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The Final Fantasy VI Remix Contest: Results are in, check first post!!!

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The Results Are In!

I want to congratulate all the winners, whose ReMixes I absolutely loved! However, I also want to thank EVERYONE for participating - I enjoyed all of your submissions. McVaffe and I will be discussing who we'll be inviting to the project, but suffice it to say we have many more than these top entrants on our list. :mrgreen:

Should you choose to look at the full rankings, keep in mind things were quite close overall. The point spread was pretty tight, and the lowest score (180) was still almost double the lowest POSSIBLE score (91). That being said, whether you placed below or above your expectations, you should feel proud of your hard work, and be motivated and inspired to continue practicing and improving. With that, the results!

1st Place: XPRTNovice - "Gobble Snarf Snap"

2nd Place TIE!: DDRKirby(ISQ) - "There's Nothing Like Flying" and Rexy - "Gestahlian Sonata"

3rd Place: Sole Signal - "Throne Reborn"

Full rankings available (click here!)

Contest Facts & Figures:

* Total votes: 91

* Score range: 180 to 343 pts (a fairly close spread!)

* Average score: 264

* Median score: 275

* Total amount of music submitted (hours:minutes:seconds): 2:10:29

* Most popular source tune: The Gestahl Empire (9 remixes)

* Least popular source tune: Locke (0 remixes)


Hello all! I'm the co-director of an upcoming Final Fantasy VI remix project tentatively titled "Final Fantasy VI: Balance & Ruin". Along with my co-director McVaffe, executive producer djpretzel, and a long roster of incredibly talented musicians, we're hoping to create a legendary multi-disc album to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Final Fantasy series.

Now that the project has been underway for about half a year, we're opening it up for anyone to participate in via a remix contest. Much like how we ran a Final Fantasy VII remix contest for "Voices of the Lifestream", anyone who participates in this contest will be considered for inclusion on the project, regardless of whether they win or not!

Of course, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will not go without some nice prizes either... read on below for more details!


Remix any Final Fantasy VI source tune from the list below and submit your entry by EMAIL (ff6@zirconmusic.com CC to aaversa@gmail.com) before 11:59PM EST, May 24th. After that date, there will be a one week period of public voting to determine the winners. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive prizes, while ALL entrants will be considered for inclusion on the project itself.

Eligible Sources

Johnny C. Bad


New Continent

Rest in Peace


* Try to adhere to OCR standards of production and arrangement.

* Collaborations are OK - some prizes must be split per your discretion (such as physical products or one-off licenses), others, like album downloads, will be given to each winning participant.

* You must predominantly use at least one of the above sources. More than one is OK, but one source should be the focus.

* You may use other sources from the FF6 soundtrack, again as long as one of the above is the primary.

* Any style of music is OK.

* You may submit up to THREE entries.


The contest will be voted on by the general public. Anyone can vote, including entrants. Voting will take place within the week after the contest entry period ends. Voters will select their favorite entries (top 3, 5 or 7 depending on number of entries.) Higher-ranked entries will receive more points, eg. the first pick in a top 3 vote would earn 3 points, the second pick 2 points, and the third pick 1 point. The final scores will simply be a tally of these numbers.


1st place: FL Studio Signature Bundle OR $300 IL VCash, Set of MXL 990+991 mics, entire zircon discography, any three Impact Soundworks libraries, physical copy of the FF6 album

2nd place: Image-Line Harmor synth, entire zircon discography, any two Impact Soundworks libraries, physical copy of the FF6 album

3rd place: Image-Line Poizone synth, entire zircon discography, any Impact Soundworks library, physical copy of the FF6 album

Good luck!

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