Origami Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 The lyrics are quite well written, but sometimes they change topics too suddenly. Best case is at 1:53 where the "If I could have anything I..." begins. Everything else = YES. The Ice Cap tune drops to a more minimalistic tone and more promenient at appropriate times. Quote
MaGi_TekK Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 hmm, I disagree with the premise of these review boards. Most people who praise the artists here often do so without pointing to any specific features of the song that they liked. So why not bash them without reference to the song as well? Secondly, syc·o·phant: A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people. I don't see how you can't find examples of that in this board. Either you believe that the remixer in question isn't influential (not an unlikely scenario) or you have no grasp of the english language. As for my self-hypocrisy, I have to give you props on that one. Although the fact that you searched that hard to prove a point is kind of pathetic. Lastly, I don't dislike the genre entirely, look at what I wrote about Star's Spacebeam Space harrier remix. Alright, no more of these shinanigans! L8t Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 hmm, I disagree with the premise of these review boards. Most people who praise the artists here often do so without pointing to any specific features of the song that they liked. So why not bash them without reference to the song as well? reviewers giving stupid praise aren't doing anything any good, but that's not really the point. the fact that they are doesn't give you the right to say whatever you want. people who say "omg teh mix iz teh rox0rz!!!" aren't pissing anyone off. you are. As for my self-hypocrisy, I have to give you props on that one. Although the fact that you searched that hard to prove a point is kind of pathetic. omg I guess ur rite we r teh dumb, tho Lastly, I don't dislike the genre entirely, look at what I wrote about Star's Spacebeam Space harrier remix. irrelevant. syc·o·phant: A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people is DCT all the sudden a remixer who has all sorts of influence on this site as a postmaster plus, a judge, or a project coordinator? Oh wait, he doesn't, your definition doesn't apply, good bye. no offense to DCT, of course, and he may soon have influence if his own site gains some more deserved support. Quote
reelmojo Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 And then there are some people who don't want to review a song once it gets onto OCR because they feel that's what the judges panel is for. Either that or they just want to give the remixer his deserved props. Congratulations, DCT on finally getting on OCR and more importantly on producing what I feel is the best song I've ever heard from you. Quote
K-£øµd Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 First off, I'd like to apologize to DCT and his "crew" for having this board become grounds for, well, ya know. Just a reminder: Even the best artists out there have "haters", so you're in good company. Anyways, to help lift your mood, I have a little story for you. A few people recently visited me while I was listening to this song, and they all enjoyed it thoroughly. They had no idea it was a video game remix until afterwards, when I told them. In fact, one of them (who also happens to be the primary hip-hop listener in the group) asked if it was a new song on the radio, which probably means it's a pretty darn good mix. Either way you look at it, though, you've got fans. I hope to hear more gems from you in the future... Quote
ShadowBlade999 Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 At first, I was kind of skeptical of this Remix becuz it was a rap/hip-hop version. But after hearing the first verse, all that went away. This has 2 be one of the remixes I've heard EVER. The whole remix flows well and the beat was xcellent. But really got my attention was DCT's lyrics. The way he spit it out had such an impact on me, becuz I'm going through the same shit he went through. It amazes me how he never had a previous remix submitted previously if this is the outcome. Hands down, dis is da the best remix of '05 and probably one the best remixes of all-time. DCT, kick-ass job on and I hope u produce more tracks like this(I see u gettin signed by a label in the near-future). Just-Us, xcellent job on da beats and keep producing more like this. I bow down 2 u both(I'm not worthy ) Quote
DCT Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 Where to start..... I'm gonna post the lyrics here in due time; as for now, this weird phenomenon called a social life is trying to take me away from my precious vgm community. I <3 endblink, reelmojo, & mythril. MaGi_TekK, I'm perfectly capable of handling bad reviews. Between VGMix1 and my previous rejections from the OCR Judges' Panel, I've had my fair share. But in response to what you've said: The rhyming is not fast, Ashlee Simpson has not taken over the music industry, and the term 'wannabe lyrics' doesn't even make sense. Additionally, I'm not an influential person (at least I don't think I am), so people saying that they like a remix that just happens to be made by me isn't gonna put them in any special favor with me. I'll just say 'thank you' and be on my way. And in response to MaGi_TekK's initial comment, here is what the rapper in question had to say: yo, I'm the talentless rapper you were talking about. my name is N00dle and i'm representing the family of Just Us. I'm just writing to say thank you for your opinion. keep listening. Life is Music Thanks again to all for listening, even those who didn't like it, and want to take my life for having made it. -DCT Quote
GrayLightning Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 The rules are clear and everyone has made their points on the topic already - this is not the place to discuss side topics on policies or to state how rap sucks. Get back to reviewing constructively rather than throwing pot shots. Move on now please or have your posts removed/receive a warning. Quote
SigmaMewtwo Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 DCT and Just Us, I have to say that you guys made a wonderful song here! I love how your lyrics seem to fit this remix like a glove. The first time I heard this, I could just feel the rhythm and the emotion of this song entrancing me, and I couldn't get enough of it! Give yourselves a pat on the back for an innovative and excellent remix. You've earned it! Quote
StarBLaSt Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 people who say "omg teh mix iz teh rox0rz!!!" aren't pissing anyone off. you are. When people praise mediocre music as being awesome (especially without defending their reasons), it pisses me off. Anyway, since everyone is asking for constructive criticism, I'll give you some. Do something interesting. Making something that sounds like "it could be on the radio, maybe" just isnt enough these days. If you want to be successful in the music business youre going to need something to set you apart. A gimmick, a distinctive style, something. What we have here is very well produced, for what it is, but it's very lacking in creativity. It's not catchy. It's not interesting. But it does sound sincere, which I do like. The only problem with that is the lyrics get a tad on the overly angsty side. The vocalist is very convincing, he sounds great on the mic setup. Then again, rap is rather simple when it comes to recording. I guess my main problem with this is, you guys seem to take yourselves too seriously. Like, how can you be serious saying "ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls!!! lets go!!". Have some fun, guys! Rap is hilarious. Or should I say, Hilarious is Rap! Check it out, I reversed the phrase yo. Represcrent. But anyway, I need to thank you guys for inspiring my latest remix. I'm not one to give criticism standing on something as shaky as 'spacebeam'. Quote
Nobbynob Littlun Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Overall, quite smooth. I noticed that at the end of many strings of sentences you are out of breath. Then I realized that it wasn't that you ran out of breath, but because you had so little room in between lines that you have seem to cut short on one line so you can get the air for the next... like 1'19, 1'35, 3'54. When you have that little space for breathing, look over the lyrics and see if you can cut down a syllable somewhere. You've gotta be able to breathe! I like the lyrics, they make me feel like I know you! One of the few things that I like about rap, which other genres are dreadfully lacking in, is that it gets a lot of the unusual rythmns that are found in poetry, like... "I sit in my room And listen to Instrumentals and hope That I'd make the rhyme that makes people Say he's official it Just tickles me A little" ..and... "When I wanna Grab someone Stab someone I just write a rap And I'm back loving" ...but I wouldn't go with the "ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, Just Us, let's go". It doesn't fit with the rest of the song. So in summary, I think your strong points are being smoove, and having good lyrics. And your weak points are just lacking in practice. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Nice. The vocals remind me a lot of "Mockingbird" by Eminem. Not necessarily a good thing, but not necessarily bad. Overall, I'd say this is a very solid mix. Quote
New You Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 I think the lyrical style in this song is really interesting. The rhyming patterns are all over the place, phrases are repeated twice in one sentence, etc. I can't really put my finger on it, but the vocalist's style and lyrics seem really unique. I don't listen to a whole lot of rap, so maybe I'm mistaken. Whatever. Moving on. 'Kay, here's my constructive criticism: I think more structure would benefit this song more than anything else. There aren't distinct verses or choruses. In my opinion, this lets the listener's attention drift because of the lack of sudden changes in the song. Small changes instrumentally, different rhythms, etc. would really help keep the listener focussed on the song so that nothing would get taken for granted. "Wannabe lyrics" is quite the disgusting phrase, in my opinion. No one should write lyrics to appeal to anyone else. If you do, you've missed the mark completely in terms of music's emotional significance. I think the lyrics in this song have immense style. Take away the style, flow, everything musical, however, and the heart is still there, which is the most essential part of a song with a lasting effect on its listeners. The writer of these lyrics is extremely passionate about his music, a feeling which is hard to come across in most popular rap today. Very well done, in my opinion. Quote
Amaranth Posted May 16, 2005 Posted May 16, 2005 Holy crap, this is really good. The production reminds me a little bit of the same style used in The Blueprint by Jay-Z, so the hip-hop flavor was incorporated very well. The vocals themselves are also very good, this is better than anything you could hear on MTV. Plus, it's a Sonic mix! Such a strange combination, but it's amazing how it works so well! A very remarkable mix, download it now. Quote
The 8th Knight Posted May 27, 2005 Posted May 27, 2005 Before i go on, i just to get it out in the clear that I’m bias against rap. So taking this to heart wouldn't be the wisest of ideas. With that said... This just goes to prove that the same sounding repeated melody of rap can be applied to anything. Listen to the climax an fall off of the lyrical melodies, not the words; just listen to the sounds of the words. It’s the same sounding flow through out the entire song. Fairly any change up or complexity. While i understand this is an easy going song and doesn’t need to be shredded up, you don't want to give a 'Muzac' quality of repeated tonal range to your audience. Not to mention the lyrics are that of a comparatively emo/rock group just complaining. (again, I’m being bias and unfair in my views, so don't take it to heart.) no one cares, and your not the only who has hard times. While lyrics are usually a thing of praise and encouraged here because its cool to see people taking the initiative to take the extra creative step to come up with them, these lyrics have nothing to help support the game or have any relevance to it at all. Its the equivalent of hearing another rapper talk in a melodic way leaving the song to pick up the slack. Also, since rap is primarily a genera that focuses on lyrics rather than instruments, you have double the norm weight to bear impressive lyrics. What an insult to SONIC Team. Please, rap is fine and all and your instrumental background music was quite impressive and nice to listen to, but (I at least) feel that this is uncommonly out of place at OCRemix. I think it's great that your expressing yourself, and this was a fine song to do it to, but please... why would i want to come here expecting to listen to well done remixed music of videogames only to hear a self centered run of the mill sounding rap song? As far as your work on compositing the song, i must show my appreciation in your over all quality sound. Also as much as i don't care to hear it, rap is a reasonably underrepresented genera of music here and its good to see more variety coming into the fray. I use the word, variety liberally though. You defiantly have the potential to create better. But these are just the rantings of a metal head. Separate the good from the bad and you'll do just fine. Quote
Fridge Posted May 27, 2005 Posted May 27, 2005 Thought this was excellent stuff. Maybe making something that 'sounds like it could be on the radio' isn't enough for some, but I'd say the ability to match (better?) recordings that garner millions for their creator's is a fairly respectable accomplishment. I've spent enough time listening to clear channel radio to appreciate Eminem and his brethren's work, and this is quality stuff. Thanks for putting it out there... Quote
EndDay Posted May 27, 2005 Posted May 27, 2005 One thing about rap and hip-hop most artists these days miss is the fact that rap needs personality as well as talent. The talent is most definitely here, but it's the personality and sincerity of the flow that really grab me. Awesome mix DCT, and awesome flow Just Us. (Just makes me wish half of the radio rap was as good as this. Oh well, just have to wait until Kanye's next album comes out. ) Quote
defender!! Posted May 28, 2005 Posted May 28, 2005 eh, not my thing i guess. i don't think i should've read that "mockingbird" was the base for it, because for some reason, that threw off my entire opinion of the remix. i started noticing every little detail that sounded exactly like eminem and it grated on me until i thought you were just a talentless hack ripping on em. which i know you aren't. the beat is good, but doesn't...really impress me, if that makes any sense. i recognize the tune and i like how it's been done, but i guess that i'm just expecting more bells and whistles rather than the original song slowed and given a windchime. again i'm sure some people will love it (as evidenced by this thread), it's just not my deal, personally. thanks anyway, DCT. Quote
Just Us Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 Overall, quite smooth.I noticed that at the end of many strings of sentences you are out of breath. Then I realized that it wasn't that you ran out of breath, but because you had so little room in between lines that you have seem to cut short on one line so you can get the air for the next... like 1'19, 1'35, 3'54. When you have that little space for breathing, look over the lyrics and see if you can cut down a syllable somewhere. You've gotta be able to breathe! I like the lyrics, they make me feel like I know you! One of the few things that I like about rap, which other genres are dreadfully lacking in, is that it gets a lot of the unusual rythmns that are found in poetry, like... "I sit in my room And listen to Instrumentals and hope That I'd make the rhyme that makes people Say he's official it Just tickles me A little" ..and... "When I wanna Grab someone Stab someone I just write a rap And I'm back loving" ...but I wouldn't go with the "ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, Just Us, let's go". It doesn't fit with the rest of the song. So in summary, I think your strong points are being smoove, and having good lyrics. And your weak points are just lacking in practice. I really appreciate your opinion. As time goes by I'll be submitting more songs (produced by DCT ) and your feedback would be well appreciated. You're right about one thing if not everything you said, I did need more breath! I really had a lot on my mind when i wrote that, and if i could've went all day without breathing, I would've. I wanted it to be out, and most of all, to be heard. Thank u and feel free to e-mail me personally, and/or pm me here. Thanks, Life is Music! Quote
A-RoN Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 I've decided not to critisize any more rap mixes in the VG Music Mix and OCR community since I'm tired of starting benign uproars but let me say one thang; you guys are certainly livin' up to your labullz. Quote
SilentKnight Posted June 24, 2005 Posted June 24, 2005 @DCT: heh, no reason to hate on this song or the rapping. the beat is excellent, fits the mood of the song perfectly. the flow is excellent, i like the way you keep it consistent (has a kind of Talib Kweli feel to it) content was good, though i was hoping for more punchlines and stuff. bah, who gives a damn. concerning what Nobbynob Littlun said: your breath control isn't perfect, but i'd say it's good enough. cutting off your words to start the following line is common, i wouldn't worry about it. overall, you're not really out of breath per se, but you occasionally sound somewhat like you're gagging after you pull a multisyllable. once again, that's overlookable though. i wouldn't say you lack practice, as you sound like you've got the fundamentals down rather solidly. (just my two cents, i usaully try to set up a launcher so i can get a good dose of air before dropping a multisyllable/long line) take for example: "And even after I die, I'll serve you from the afterlife/ Spitting battle rhymes through EVP. I'm- (pause+deep breath) Indisible, invisible, invincible, indivisible/ Technically unrippable when spittin flows/" then again, occasionally it depends on the beat you're rapping to from what i hear, you seem to just dive straight into the multisyllable as part of your flow, which is cool, but like Nobbynob says: you need to breath. good mic presence. your voice sounds a bit laid-back and conversational, fits the whole story telling aspect of this song. lol @ "go to bed, quit writing rhymes and get some rest." i can relate don't know why but the rapping style reminds me of Nas and Talib Kweli kinda. btw Just Us, i saw that you won on BET's Freestyle Friday, so props with that and good luck with your upcoming battles. how's the competition? heh, wish i could battle... hell i wish i could at least collab for that matter.... heck, i wish i had a condensor mic and mixing board..... o well....someday....... Quote
Liontamer Posted June 24, 2005 Posted June 24, 2005 btw Just Us, i saw that you won on BET's Freestyle Friday, so props with that and good luck with your upcoming battles. Ohhh shit! For real? Any way I can check that out? (Wish I knew if they re-ran that stuff). Quote
Navi Posted June 24, 2005 Posted June 24, 2005 btw Just Us, i saw that you won on BET's Freestyle Friday, so props with that and good luck with your upcoming battles. Ohhh shit! For real? Any way I can check that out? (Wish I knew if they re-ran that stuff). I asked DCT if he had that recorded and he said "Not on the computer, yet" so, perhaps soon? Quote
DCT Posted June 24, 2005 Posted June 24, 2005 btw Just Us, i saw that you won on BET's Freestyle Friday, so props with that and good luck with your upcoming battles. Ohhh shit! For real? Any way I can check that out? (Wish I knew if they re-ran that stuff). I asked DCT if he had that recorded and he said "Not on the computer, yet" so, perhaps soon? Hopefully. concerning what Nobbynob Littlun said:your breath control isn't perfect, but i'd say it's good enough. cutting off your words to start the following line is common, i wouldn't worry about it. overall, you're not really out of breath per se, but you occasionally sound somewhat like you're gagging after you pull a multisyllable. once again, that's overlookable though. i wouldn't say you lack practice, as you sound like you've got the fundamentals down rather solidly. A lot of people consider his breathing (or lack thereof) his weakest point, although, to his credit, he's gotten substantially better since this song was recorded. And now if you'll excuse me, I have to help Just Us get ready from a big interview with SHADY FUCKING RECORDS. -DCT Quote
Hobocop Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 I dont know what the explanation is for all the reviews ceasing after my bday (hope I'm not missing something), but Im kickin myself for not being able to listen to this sooner (blaming it on school mostly), but anyway... When I saw that Iced Out Nine Twenty Two didn't make it past the panel last year, I found it somewhere else cuz Sonic + rap style instrumental appealed to me. Since then, that song (along with Eres Des Points by dj crono) has been in the car every time I went some where. I consider(ed) those the best rap-style VG mixes, so I was always grateful for that one. Unfortunately, my pc internally blew up so visits here were infrequent, but thats beside the point: The speakers on this computer really suck, but I can tell that the quality is really high nonetheless. I used to listen to a lot of rap, mostly none of the mainstream radio stuff; however when I heard this, I too related it to Eminem. Personally, I prefer southern rap to his style, but one thing puts this over ALL of them - its Sonic "ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, put your hands together. Just Us, let's go". That line, or something similar at the beginning: I dont see why everyone's harpin on it. I like it, feels like something big is on its way. Like the sort of muffled feeling there as well. I also feel obliged to bring up two other mixes that I feel vaguely resemble the style (at least in my mind). First, Ellywu2 with Global Warming (whose name I like considering one of my majors is gonna be Geography). The style is more fast paced and lacks the lyrics, but I feel these two are the start of more exposure for this type of music (even though GW only has rap-style influence in sparse sections). Second, I remember some guy called Nihon Tek making an Ice Cap mix called Frosted, with lyrics as well. The reason I bring this song up is because I have the same minor gripe with Memories as I do with Frosted; the lyrics don't relate to the game. With NT's version I felt that he only used Ice Cap to promote his own world views, but with DCT/Just Us' interpretation it feels much more "real" in terms of intention and message. One additional thing that I really like about this is that there is no pointless, idiotic swearing, which unfortunately laces this genre. Thanks for not going down that route, cuz it usually destroys the credibility of a song, joke mix or not. It's obvious that remixes with lyrics are fast establishing themselves as the future of OCR, so I hope you guys can be at the forefront of this new movement. Don't abandon us to be famous guys Quote
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