djpretzel Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
ProjectSpam Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 Awesome stuff, as we've come to expect from Ziwtra for a long time now. Every remix he makes just makes me so happy... Quote
big giant circles Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 chalk another one up to be enjoyed delightfully. wonderful. the horn is quite pleasant. Quote
Tex Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 beats! That is good for ears. Nice flute in beginning. Arrangement with good and crazy instruments. Good rhythm in percussion. And nice piano and orchestra. Nostalgic music, oh yes! Quote
PlastikBag Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 I saw a new remix from Ziwtra AND from Final Fantasy Adventure, which got me really excited. Thankfully the mix itself did not disappoint. Great stuff as usual Ziwtra! Quote
SirRus Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 I love this one, I've had the WIP version for quite some time and it has kept me happy every day listening to it, and this final version has some noticeable polish and added subtleties. Thank you, Ziwtra. Quote
ella guro Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 I'd have to agree with djp when he said that he'd like to hear ziwtra take more risks. This is the same thing ziwtra's been doing since he started remixing, and it's becoming a little frustrating. As always, he has a knack for taking fairly subpar sounds and mixing and layering them in way that works. He also has an uncanny ability of making an infectious groove, and there are always a few subtle things done in the arrangement to distinguish his mixes (like those triplets in the percussion). But he's done all this before, and done it better. The effects feel a bit overused and cliche because I've heard them used so many times before. The arrangement itself, aside from the intro and a slight deviation mid-mix, is also overly straightforward and doesn't really explore any new territory. Of course, the result still is something enjoyable and pleasing to listen to. But this has nowhere near the amount of depth that made mixes like "Rain in Chicago" engaging. Quote
LegendarySword Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 Touching, beautiful, and from my favorite portable RPG of all time. Had to give respect where it was due. Everyone's pining for you to take risks because we think you have even more spectacular things in store for us. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 Ziwtra, I completely agree with DJP. How can anyone hate this? Another 10. Ziwtra... you're probably my favourite... and that's saying something. Quote
ziwtra Posted January 23, 2005 Posted January 23, 2005 well i usually like to leave these threads alone but i thought i'd thank djp, adhesive boy and the rest who have urged me to break out of whatever style it is i've become accustomed to. i have my limitations--some due to my lack of musical background, some because of hardware, software--but that's no excuse. hopefully i'll have something a bit different for you next time... i'm cooking up something that's sure to at least grate against your ears : ) thanks again to djp who always seems to have his finger on the pulse of every remixer. yh Quote
Dryad-Forgotten Posted January 24, 2005 Posted January 24, 2005 wow. I didn't think that a genre change could be that drastic in a piece, especially from what I was expecting. A great techno piece, and some very well placed beats to go with it. I guess the only complaint I could bring up with this piece is that it does seem to diverge from the main melody often, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I guess that is only a problem for me because of how much I loved the games original music. Also, I would've liked to have seen a more prominent transition from the flute to the techno, but I suppose that's more of a stylistic preference than flaw. Say, have you ever heard the CD "Seiken Densetsu Sound Collection"? It's a fully orchestrated version of all the music in the game. It was pretty rare, so I doubt many people have listened to it. It's more than worth checking out if if your a fan of the game. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 Good gravy it's gorgeous... Quote
A-RoN Posted January 29, 2005 Posted January 29, 2005 well i usually like to leave these threads alone but i thought i'd thank djp, adhesive boy and the rest who have urged me to break out of whatever style it is i've become accustomed to. i have my limitations--some due to my lack of musical background, some because of hardware, software--but that's no excuse. hopefully i'll have something a bit different for you next time... i'm cooking up something that's sure to at least grate against your ears : )thanks again to djp who always seems to have his finger on the pulse of every remixer. yh Understood. I can live with that. I too try to break away for normal hip-hop type rythums, but sometimes I can only do so much with what I got. Another reason besides lack of great samples and software (Acid Pro 4) is the fact I hate playing with synths and that's why your tracks put even my house music to shame. That's why I can sympathize. Now then, I love this track as well as your fast paced hip-hop styling one from last submission. It's got a good groove that's just hard to describe. Not much to say or critisize. Quote
Bummer Posted October 31, 2005 Posted October 31, 2005 Very cool mix, the horn just makes my day, along with all those other happy pop-instruments. Popmusic just makes me think of Five and BackStreetBoys, but if it´s this good, then keep up with it. Ziwtra, well done, you made a groovy remix that just says Rise and Shine to everybody, puts a smile to your face and a good morning is coming on its way. Chill dude. Quote
metaphist Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 Love this track. Yeah, it's vintage Ziwtra, but you can't go wrong as such. It's that beautiful groove we all know and love. Quote
ChaosPlayer Posted November 11, 2007 Posted November 11, 2007 Love this track. Yeah, it's vintage Ziwtra, but you can't go wrong as such. It's that beautiful groove we all know and love. Again, registered to make a reply that this is also one of the best music remix ever listned to. To whoever designed this, ty much. I can never get tired of this. Starts off with a calm flut music with then continuing on playing into a cozy melody throughout the entire song. If you ever study...I recomend using this song. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Ziwtra is *so good* at making incredible tracks using completely terrible samples. I think the key is using generally thin samples, but packing a ton of melodic lines and counterpoint in. Regardless, it's awesome, and very distinct. This is pretty strong work, with a fantastic arrangement. Very unique and once the beats come in, it's very obviously Ziwtra's style. Excellent moving parts; nothing is on autopilot, and it sounds like an incredibly tight electro-jazz group. I think the style of this one is beautiful, with a dense but always clear sound, and near-endless repeat play potential. Tracks like this are the reason Ziwtra is my favorite. Quote
tweex Posted September 14, 2010 Posted September 14, 2010 Talk about making the best out of what you have. The orch samples are certainly not the best in the world, but he keeps the movement up and never allows one of them to become too exposed at any given point! I love the LFO on the lead synth; it gives the mix a great down tempo feel that compliments the drums really well. That bass line is pretty damn bitching as it bubbles underneath the track. It really helped the slower moving orch section towards the middle of the mix. I love the rhodes-esque sounding piano playing the syncopated chords underneath! This is the perfect driving track at the end of the day as you're riding down the interstate to go home. The end was really abrupt, but small potatoes with how great this was! Lush, my friend, lush! Quote
BLAHMASTER Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 The original melody always brings out a sad sort of nostalgia for me. This remix, however, removes all of the sad feelings and leaves me with a sort of happy nostalgia. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, but I certainly loving it! Quote
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