPanther Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 Great job guys, I've been to a few big band jazz concerts and everything about this felt the same way I did at those concerts. Solos were great, wasn't really feelin the drum one though. I've been wantin to get into creating jazz pieces and I'll be using you guys for reference. Great remix guys! Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 This is awesome guys. You sure know how to put on a show:< Quote
Nearly Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 Beyond Epic. Gotta show this to some guy is my band. Quote
Jack Polo Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 WOOOO! This is so optimally great. Big band-style jazz is one of my favourite musical genres, and this is just totally excellent! I love the really jammy feel of this, too. The source is there for sure, but all the flourishing solos going on all the time make it feel so much more like a huge jam session of awesomeness. Also, mad props to all in terms of soloing, everything sounds greeeeeat! Quote
LuigiFan Posted December 13, 2009 Posted December 13, 2009 Well this blows my jazz arrangement of this theme completely out of the water. (Which is probably a good thing, seeing as how I was most likely never going to finish it.) What can I say? I gave it a standing ovation. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 This site needs more live jazz. I love all the background stuff going on, and you feel like you're really in a club listening to this. Your recorder did a pretty kickin' job, I'm impressed. Props to the bari, he's got some nasty chops. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 This is a really fitting piece for this time of the year - jazz band stuff really works well here. Been listening to this on repeat for the past few times while wrapping Christmas presents and figuring out a surprise for the OCR goers to MAGFest. There is a slight bit of sloppiness found here and there, but it's a live performance that's largely well done. Arrangement-wise, I can't say I really have much to complain about, and the recording quality is pretty good which is a huge plus. I hope more live jazz stuff makes it to OCR, it's always a pleasure to listen to this stuff. Quote
LuckyXIII Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 Can I have another pint of Amsterdam, please? Quote
jintoreedwine Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 Hey, great rendition of a classic track. Mario 64 has a special place in my heart as the first "3D" game I ever played and music, for me, is instantly recognoisable since I played the game so much ... . I really dig the real instrument mixes, especially jazz, which lends itself particularly well to this (there's a lot of personality that comes through in the solos and whatnot). My only "complaint" is that the audio sounds a bit washed out, but not much you can do about that (at least without haven't professional recording equipment and whatnot). Either way I LOVE the arrangement and the solos are a nice touch . Quote
metaphist Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 I think OA said it best - this is so very charming. The live warm sound and background chatter ("another pint of amsterdamn...") fit so well. Gems like these make the world go round. Quote
Martin Penwald Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Nice arrangement. The clapping and talking in the background really adds to the atmosphere. I'm not too hot on the drum solo, though. The bari one was cool, but the drum solo was just a little bit too self-indulgent. I sure hope this site gets more live jazz submission in the future. Quote
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